Simon walked down to the beach with a pack of cigarettes and a copy of The Long Goodbye, a novel he'd been meaning to finish for weeks. Three girls walked up to him slowly, giving Simon ample time to take in their bikini clad bodies. The girl in the middle wore a green bikini and had curly brown hair and seemed to stare directly at Simon. The girl on the right seemed mean looking, eyeing Simon for a false move, which would lead to a devastating counter move by the female. To the left, a few paces ahead of the others was the oldest of the trio, grinning at Simon like a panther.
"Hola," said the pantheress, with perfect politeness.
Simon was already on his feet, brushing sand from his jeans. Simon always stood for a woman, even if she appeared younger than his 30 years.
The group moved closer to Simon, forming a semicircle around him.
"I'm Donna," the girl continued.
"I'm Simon," Simon countered, wondering why the girls were crowding him, but not overly concerned.
Donna took another step toward Simon. "You like girls?"
Jesus!, Simon thought. This is too good to be happening!"Well..yeah!..sure!"
"You look like one of those guys who likes getting beaten by a woman. Right?"
Lust turned to perplexity on Simon's face.
The mean girl slipped behind Simon. "He does, don't you Popi?" she said. "I'm Carly."
Donna glanced questioningly at the girl in the green bikini. The curly haired girl gave Donna a smile and a quick nod.
"Good night, Simon!" Donna said, launching a right hook to the man's jaw. Simon sprawled into Carly's arms, which instantly pushed forward, directly into Donna's fist.
A storm of punches fell on Simon from all directions. Agony and confusion rattled Simon. His few coherent thoughts among the blows were variants on "What the hell is happening?!"
Carly's left collided with Simon's chin.
Simon's vision dimmed and he had trouble comprehending what the girls were saying to each other. It was Spanish and a woman speaking Spanish turned Simon on. He swayed back and forth, his feet slipping in and out of the sand.
Donna's fist hammered his chin and Simon drifted deeper into a daze, his eyes glassy and half open.
"Okay Rosie, finish him! You chose him, you finish him!"
Simon only stared mindlessly at the girl identified as Rosie as she tentatively moved at him. Her fist went back carefully, aiming precisely, leaving time for Simon to watch the fist come his way.
Simon landed on the sand with a soft "THUD," making Rosie smile. She never told Donna or Carly that her favorite thing, even more than sex, was finishing off a male.
Rapidly, Donna and Carly lifted the knocked out Simon and carried him, like a defeated pugilist, to their nearby minivan. They deposited Simon on the couch-like back seat, while Rosie climbed in behind them, siting in a chair that gave her a clear view of the victim.
The engine humming was the first thing Simon heard when he came around. Then the cool, afternoon breeze buffeted him gently from the mini van's open windows.
"Huh...wha...the hell...?" he asked thickly. His opening eyes saw Rosie's tender expression, the wind throwing her hair in different directions.
Still staring lovingly at Simon, Rosie said: "Hey, he's awake!"
"Well, you know what to do!" Carly's voice counseled.
"Oh, I can't..."
"Can't do what?" Simon asked blankly.
"You've proven you can, Rosie."
Simon gawked in confusion as a lovely brown fist sailed at his face.
He fell back, sound asleep, in the same position the girls had dumped him on the couch. Simon dreamt of being a teenager at the shore and nailing Annie Sakura.
"The gym work is paying off, Rosie!" Donna commented.
Simon woke the second time on a soft bed. Windows in the paneled room were open, letting in the summer sea air. Donna was standing over him.
"Hello Simon," she laughed. "How are you feeling? A little worn out?"
Simon, with an immense effort, sat up.
"I feel like shit! What the fuck is going on?"
He would have used more profanity, but his head was still swimming.
"We brought you here to be a trial boyfriend for my cousin Rosie, I think she likes you."
"Yes, my cousin has always had a problem asserting herself romantically with men."
"You're kidding?"
"No. All three of us are in boxing training and Rosie's the best of us. She could put you out in the ring, but get a date with a guy is like pulling her teeth! So we helped her out, scouted out nice guys like you."
"And kidnapping them!?" Simon asked.
Donna laughed giddily. "That's the fun part for me and Carly, executing the snatch!" She gave Simon a gentle, flirty punch on the shoulder. "Come on in, Rosie!"
Rosie walked in, dressed in lose gray shorts and a white T-shirt.
"Hi Simon, how do you feel?"
Rosie's voice sounded tentative. Simon looked at her, about to be angry and then felt an emotional change.
"I'm still hurting, but I'll be alright. You know how to punch!"
Rosie laughed and took Simon's hand. For an instant, she was motionless, waiting for Simon to move. Simon saw pained uncertainty in her eyes and heard Donna shut the door as she left. Tugging Rosie by her fingers, he lead her to the bed.
Simon and Rosie spent the night together. In between orgasms, Rosie explained that she made poor choices with men-men who made promises that they broke, a few who drank and one that hit her outside the boxing ring.
"So Donna and Carly watched a bunch of guys and you were one we chose!"
Donna made breakfast for Simon. He had left Rosie sleeping contentedly in her bed.
"Rosie still asleep?" Donna asked.
"A good sign, she's relaxed around you," Donna suggested. "I think you're in the top three."
"Top three?"
"Yes, you're one of three guys who completely satisfied Rosie. I think she likes you, you like her?"
"Yes!" Simon heard himself say.
"Great! If Rosie chooses you, and I think she will, we'll come get you."
"Like you did before?" Simon was suddenly annoyed.
"You bet!"
Donna's right cross put Simon out instantly. He slumped in the chair, lifeless. Donna kissed him on the cheek.
Simon woke on his own bed. On his chest was a Valentine's card, signed by Rosie, the lipstick imprint of her lips pressed below her signature.
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