“The champ is a loser!!” Miki was screaming. “I could beat him with both my eyes closed!!”
Miki was watching the climatic sixth round of the International Inter Gender Boxing Championship with her friends Abby and Cathy at the Oring Arena, along with thousands of fight fans. The trio of coeds and amateur fighters had come to see the champ Harry “The Sandman” Huggins lose his crown to the challenger Anita “Bruiser” Rivera.
The opposite was happening.
To the girl’s immense frustration, The Sandman had Rivera on the ropes, working her midsection, alternating with headshots to keep the sexy boxedora in a groggy daze. With no warning, The Sandman let up on the punishment and stepped back. Silence moved through the spectators. Rivera walked forward a few paces, uncertain as to where she was.
The Sandman’s right upper cut knocked Rivera stiff. She stood flat footed, lower jaw slack, eyes wide and glassy, arms motionless and then she loudly smacked the canvas like a felled tree.
Completely unconscious, Rivera slumbered through the 10 count and the decoration of The Sandman’s triumph.
Mike was outraged to watch the deeply sleeping Rivera loaded on a gurney and rolled out of the ring by the EMTs.
“The Sandman sucks!!” Miki yelled in chorus with Abby and Cathy. Miki went on castigating the Champ, calling him worthless as a fighter and a bully. “I could ko him in one round!” she yelled and went on yelling for a minute before realizing everyone around her was silent.
Looking fearfully over her shoulder, Miki saw The Sandman standing in front of her. The handsome, broad chested boxer, still in trunks and boxing gloves, stepped right up to Miki’s face.
“Well, I’ll give you your chance, sweets!” The Sandman said. Then Miki saw his right fist go back behind his head and…
Pretty lights exploded everywhere and Miki had the sensation of flying down a long tunnel of darkness.
“Wha…happ…ed…?” Miki sighed as she woke.
“You okay, Miki?” Abby asked. Miki looked in confusion around the ring and then at her two friends. “The Sandman took you up on the offer to fight him.”
“We carried you down here,” Cathy added. Both girls were tying up Miki’s boxing gloves.
Looking across the ring at The Sandman, Miki shook her brain free from the fog and sat up. Fine, she told herself. I’ll fight this asshole and put him in his place!
“Okay jerk, I’m going to put you down!” Miki said to The Sandman. Miki was trying to sound brave, but she felt overcome and aroused by The Sandman’s masculine presence.
“What you got sweetie?” The Sandman snarled. Miki immediately swatted him with a left-right combination to his face. The Sandman barely flinched. “My turn.”
His punch lifted Miki off her feet and she watched, in brief amazement, as she propelled across the ring and slammed into a turnbuckle.
Smiling goofily, Miki took steps and hit the canvas.
“Aaaahhhh!!” she groaned as she got back up even before the count started. She came at The Sandman again at a run, fists raised.
The same punch, repeatedly more forcefully, put Miki back in the turnbuckle. Darkness swarmed on the girl boxer and she was out when her ass cheeks touched the canvas.
The count reached “seven” before the buzzer screamed. Abby and Cathy ran to their friend and got her to her feet. Draping her limps arms over their shoulders, they carried Miki back to her corner.
“Come on, Miki!!” Cathy said, slapping Miki’s cheeks, while Abby massaged her neck. “You can’t let this jerk defeat you.”
Miki’s head moved side to side sluggishly and she exhaled noisily. “Is it Easter already? Did the Bunny come? Is Ron here?” Miki mumbled, giddily.
“The Sandman koed you again, Miki,” Abby said. “You have to do better!”
“He did?” Miki asked in wonderment. “The Sandman’s very handsome….”
“Wake up, Miki! This guy is kicking your ass, like all the other women he’s fought!” Abby exclaimed.
Miki suddenly focused and sprang out for the second round.
For a minute, the pair traded wild punches. The Sandman admired the young girl’s bravery and lovely body even as he figured another way to knock her out.
The Sandman grabbed Miki’s forehead with his left glove, stopping her in her tracks. The Sandman held Miki in place at arm’s length while she threw furious punches in the air.
“Hey!! This isn’t fair...I can’t get a ….”
The Sandman’s left glove slammed down directly on Miki’s head.
Her eyes widened and she smiled joyfully at the thought of her boyfriend Ron. Neon pinwheels spun in Miki’s vision and she sank downward, knees buckling.
A harsh orgasm ripped through Miki’s being, soaking the front of her panties. Miki was very tired and happy to just stand before The Sandman, savoring the afterglow of her orgasm. A left hook bashed her jaw and Miki groaned as she fell into The Sandman’s arms.
Like a reed in the wind, Miki swayed gently once she was seated. She wondered where The Sandman had gone to. She looked all around until she glimpsed up at a boxing glove slam into her face.
When the lights were on again, Miki was on her back. “FIVE!” the ref called out. Where did ONE through FOUR go? Miki asked herself as she got to her feet.
WAP! The Sandman slugged her on the chin.
POW! Another detonation in Miki’s skull. She staggered, enjoying the tilting of the ring.
The left hook spun Miki around and her eyes crossed drastically. Have to get out o…” Miki told herself just before:
A combination put Miki in a solid daze. The crowd cheering on her beating went on and off in long spurts, but the love birds trilling in her head were continuous. And sweet. Miki was all over the ring trying to find them.
Abby and Cathy were guiding Miki back to the corner. Miki thought she was a panther stalking the jungle.
“Miki! Stop growling!!”
Cathy’s voice pulled her friend back to reality.
“I …was growling…?”
“The Sandman is going to destroy you if you don’t pay attention!”
Half a minute later, the third round started. Miki was half way across the ring when The Sandman held out a gigantic sling shot.
“Hold this Miki?” he asked.
Not thinking, Miki took hold of the sling shot’s handle and held it steady as The Sandman stretched the rubber band back to his corner. With great effort, The Sandman slipped a gigantic rock into the sling and let go.
Miki only saw the rock hurtling at her.
Miki was out cold instantly, but she was standing in a long tunnel of shimmering lights. She liked the lights and smiled and hit the canvas.
The aurora borealis continued to dance in Miki’s head until Miki saw Abby and Cathy standing over her.
“Did Ron propose?” asked Miki. Abby and Cathy looked at each, perplexed.
“No Miki! You got knocked out again! And you would have been counted out if the judges hadn’t stopped the match.” Abby explained “They called The Sandman’s action a foul. They want to know if you can continue the fight.”
“Of course I do!”
Miki was facing The Sandman in the ring a minute later.
“That was a dirty trick, Sandman!”
“I’m full of them. You looked so cute on you’re back, where you belong!”
“Oh, yeah!?” Miki said, defiantly fixing her hands on her hips.
The Sandman delivered his signature knock out punch: The Good Night Kiss, the same from the floor upper cut that finished off Anita Rivera.
Miki lifted a foot off the canvas. Sleep was instantaneous and very deep. Stars filled the arena. Miki landed with a THUD, spread eagle and motionless.
A sleepy smile spread across Miki’s face as she was counted out.
Miki contentedly dreamed of fireworks and penises until she woke the next morning in the hospital ICU. All night “Naughty Girls Need Love, Too!” by Samantha Fox played in her head and it was Christmas Morning, New Years Eve and Valentine’s Day for the lovely girl boxer.