Kayla and Maria were arguing when I got home for dinner. I did my best to ignore the couple in the living room as they loudly accused each other of infidelity. Instead, I threw together a ham and cheese sandwich and read the newspaper, hoping the shouting would subside.
It didn't.
The muffled "UUUFFF!!" of pain from Kayla brought me to my feet. Maria was the dangerous one in these lovers' spats. If her temper reached boiling point, Maria could get physically violent.
As I entered the living room, I saw Maria taking Kayla off her feet with a right to the curly blonde-haired girl's chin. The punch spun her backwards, her face bright with stunned surprise. Kayla flopped on the couch, half sitting half stretched out,arms and legs sprawled. For a moment, Kayla's head lolled from side to side and then her eyes shut. Kayla's entire body relaxed and her head fell forward, mouth slack and chin resting on her upper chest.
"Jesus Maria, look what you just did!" I yelled.
Maria was gasping loudly, clearly aroused. "Yeah! Yeah!" she panted.
Maria gazed at Kayla with eyes wide with delight.
"Dan, you're home!"
"I am. What just happened?"
"Oh...oh...Kayla and I had an argument."
"About what?"
"I found out she was cheating, she denied it, we started screaming and I saw red. Then bang! boom! I was so mad!!"
Clearly, I thought, glancing over the unconscious blonde in her American flag bikini. I cracked Kayla's eyelids and they showed white. Her pulse was normal and her petite chest rose and fell regularly. Maria stood next to me, rocking back and forth on her feet, fists half raised as if she expected Kayla to get back on her feet and finish the fight at any instant.
"Maria, grab her feet! Let's get her on the bed!" I said, slipping my hands through Kayla's armpits. As we lifted her up, Kayla emitted a soft moan, but remained in a deep slumber.
"You have to get your temper under control!" I scolded Maria.
"I know," Maria felt bad for a minute and then her expression lightened. "She'll feel different when she comes around."
"True enough," I muttered. Kayla was the submissive with Maria and got turned on by Maria's aggression.
"You two are going to fuck like mad women when she's awake."
"Jealous?" Maria responded, teasing.
Maria and I met at my gym two years ago. For awhile I watched her lovely brown body move around the boxing ring before I spoke to her. We went out a few times before she told me she was bi and already possessed a female partner.
"I need a man, too," Maria told me at dinner one night. "You're good looking and not an asshole. Give us a little more time and think we can make room for you."
I was patient and within a month I was sharing a house and bed with Maria and Kayla.
Another longer moan from Kayla snapped me out of the memory. Maria and I carried "Goldie Locks," as Maria called Kayla in more affectionate moods, to our bed and carefully laid her down.
"I told her continually not to mess with other women," Maria explained. "She denied she'd been with Desiree from the gym a few nights ago, but I found that little puta's phone number and confronted Kayla with it."
"And punched her out?!"
"Yeah!!" Maria couldn't wait for Kayla to wake up.
Maria never got upset when I slept with other women, but she was in love with Kayla, so sleeping beauty was off bounds for me.
Kayla began a slow, rhythmic mumbling as she emerged from unconsciousness.
"Dez...ohhh...Dan! ooo I never thought you were sooooo big!..."
Maria glared at me.
"'Dan's so big'!?"
"She's dreaming, Maria." I said quickly.
"You bet she is!" Maria's face was suddenly rent with anger. "Did you fuck Kayla?"
"You did, I know when you're lying Daniel!"
"Look, it only happened once...."
Maria's body tensed and she put her face directly in mine.
"A few months back, when you spent the weekend with your parents."
"And Kayla came home from the gym all pissed off. I don't know about what, but she was frustrated."
Kayla had fought another girl at the gym, tried to hook up with her after the match, but nothing panned out. I'd be damned to hell if I told Maria that!
"I gave her some wine, just to calm her down. She told me I was good looking...it didn't mean anything, Maria, I'm not in love with Kayla."
Kayla had a drunken, intense look in her eyes when she challenged me to bare knuckled bout that night. I took my time and knocked her out cold after a minute or or so of ducking her clumsily thrown punches. When Kayla woke, we fucked all night.
"That's good to hear, Dan!" Maria spat.
"Then you're not mad at me?" I saw light at the end of the tunnel.
"No! I'm enraged at you!"
The light was an oncoming train.
I saw Maria coil back her fist and then release.
The punch to my jaw lifted me upward, turning me around in mid air. I landed face down in Kayla's pussy, my nose and mouth pressed into her bikini bottoms, my head cradled between her fleshy white thighs.
"OOOO...yes, Dan...."Kayla sighed dreamily. Then I went out.
When I came to, Kayla was awake and the pair were embracing each other tenderly.
"Now you promise me, Kayla, no more straying."
"Yes," Kayla answered in her honey-sweet voice. They kissed and I watched with full attention.
"Ready now, Kayla?" Maria asked. "You know what needs to happen!"
"Yes, I do. I'm ready." Kayla extended her chin and closed her eyes.
Maria glanced excitedly at her lover and slugged her hard on the chin. Out cold instantly, Kayla landed heavily on the mattress next to me. She looked content.
"As for you, Dan!" Still groggy, I was unable to resist Maria's hauling me to my feet and pushing me out of the bedroom. "Tonight, you are on the couch!"
"Wha..Maria..take it..easy.." I said dizzily as she shoved me back into the living room.
"Don't I give you enough sex? Fuck you almost every night!" Maria berated me as she stood me up against the couch. "I need a man, not a two timer, Dan!"
"No, it's right," Maria whispered. "Say good night!"
And I was out for the evening.