Henry was untrue to his girlfriend out of simple lust: a sexy dark haired gym bunny named Paula was offering and Henry was taking. The affair had gone on for six weeks until Jennifer discovered it. She kicked herself for not suspecting that a man with Henry’s considerable sexual energy would search for other outlets.
Paula was a brown skinned girl with a bright smile and electric eyes, who worked as a cheerleader for the city’s football team and as a choreographer. Her outgoing, bubbly personality drew Henry, along with her toned dancer’s legs and full chest. Paula liked men in general, especially ones that made her laugh, which Henry did from the start.
At different times Henry wondered why he cheated on Jennifer, a blonde body builder he’d lived with for three years. The truth was that Henry wanted to fuck different women. Jennifer was more than satisfying as a lover and she was happy that Henry wasn’t just another dim brained muscle head. Discovering his infidelity jolted her, especially after she found out who Henry was cheating with.
“I’m going to hospitalize that bitch!” Jennifer exclaimed to her younger sister, Brenda.
“Screwing around with Paula? Really? “ Brenda worked out at the same gym as her sister and the home wrecker and wasn’t surprised. Jennifer always made poor choices with men Brenda had decided a long time ago. Paula’s pouty lips and the cute little ass that she shook so well, Brenda thought, made her perfect for the part.
“I think you should punish Henry, too.”
“Punish him? It’s over between him and me!”
“But don’t you want to hurt him first?”
Jennifer paused, considering her sister’s suggestion. “Yeah!” Jennifer enthused. “Let’s hurt Henry, also!”
Henry and Paula were eating breakfast when the doorbell rang. Henry watched Paula spring to her feet ahead of him to answer the door, her ass cheeks jiggling in her red shorts.
“Oh…shit!… Jennifer!?…” coming from the hallway made Henry’s blood go cold. The sounds of a scuffle followed by groans of pain from Paula filled the air as he dashed towards the front door. A loud thud vibrated the carpeted floor as Henry made the corner and saw his girlfriend in the entrance, clutching her fist. Paula was sprawled on the floor unconscious, hands by her head, legs spread in a “V.”
“Uncle passed away, Henry?” Jennifer glared at him. “Did you think I was really that stupid?”
“No…I…uh…” Henry stammered, slipping backward. “She doesn’t amount to anything, Jen, this is nothing!”
“You bet it is!” Jennifer leapt over the slumbering Paula and pounced down in front of Henry, punching him sharply in the stomach. With a groan, he stumbled backward. A pair of lovely female arms snaked around his neck. “You remember my sister, Henry?”
Brenda tightened her hold around Henry’s throat and embraced him to her ample chest. “I never liked you, Henry,” she whispered in her sexiest voice. “But that was just instinct. Now I have a reason!”
Biceps tightened under Henry’s chin, making him gasp for breath and claw at Brenda’s arms and head.
The sisters laughed together out loud and Henry’s vision melted. His knees buckled and Brenda settled him into a sitting position. A fuzzy tingling pulsed through Henry’s body and felt intensely sleepy.
“There you go!” Brenda cooed. Henry’s arms, one at a time, fell like lead pipes to the floor. Darkness oozed upward and gulped him down.
Henry woke seated on a folding chair. A shallow groan startled him and he looked to his right to see Paula in another chair, slowly regaining consciousness. She clutched her sore jaw with a red boxing glove and Henry realized they were both wearing boxing gear.
“Hey Honey Stick, you awake?”
It was Jennifer. She and Brenda were walking toward Henry and Paula, both dressed for a match.
“What happened?” Paula asked, groggily blinking. “What’s this?” she asked, holding up her gloves.
“You cheated on me Henry!…with this.. this…cum dump!” accused Jennifer. “Now Brenda and I are going to punish you for your bad behavior!”
“Hey Henry, have a nice nap!?” Brenda asked slyly.
“Go to hell, Brenda, I’ll flatten you!”
“No Henry, I’ll flatten you,” Jennifer said. “Brenda’s going to lay out lover girl!”
Paula bolted to her feet, gloves up. “Whenever you’re ready Brenda!”
Brenda stepped back a few paces. “Come on melon chest!”
Paula bounded forward and began trading shots with Brenda.
“Paula won’t last long, so maybe we should get started,” Jennifer suggested. “I want to get a few pics of you two on the canvas as soon as possible.”
Henry got up and he and Jennifer touched gloves.
