The two girls who cornered Will were very angry with him. They had been his lovers and still felt strongly toward him, but Will had cheated.As the girls, Jackie and Koi, surronded him, Will was reminded why he nailed them.
Both were taller than Will, with piercing eyes and satisfying chests. Along with bodybuilding, Jackie and Koi boxed, which was how they found Will.
Will stood no chance in the ring with either woman. First Koi and then Jackie knocked Will out in the second round. Koi, the more impulsive of the pair, fell for her victim as soon as she saw him sprawled on the the canvas. Jackie was able to control herself until after she and Will fucked. Then she dove in head first.
The way Koi smiled at Will, he knew they were going to go rough on him. They're right to be mad, Will admitted to himself as Koi stepped closer. Expecting the beating to commence, Will was pleasantly surprised to get a kiss. Koi held him as she used to, firmly in her strong arms. For a few seconds, Will almost convinced himself he was forgiven.
The girls fumed when Jackie found a pair of women's panties that neither owned. Koi recalled seeing the same pair of underpants in the womens dressing room of the Amazonia Boxing Club on Kim Caldwell.Will confessed immediately, hoping to placate his girlfriends with sincerity.
That was wasted effort.
Not only had the man Jackie and Koi loved and trusted two timed them, but he did it with Kim Caldwell. The only men Kim would have were other women's men.Earlier that afternoon, Jackie had dealt with Kim, whom she called "the poaching bitch!" Hauling her rival into an unused dressing room, Jackie slammed the door and administered a beating that reminded Kim who owned Will's genitalia. When Jackie walked out, Kim was on her ass, slumped against the wall, eyes shut, her legs spread open. Jackie figured it was a position that came naturally to Kim.
Jackie took her turn tasting Will. She was angrier at Will than Koi and through her justified indignation, her feelings for him were stronger."I'll miss you," Jackie whispered in his ear and stepped back.Will let his body relax.At the same instant, fists hammered Will.
Inside a minute, the blows put Will in a blurry confusion. With each punch, the chaos increased until all Will saw was white. He felt Koi's arms slip around him and he sank back. Jackie landed head and gut shots to Will until his legs gave out and he dropped to the floor."I fucking loved you!" was all Will heard before what felt like a baseball bat hit his jaw.
When Will came around, he was laying face down on his bed where Jackie and Koi had flung him.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Ursula's Playdate - Part One

Ursula took her time, Ron noticed, ending the match when she was working over a guy in the ring. It was like she was getting to know him better until she punched his lights out.
The stories Ron heard that Ursula slept with every man she clobbered seemed plausible to him. He heard them from the female Amazonia Club members and Ron never disregarded the female capacity to smear another woman with the truth when it was available. The same stories from the men would seem, to Ron, like hollow bragging.
Ron didn't get passed the fourth round with the Danish boxer. Her long legs kept up with Ron and her powerful arms pinned her opponent to the ropes. Being used to men like Ron by now, Ursula followed her routine.
She flirted with Ron in the first round, putting him in clinches, pressing her full chest against him when he was on the ropes. In rounds two and three, Ursula went to work, battering Ron's body until it was numb and his eyes barely open.
Ron stumbled out for the final round in a thick haze, hearing the "THUMP!" and "THWACK!" of Ursula's gloves smacking all over his body until the rhythm of the blows told Ron he was about to be on the canvas.
Through the haze Ron saw Ursula lean in and fondle his erection with her right glove.
"Ha!!" Ursula sneered. Ursula stepped back. "Now I knock you out!"
Delirious pleasure jolted Ron at the sound of Ursula's Scandinavian accent.
The red boxing glove slammed into Ron's face. He pitched downward, seeing Ursula's grinning face blur to white. Ron thought of Lucy Liu and was sleeping in a pool of warm darkness.
"Who's the cutie in the picture?"
Ursula was going through Ron's wallet, a regular post-coital practice. She was always curious about about the lives of the men she fucked senseless. Glancing at the lovely, petite Asian girl's picture wedged over Ron's driver's license, Ursula knew she hit pay dirt.
"It's my wife, Miki," said Ron who stirred awake by his lover's question.
A week had gone by since their match and Ron had healed up, except for the bruise under his left eye. every time Ursula saw the contusion, she felt excited and proud.
"Oh really?" Ursula asked. "Does she know you're a dirty cheat?"
"Yeah..." was all Ron said. Siting up on the bed, Ron kissed Ursula's neck and shoulders. "We've been together since college."
"Does Miki box also?"
"It's how we met." Ron smiled at memories from a decade earlier. "I was on the men's boxing team at Blake Mitchell University and she was on the women's."
"Did you guys fight?"
"Twice. I put Miki to sleep both times."
Ursula's index finger gently stroked Miki's image as Ursula began thinking.
Desiree didn't recall inviting the dark haired guy who was talking to Miki. But a lot of strangers showed up at her husband Peter's parties and Desiree assumed he had separated from the female he came with and was now attached to her friend Miki.
Desiree had no illusions about what developed when Miki encountered a handsome stranger when Ron wasn't around: a severe case of the quickies. Miki certainly had had enough alcohol to aggravate her condition. Miki smiled at Desiree as she and the stranger talked. He always moved close to Miki, complimenting the girl boxer on what great shape she was in.
Miki, after a patch of silence when she looked him up and down, mentioned a spare room near the back door of Peter and Desiree's house.
"Let's not waste a minute of this darkness," Miki told her new friend when they entered the room and shut the door.
"Not a second," he answered, flicking off the light switch. In the blackness, Miki capitulated to the hands inside her shirt, smoothly moving across her stomach and breasts.
"Hey...what's you name...?" Miki asked as she unbuttoned the stranger's jeans.
When he threw the lights back on, the dark haired stranger saw Miki was stunned, out on her feet. He refastened his pants and slugged miki a fourth time, jerking her head sideways.
The lights went out completely in Miki's head and the stranger caught her in his arms. Seeing the hallway was clear, the dark haired stranger carried the limp Miki out to the deserted driveway and down the block to a parked car.
Ursula stepped out of the driver's side and opened the back door of the sedan.
"Place her in the back seat, Dion," Ursula said. Ursula then threw a blanket over the knocked out girl.
"Good boy," Ursula whispered embracing Dion. "I'll see you tomorrow night for our play date."
They kissed again and Ursula slapped Dion's ass as he walked away. Ursula felt anticipation for the next two nights.
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