As Robert lay on his stomach, affectionately caressing Carmella's breasts, his lover felt a compulsion to punch him out.
There was no rational motivation for this impulse. Robert had been a fun date, who paid for dinner and gave her multiple orgasms. At that moment, he was telling Carmella how much he liked her and admired her as a fighter. Carmella felt giddy with happiness.
"Hey, Rob...?"
"Yeah? What's up, honey?"
The painful impact of Carmella's bare fist put him out instantly.
Sprawled unconscious on the mattress, Robert looked so cute to Carmella. She was happy she had followed her instinct.
Carmella checked Robert's eyes, seeing only whites. Leaping from the bed, she looked adoringly at Robert as she got dressed. The exhilaration she felt leaving Robert's house stayed with Carmella all day. She knew she'd hear from him soon.
Carmella had always been a skinny girl, but training at the Amazonia Boxing Club. Skin art of vibrant blues and reds covered her upper body, making her attractive to men and women.
She never boxed women.
Carmella left a lot of men asleep on the canvas. And if a felled opponent was only dazed or groggy, she was not shy about a follow up cheap shot to the prone fighter's chin. The women spectators at these matches always cheered her on.
Things went differently with Robert when he asked Carmella for a match. He was pummeled for three rounds. Carmella read the pleasure Robert got from her beating him and knocked him out cold as he approached climax.
After Emma the Ref counted Robert out and declared Carmella's victory, Carmella leaned into his face. The spectators went silent, anticipating the "WHACK!" of the final punch to Robert's chin. Instead, Carmella kissed her victim. Shock spread among the women who gathered for the match, especially Sophia, Carmella's girlfriend.
"It was nothing," explained Carmella on the subway ride back to their apartment. "He just looked so cute."
Sophia glared back, disbelieving. Early in their romance, Carmella acknowledged that she had been with men. They were "spasms," desire that came and went and only meaningful as orgasms.
"Beating up some schmuck with a raging boner and then kissing him in front of everyone isn't 'nothing'!" Sophia shot back.
Neither of them talked for the rest of the night.

Thoughts of Robert wouldn't leave Carmella alone. A weird happiness seized her when she saw Robert at the Amazonia or any place else. It was his image that Carmella gratified herself to when Sophia wasn't around.
Carmella's "happiness" eventually became too much for her and she had Robert in bed again. She noticed that Robert adored her body art. Or better, adored the body covered in the tattoos of brilliant red and blue.
"I want to be in you," he told her once after they spent most of the afternoon making love.
"You just were!"
"No, I mean in 'you' ! In your skin!"
Robert pressed his lips on Carmella's multicolored shoulder. "In that skin!"
"Well, Rob, I encourage you to keep trying..."
Her first thought was that Carmella was unfaithful with another woman, maybe someone at the her job managing a bakery or maybe at the Amazonia. Carmella was more attentive to Sophia in the last few weeks, letting Sophia choose what they would have for diner. And Carmella made love with renewed energy.
By chance, Sophia heard two men at the Amazonia talking about how Robert was "plugging a dyke." Enraged, she wanted to strangle Carmella. She calmed down, however, when she realized she might lose her beloved in the process.
Instead, Sophia decided to deal with Robert directly.
"End it with Carm, now!"
Sophia was calm, but forceful in tone.
"End what?" Robert snapped back.
"Messing with Carmella! She's mine!"
Robert tried self-serving realism as an approach.
"Me and Carmella aren't in love, I'm not going to steal her from you or something like that!" Robert began. "Carmella's bi and we both know it."
Sophia waited.
"Did you ever consider that she likes men, maybe even needs them from time to time? It's not unknown. Carmella likes men, also, no big..."
Rock hard fists collided with Robert four times. The final punch made him sleep.
"I'm the only man she loves! Sophia shouted in Robert's face.