Miki's arms swung at Shelia with little direction. The gloved fists sailed wide of the target, Shelia's head and jaw. Shelia wouldn't stand still.
Then Shelia stepped forward as Miki's right arm drifted past and threw her own right at the smaller boxer. Miki wondered about the glimmering stars, multi colored and bright, that abruptly appeared. The sensation of Miki's body slipping from under her freed Miki to wonder if Shelia's last punch made the stars so shinny. She wanted to tell Shelia that she wasn't fighting fair, but Miki's mouth simply fell open.
Miki went to the canvas with a loud thud and stretched out on her back. Emma the Ref counted Miki out as the girl boxer remained still, arms and legs spread eagle. Then Emma and Miki's boyfriend Ron carried the limp girl from the boxing ring and into the recovery room.
Dreaming as she slept, Miki's brain sorted the men, besides Ron, she liked to fuck. There were five in all and Miki's body convulsed in orgasm. Miki's vision flickered to life, revealing Ron and Emma talking to each other as they stood over Miki.
"She's like that," Ron was remarking to Emma. "I look at her the right way and Miki will orgasm."
It took Miki a few moments to sort Ron's voice from Emma's.
"Ron...honey..." Miki murmured. "I need lots of honey."
"Relax, Miki." Ron urged.
"Had a dream...honey...lots of honey.."
Miki's eyes crossed and her attention drifted.
"This was a really bad idea, Ron." Emma said.
"I tried to talk Miki out of it, but she wouldn't back down."
Shelia was a bully who had mocked Miki's shortness, until Miki challenged her to a match. Not only did Emma know her younger friend was going to lose the fight, but that Shelia would gloat over the trouncing she gave Miki.
"How's the rag doll?" Shelia asked Ron when he emerged from the recovery room, leaving his girlfriend to be examined by the fight doctor.
Ron glanced at the smirking brunette, still exuding the physical energy she used to knock Miki cold. And she's so fuck able, Ron told himself.
Miki and Ron had partners outside their relationship. But Ron would never nail a woman who had just beaten Miki senseless, no matter how good she looked.
"Working Miki over was fun! Can I do it again!"
"Get lost Shelia!" Ron was making for the men's locker room.
"Miki has no self control, just provoke her enough and off she goes, ready for a fight."
Ron said nothing.
"That's why you love her, Ron? Sex works the same way with Miki, right?"
Ron pivoted in his tracks and faced Shelia. "Where's this going?"
Shelia sighed like a teacher pitying a slow student. "Well, Miki's going to be physically out of commission for a week at least." Shelia smile was wolfish. "I made sure of that. You will need some company..."
Looking at her tits, Ron almost agreed. Then he decided against, realizing Shelia spent most of her life making trouble for people who weren't Shelia. Ron was not going to be part of that.
Shelia verged on suggesting a three-way that would include Miki when Ron said, "See you around, Shelia."
Shelia stifled her frustration and shifted her disdain from Miki to Ron.
Miki and Shelia were back in the boxing ring two months later. Shelia was again bullying Miki, but behind her back. Stories moved through the womens locker room that Ron and Shelia were fucking, even as Miki was recovering from her beating.
Miki knew, for once, that the gossip about Ron was untrue. Ignoring her tormentor did't make the stories go away. Miki finally became so frustrated that she challenged Shelia to second match.
"I'm knocking the lying bitch's block off!" Miki sneered at her opponent across the canvas. Ron, who rubbed her Miki's shoulders, lamented that the only time he stayed true to Miki, he made the situation worse. He had given up telling his girlfriend that the match was a mistake and accepted that it would end with Miki unconscious in his arms as he carried her through the ropes.
"The bitch is going to wake up in next Thursday!" Miki said, twisting her neck to keep it lose.
"Stay clear of Shelia till the time's right, Miki!" Ron said into Miki's ear and then kissing the back of her neck. "Shelia is bigger than you by ten pounds and two inches. Stay clear of her fists."
"I know..I know you told Shelia to get lost...I love you, Ron.." Miki said as Emma the Ref waved both fighters to the center of the ring.
The fighters circled each other at first, throwing tentative punches, probing for reactions.
"Good man you have, Miki," Shelia taunted. "I put it in his face and he pushed me away. That's why I'm going to pulp you to night!"
"Fire away...frustrated slut!"
Miki slugged Shelia's mid section twice, following through with a left-right combination. Shelia blinked away the pain and laughed at Miki.
Blows exploded between the two women; Shelia trying to force the smaller girl into a corner so she could work her body. Miki kept mobile, striking only when Shelia left an opening.
For the next two rounds, Shelia pressed on Miki, trapping her against the ropes, pounding her body and hooking shots to her head to keep her off balance. One of Shelia' hooks, a sharp, painful left, hammered Miki's jaw and put her in the ropes. Lights flashed on and off and then Miki's vision went black.
Miki's head rocked back and forth and her eyes reopened on Emma the Ref calling out "Five!" Emma waved her open hand in Miki's face.
Leaning on her fists, Miki heaved up from her sitting position against the ropes. Shaking her head twice, Miki stood, pulling up one leg at a time.
Emma quickly checked her friend and ordered the girls to box.
The exchange of punches resumed, with Miki now the aggressor. Shelia stood her ground against the onslaught, counter punching at Miki's torso.
Miki's left hit something, maybe Shelia's jaw or temple. She couldn't be sure because seconds later Shelia's right pasted her on the cheek.
A warm, inky blackness washed over Miki. She knew she was still standing because her entire body relaxed and she eased toward the canvas. The warmth increased and Miki had the sensation of drifting loosely around the ring.
Miki was slowly aware that she was standing in a neutral corner where Emma had shoved her. Shelia lay on her back completely out cold, hands twitching inside her gloves. Emma the Ref called out "Nine...Ten ...You're out!"
Miki was suddenly in Ron's arms.
"I knocked...the bitch...out..."
She gave Ron a dreamy smile.
"You did, Miki!" He kissed her forehead.
"What Miki?"
Mikki, the ring and the entire gym was lifting into the air. "Will you....marrrr...iiieee...me...."
Miki never heard Ron's answer. Miki swooned into the warm, lover's embrace of sleep.