When she was a young girl, Mina loved to fist fight. Lana, her slightly older sister, would arrange matches with kids from their neighborhood. Most of Mina's opponents were boys, close to Mina's age of 13.
The bouts were bare knuckled and took place after school in one of the out-of-the way fields at the recreation center. The boys limped away, bruised and completely defeated. The secret to Mina's triumphs was her unexpected aggression. The small, thin girl charged at the boys when Lana rang the improvised bell and clobbered her startled foes.
Erik asked to fight Mina on a sunny Saturday afternoon. Mina knew Erik from her English class and thought he was handsome and smart. At the clang of the bell, Mina threw herself at Erik, who stepped aside from her. Erik leaped back into Mina's path after her small fist flew past his head and slugged the girl on the jaw.
The punch stilled Mina instantly. She swayed on her feet, eyes wide and expressionless, mouth sagging open. She wondered what Erik and the spectators were gawking at. Mina's body relaxed to the consistency of a rubber band. Tilting forward, Mina felt the impact of her body striking the ground in darkness.
"Mina....say something..."
The blackness parted and Mina saw the blue sky filled by the looming faces of Lana and Erik, who sat her upright.
"Are you with us Mina?" Mina responded to Erik's deep voice and looked him over, trying to recall what happened.
"Knocked me out...." Mina sighed as she stood on her feet. Lana and Erik carried the young teen, her arms over their shoulders, back to the girl's dressing room. Mina tried to remember the events of the last ten minutes, but she was still very groggy.
For a long time after the match with Erik, Mina stopped fighting. It was not fear, but confusion that stilled her fists. Mina could not comprehend how the knock out happened: she was fighting like always and then she was asleep. She felt herself drift off and then slumber on the ground. When she woke, Mina did not feel defeated or humiliated, but immensely changed. An intense openness burst inside her in the darkness and Mina saw the world, and men, differently afterwards.
At Mitchell University, Mina joined the women's boxing team and fought again. Training was done between women, but Mina often fought members of the men's team. Mina had grown from a merely pretty adolescent into a lean, sexually inviting young woman, whose beauty and fighting skill made her welcome among the male fighters.
Dion was pleasantly confused when Mina asked for a fight. They had slept together twice, each time after parties at the two-room English department of Mitchell University. Both encounters were immensely satisfying for both and nothing more was expected, at least as far as Dion was concerned. So when the girl challenged him, Dion was perplexed, as if the girl wanted more from him than sex.
"I've got a few inches on you, Mina," he told her.
"Just a few!" Mina peered into Dion's eyes, slyly smiling, canines flashing, as if she was aware of something he was not.
"You want to get hurt? Is that it?"
Dion's last three bouts with women were at the school's Oring Gymnasium. All three ended with the women knocked out cold. Dion reminded Mina of that fact.
"I know, I saw the last one," Mina purred. "You flattened my cousin Mikki Huang in two rounds. But I know you wouldn't hurt me. I know that already."
Dion resolved to finish Mina early.
For a moment they simply looked at each other and Mina walked away.
Keeping his resolution, Dion had Mina asleep on the canvas by round two. He watched her glide around the ring, admiring her technique and punching strength, adoring Mina's long legs and round face. Dion was a lover waiting for the perfect moment to take his beloved.
Dion allowed his opponent time to perform for the audience of mostly women. In the moments before he laid into Mina, Dion wondered how let down her team members would be when he put Mina out? Considering how women actually feel toward each other, Dion decided, stinging Mina's cheek with a right, they'll cheer when she's carried out of the ring.
Mina stumbled a few steps. Automatically, she pulled her fists together as she regained her footing. Then Mina counterattacked Dion and furious punches flew between them.
Dion hammered the girl harshly. Mina punched back hard, right to Dion's face, lefts to his torso, but each shot Dion landed throbbed through her body and drained Mina more and more each time.
Mina felt exhaustion creep through her and backed away from Dion. Dion surged forward, smacking a right upper cut to Mina's chin. The girl tumbled back, in a semi-crouched position, with her arms falling from their defensive position. Swerving to the left, Dion punished Mina's face with a brutal left-right combination. A gutshot bent the girl over, widening her eyes in agony.
"Night Mina!" was the faltering girl's last conscious memory. A comet exploded in her head and Mina dropped loudly onto the canvas.
As he caught his breath, Dion surveyed his work, enjoying the sight of Mina's wide open legs in the tight pink shorts.
Mina's sleeping brain swirled with brilliant lights and exploding pleasure, jumbled together with images and voices. Abby, the women's team captain, counted her friend out slowly giving her every chance to recover. That was futile: Mina settled into a deep knock out.
Mina came out of her slumber five minutes later in her dressing room. She was groggy and babbled about "Erik" when she could speak. Dion laughed to himself as he stood over Mina, assuming she had dreamt of a lover.