The struggle began at Midfield Manner, the stately mansion of the very wealthy Midfield clan. Paula and I had just digitally unlocked the state of the art library wall safe, when we heard a female voice wish us "Sweet dreams, love birds!"
Paula took the first neck chop, sending her to the floor. Before I could move, I felt a stabbing pain below my ear and landed next to Paula.
Groggy, I looked up at Atomic Girl smiling down at me.
"You deserve this!" she sneered, leaning down to me. I marveled at her superb body, especially her lovely tits that dangled inches from my face. White light exploded and I was completely out.
I don't know how long we were unconscious, but we were still on the carpet when we came around. The police had not been called.
A day later I got a text that read, "The first round to Atomic Girl! Sorry I didn't fight fair, but who does in our line of work? And you and Princess Punching Bag looked so cute laying at my feet that I couldn't call the cops! Your turn!"
Two weeks later, Paula learned from a source in the police department that Atomic Girl had been assigned to personally guard a shipment of uncut diamonds from Africa. Her neck still aching from our encounter with Atomic Girl, Paula wanted to serve up vengence herself.
We crawled silently through the ceiling ducts, stopping above the exact location of the diamonds
and Atomic Girl.
"Your mask on?" I whispered into the Bluetooth in my right ear.
"Check. Line secure?"
I tested the nylon rope connected to a belt around Paula's waist. A few feet ahead of me, Paula had lifted off the duct's vent cover. "Secure." I affirmed.
Paula gave a thumbs up as I pulled on my eye mask. I released the safety on the spool, lowering my partner, face first, into the storage room. On my wrist monitor, I watched Paula stop just a foot over Atomic Girl's head.
In one seamless movement, Paula retrieved a black jack from her belt, reached it down behind Atomic Girl's head, and smacked Miss Good Girl's skull with the precise amount of force.
I assume Atomic Girl heard Paula snarl "Nap time, bitch!" before stars exploded and darkness consumed her.
Atomic Girl was publicly humiliated.
Security cameras made a clear record of the city's greatest crime fighter getting cold cocked by masked intruders, who then made off with the diamonds.
The clip made it to cable news. Paula nd I toasted our triumph with champagne as we watched the knocked out cold Atomic Girl, secured to a gurney, being lifted into an ambulance. Sipping Dom Pérignon, I glanced at the lap top screen, thinking that I needed to nail Atomic Girl.
Atomic Girl wanted a meeting a few days after getting out of the hospital.
"Just you," she told me. "Leave Princess Punching Bag at home to play with her dolls!"
That was unfair to my beloved Paula, who was a relatively mature twenty-four years old. I didn't tell her, however, about my meeting with Atomic Girl.
"I was in the hospital for more than week because of you!"
Atomic Girl had an "hour glass" figure, that kept nudging up close to Betty Page. Sitting opposite a senior director of Justice Force made me want sex with her even more.
"Well, it was Paula's idea. She has a strong instinct for revenge."
Casual disdain twisted Atomic Girl's face. "Why do you sleep with that gym bunny?"
"Very easily," I replied.
"She's not a real woman." Atomic Girl said dismissively. "If you had a real woman, one who knew what her man needs, you wouldn't be a criminal!"
I admired Atomic Girl's black fish net stocking clad thighs. "Know any candidates?"
"A few." Atomic Girl's expression changed instantly from confrontational to seductive. "One...maybe..."
If a good girl crime fighter has her kryptonite, its a bad guy.
"I have an idea," she said to me the next morning. We were laying on our bed, completely spent.
"What's that?"
"While we were going at it last night, I had a great idea. We should settle our rivalry once and for all and in public."
"How? Where?"
"Twenty rounds of KOs only boxing at the Amazonia Boxing Club."
"That's a great idea!"
"You agree, Marcus?"
"Why not? You're the one who's taking a trip to Dreamland."
Atomic Girl clasped my hand and pressed it to her pussy. "That's what you'll be dreaming about when I'm done with you."
Quickly, we agreed to a fight next Saturday night."
"Tell me, Marcus, what was your favorite thing we did last night?"
"When I tied you up with those velvet ropes."
"My wrists behind my back...that felt..."
Atomic Girl's eyes rolled up from my bare knuckled right to her chin. She fell silently on the bed. I slipped a thorn less rose into her cleavage and kissed her good night. After I secured her wrists and ankles with the velvet ropes, I tucked the blankets around her. After all, I am a gentleman.
Almost equal numbers of spectators from Justice Force and the Sisterhood of Evil attended the match. The Justice Force members let out a loud cheer when Atomic Girl, In red gloves and matching bikini, strode into the ring.
"Everything is in place, Marcus, sweetie!"
"Perfect. This will all be over very soon."
Atomic Girl was thoroughly pissed off by my sucker punch and made me understand that fact. I knocked her on her ass twice, once per round, but Atomic Girl always regrouped.
The third round began with Atomic Girl on the offensive, as I had guessed. I retreated, allowing myself to be manoeuvred onto the ropes. She was ready to finish me.
Abruptly, all the lights in the gym went off.
"Hey?!" went up from the spectators at once. I uncorked a hard gut shot on Atomic Girl. She "oofff"ed loudly. Guessing where her chin was, I launched a right upper cut.
The lights came up.
Atomic Girl was at my feet, legs open in a wide "V," eyes shut, headlights on high beam. A dreamy smile curled her red lips. Her only movement was the gentle rise and fall of her ample chest.
From a neutral corner, I watched Emma the Ref count the unconscious good girl out. At "EIGHT!" the bell clanged, saving Atomic Girl from defeat.
"Paula, another plan executed perfectly," I said, exchanging a kiss with my beloved in my corner.
"The electric system was easy to hack. The power failure was easy to arrange. Looks like Atomic Girl is in La La Land!"
Scarlet Vixen and Puma Girl carried the woozy Atomic Girl back to her corner, where they worked franticly to revive her.
"She's not answering the bell," Paula assured me. "They're gonna move her out on a gurney!"
A few waves of smelling salts brought Atomic Girl back to reality. She looked around in confusion, pressing her right glove to her aching chin. Then she glared at me.
"On the other hand, maybe she will..."
Atomic Girl came right at me when the bell tolled. I remember her calling me an asshole and seeing a red glove slam into my face.
Getting knocked out stings for a few seconds and then, mercifully, you're gone. I heard Paula calling my name, but I didn't answer. I was busy going down on Atomic Girl. I finally answered when I came around in the emergency room.