All but one of Martika's matches had been away from her home island; held in the Cities of Man. Since turning twenty, the young Amazon had made six yearly trips to the Cities of Men to select a mate. By the rules of the Amazon Sisterhood, if she defeated her male opponent he was her new mate. If the warrioress lost, she could have relations with the victor, but marriage was out of the question no matter how she felt.
Martika never took her obligation to bring home a man seriously. Getting laid was her undeclared objective. She boxed all the men she wanted to fuck and the results were impressive: two losses in six matches, with all four victories by knockouts. But after intense, post-fight sex, Martika abandoned the men and returned to Amazon Island alone.
I've left four men on the canvas, she thought, looking at Jon across the boxing ring from her. He's number five!
Jon was the only unmarried male on Amazon Island. Having been washed ashore from his freighter during a storm, Jon as eagerly "proposed" to by girls looking for a husband. His fighting style during the ensuing courtship was brutal and efficient: ten challengers climbed into the ring with him and the same ten were carried out, bruised and unconscious. Martika witnessed Jon's most recent fight where he knocked out Martika's cousin Sonia in the fourth round.
What disturbed Martika was how much she enjoyed seeing Sonia getting pummelled. She couldn't take her eyes off Jon. Martika loved her cousin, but Jon moved with strength and grace and struck with devastating precision. Martika recognized as perverse her sudden love for the man who had floored so many of the Amazon's best boxers.
The mostly female crowd cried their approval when Martika stood eye to eye with Jon. Jon's moved like liquid mercury on Martika's long legs, lovely hips and generous chest, all barely covered in tight blue shorts and a white tank top.
"Whoa!" Jon whispered to himself, approvingly. "I'm going to make you sleep, honey!"
Their arms and shoulders touched as they probed each others eyes for weakness. A spark jumped between the brown skinned girl and the white sailor and Martika smiled at her startled opponent.
"This man is the one I choose as my mate!!" Martika shouted out to the assembled Amazons, who replied with vigorous affirmation. "You'll be a great husband, Jon!" she added in a lower voice.
"I've heard that already!" he answered and went back to his corner.
When the bell called them out, Martika struck first, hoping to throw Jon off balance and irritate him. Jon kept backing away from Martika. He discovered after his first fight with an Amazon that these women fought on the offense.
"You move pretty quick for a girl who is punching mostly air," mocked Jon.
Martika sneered angrily and landed a hard left-right combination to Jon's head. Instantly, his left fist jerked against Martika's chin, popping her head back.
Martika blurted an "Uuuufff!!" and landed on her ass. For a moment, Martika looked around dreamily, baffled at the pain in her face and surveying Jon's crotch and thighs. Her vision focused, only leaving the sharp sting of the head shot prickling her jaw.
"Son of a bitch!" Martika growled, pulling herself upright. Gloves up by her face, now red with anger, Martika went at Jon again.
The pair, locked in the exchange of leather, waltzed around the ring. The crowd encouraged each blow landed by the female warrior. But Jon seemed to absorb each shot and replied with his own, calling Martika a weak chinned little girl who liked being punched.
Martika's Amazon pride injured, she hissed the ancient curses of the Sisterhood at Jon and threw body shots. Jon crouched inward, his arms and fists guarding chest and head. He timed his opponent's barrage and found an opening.
The first punch pounded Martika's chin for a second time. She brushed it off, keeping her eyes fastened on Jon. The second and third shots were blocked, but Jon hammered Martika in the gut. The Amazon bent in agony, wind escaping her clinched lips.
A punch then exploded on the side of Martika's face, blurring the ring and Jon. Martika strained to straighten herself as she slumped against the ropes.
Purple lights blasted in Martika's head and her entire body went stiff, her face frozen momentarily from the force of Jon's left.
Martika stood dazed, limbs unresponsive to the faint commands issuing from her fading brain.
Jon hurled another combination to Martika's head. The young girl felt the gym jolt violently and then a slow relaxation of her limbs. Martika didn't understand the sensation swallowing her, sliding her down a black tunnel.
Pleasure spiked through Jon's body as he watched the Amazon through the ten count. Martika was prone against the ropes, her lifeless arms laying in her lap. The bell clanging loudly stoped the ref's count at "seven" and Martika's seconds leapt past the disappointed Jon and lifted the fallen fighter to her feet. The unconscious girl wobbled like a drunk as her sisters worked her limp arms over their shoulders. Watching Martika's smooth brown legs trail behind her as she was carried to her corner compensated Jon for his incomplete victory.
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