Brenda went to work on Paula, who cooperated with Brenda by aggressively attacking. Henry dodged around his girlfriend, smacking her in the face and chest only when Jennifer’s guard was low. As they circled each other, Henry recalled how great Jennifer looked in her tight white top that displayed her breasts so invitingly. He felt no remorse at being caught cheating or involving a harmless piece of fluff like Paula in his personal problems. As he and Jennifer drew closer and began hammering each other in earnest, Henry just wanted to fuck the blonde muscle girl once more.
Paula was already right where Brenda wanted her: on the receiving end of a barrage of head and torso shots. The cheerleader tried fervently to block and counter punch Brenda, but her opponent darted around her too quickly.
Paula watched Brenda’s biceps tense up for another punch and then a flash of white light consumed her. Reality slowed to as stop as Paula’s arms simply dropped to her hips. Brenda slammed a left-right to Paula’s jaw and delivered an upper cut that pitched the girl into the ropes.
Lights flashing in her head, Paula took two tentative, wobbly steps, smiled contentedly and crashed to the canvas. Brenda smiled down at the felled woman, admiring Paula’s thighs and ass cheeks revealed by her hiked up gym shorts.
“Paula!” Henry shouted.
“Don’t get upset Henry!” Jennifer said coyly. “Just relax.”
For a moment Henry stared wide eyed and straight ahead. Birds chirped in his ears as Henry’s knees impacted the canvas. Henry admired his lover who lay prone before him and pitched downward into warm sleep. His face slapped loudly on Paula’s half-exposed ass.
“Henry’s kissing her ass,” Brenda observed.
“It’s where he wants to be,” Jennifer said.
Paula’s face throbbed when she came around. Henry was already conscious and sitting up, a confused and exhausted expression on his face.
“You’ve got a serious shiner, sweetheart!” he said to Paula.
“That bitch of yours bruised you good,” Paula whispered, inching toward Henry. “What do you remember?”
Henry took off his boxing gloves and embraced Paula, looking into her face, adoring the purple-black crescent under her right eye. “I saw you on the canvas and then Jennifer sucker punched me.”
“That bruise must hurt,” Paula gently pressed her lips to the red blotch on Henry’s cheek.
Henry quickly removed her gloves and then her top. “Did you like getting knocked out Paula?”
The girl in Henry’s arms held back her answer as a shiver ran through her body as Henry caressed her
“Yes, I did. A lot!”
Henry pressed Paula to the floor, never taking his eyes from hers as he took down her shorts and then his own.
“Hammer me!” Paula gasped in his ear as she felt him enter her.
“Come on, sleepy heads, wakey-wakey!”
Jennifer’s voice echoed in Henry’s skull, jolting him awake. He and Paula had slept restfully besides each other in the ring after an hour and half of sex.
Paula sighed, rolled over, clutching Henry and settled back into sleep.
“Rise and shine, Paula honey!” Brenda shouted, slapping Paula on the ass.
“Damn it, Jennifer, were you guys watching us!?” Henry demanded.
“Not me, I don’t want to see you with this slut!” Jennifer kicked Paula firmly in the ass, waking her completely. “Brenda did.”
“You did?”
“Yep! Made the professional tail twitcher very happy, have to tell you!” Brenda pulled Paula to her feet and gave the cheerleader a long kiss. When Paula stepped back, her face was alight with pleasurable surprise.
“Come on sweetie!” Brenda guided a stunned and very horny Paula from the ring and into the a room nearby. Henry stood flabbergasted. “Don’t get worried, Henry, Brenda will be gentle.”
Jennifer then gave Henry a long kiss of her own. “Its over between us, Henry,” Jennifer said. “But I want one more time with you!”
Henry and Jennifer were lay on their backs, enjoying the afterglow of their coitus when Brenda walked in. In her arms was an unconscious Paula. “How did you guys do?” Jennifer asked.
“We had a good hour together and then I punched her out,” Brenda said, laying the happily dreaming Paula on the bed. “We’ll be sharing Paula from now on Henry, at least until I lose interest.”
“We’ll see about that!” he blurted.
“We sure will!” replied Brenda as she walked out of the room.
Jennifer got up and dressed, while Henry examined Paula. “Its was great with you, Henry, but you fucked it up. And I don’t tolerate cheaters!”
“Wait Jen…”
Jennifer’s right crossed knocked Henry out instantly. He landed next to Paula.
“Enjoy your whore, Henry.”