Ron felt a little nervous looking at Natalie standing in the corner of the ring opposite him. Miki rubbed his shoulders affectionately and assured Ron that he was going to knock the girl out with no effort. His female challenger, silently waiting for Miki to finish so the match could begin, allowed a coy smile to curl her red lips.
One week earlier, Ron and Natalie had met at a party. Both were already drunk and quickly got to sex, first in the host's spare bedroom and then overnight in Natalie's apartment. Two days later at the gym, Natalie thanked Ron for a great night of love making and challenged him to a bout. Miki didn't know about her boyfriend's cheating and Ron prayed Natalie would shut up about the matter.
"You two ready?" Miki asked, smacking Ron's bare back.
The combatants stepped forward, touching gloves in the center of the ring.
"What's this about Natalie?" Ron asked her in a low voice. The pair circled each other, eyes fixed on each other's movements.
"I like knocking out the men I fuck!" Natalie explained, widening her smile. "The more they pleased me the harder I hit them! And I plan on beating you senseless in front of your girlfriend."
Ron tagged her gut immediately. Natalie groaned without crouching and slugged Ron on the chin with a straight right.
Ron was seated on the canvas when he heard Natalie's laughter. Miki telling him to get up was mixed in with Natalie and the sound of bells. Ron pulled himself up and went at Natalie again.
For two minutes, leather flew between the couple. Ron worked Natalie's body, hoping to wear her down. The girl seemed to absorb all Ron threw at her. The moment one of his jabs missed her head, Natalie landed a pummeling 1-2 combination to Ron's chin.
The inside of Ron's skull rattled and suddenly it was silent in the ring. Ron lifted his right glove and began to paw Natalie's breasts lovingly, wondering when she was going to finish him off.
"Ron, who's your mama?"
Ron's befuddled brain jumbled the boxing reality with the memory of fucking Natalie. "You're my mama....."
"That's right!"
Natalie tilted Ron's drooping chin upright. His eyes were glassy and unfocused.
Ignoring Miki's curses, Natalie gave her opponent a long, very sexual kiss and fondled his bulging erection.
"Sweet dreams, Ron!"
The punch shot up between the faces of the two fighters and bashed Ron's chin. For a few seconds Ron swayed on his heels, listening to the chirping of the birds in his ears. Then he tumbled to the canvas flat on his back, his erection making a circus tent in his trunks.
Even as Natalie began the count, Miki leaped through the ropes to her boyfriend. This was the first time she'd seen Ron knocked out.
"Did you get off on that bitch?!" Miki yelled as she checked Ron.
"Hell, yeah!" Natalie answered, looking Miki over. Ron's loving punching bag was the nickname for Miki, Natalie recalled. All upset with him, too. How sweet.
Natalie continued. "I'm sorry, I've got this thing, I have to beat up the guys I've fucked!"
Miki fixed a vicious stare at her rival and then glanced back at Ron. The unconscious boxer gave Miki a sleepy and contented smile.
"He's dreaming about our time together," added Natalie.
"When?" Miki snarled.
Natalie let out a contemptuous laugh. "What are you, a masochist? We were at a party thrown by Max and Keisha!"
"He said he went to his sister's!"
Miki's voice was equal parts confused and enraged.
"Ron lied? Really? Me and Prince Valiant here got to talking and I liked his...his...build...I don't need to explain the rest?"
"No!" Miki let Ron drop from her hands. He hit the canvas with a loud "THUD." "You don't!"
Mike took two swings at Natalie which she dodged gracefully and shoved Miki. Miki tripped over Ron and hit the canvas squarely on her ass.
"No wonder Ron fucks around!" concluded Natalie, scornfully.
Miki cursed in Mandarin as she rose to her feet, rubbing her sore ass cheeks.
The two women traded punches quickly. Natalie shoved Miki a second time and before the confused girl could defend herself, Natalie pasted her with a cracking right to the jaw.
Reality accordioned and shimmered for Miki. She wanted to call Natalie a whore again, but the energy drained from her. Miki's body relaxed, knees buckling as she pitched forward.
Natalie thought the knocked out lovers looked very cute sprawled on the canvas next to each other. Miki's body writhed briefly as an orgasm shook her body.
Natalie laughed to herself.
Removing her boxing gloves, Natalie pulled down Ron's trunks, exposing his purple hard on. She worked the erection until Ron ejaculated.
In her profound knock out, Miki saw brilliant stars and exploding fireworks showered everywhere. "These Dreams" by Heart echoed in Miki's brain.
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