Marc's first meeting with Arianna was brief.
"Come on, I've got someone you need to meet!" said Luisa, grabbing Marc by his free arm as he emerged from the men's locker room.
"Who is it this time?" asked Marc.
For the last three weeks Luisa had made herself Marc's unsolicited match maker. "A friend of mine from college named Arianna," explained Luisa. "She just got out of a relationship and she's been looking for a guy...like you!"
Earlier in the year, Marc and Luisa had a fling after Luisa knocked him cold during a match. The pair had sex for a month afterwards, until Luisa's horiness shifted to another man. But she felt guilty about hurting Marc and strove to make it up to him.
"Marc, this is Arianna," Luisa said. A pretty black girl in gray speedos and a powder blue sports bra turned from working the heavy bag and smiled at Marc. Her shimmering eyes entranced Marc, leaving him barely able to speak.
"Hi Marc, I'd shake hands but for the gloves," Arianna said in a feminine, friendly voice. For a few seconds she eyed the young man.
"I understand." Marc was caught up in her dark beauty and began watching trance like as she went back to the heavy bag.
"How long have you been fighting Marc?"
"Three years," he answered, after his brain began operating again.
"I've been at it for six," Arianna said. "Luisa says you only fight women." "Yeah. Fighting guys bores me."
"I only fight guys, too. What do you like most about being knocked out by women, Marc?"
A bolt of recognition pulsed through Marc and an answer stumbled off his tongue. "It's okay," Arianna said, stepping toward Marc. "It's the way you're overwhelmed by female strength, by femaleness?"
"Yeah..." Marc's voice was stifled by excitement. Arianna caressed his cheeks and Marc pressed her gloved hand harder onto his face.
Arianna's free hand tagged Marc's chin. White light blasted in his skull. Marc glimpsed Arianna and a black curtain slammed down. "That was fast, Ari," Luisa declared, peering down at her former lover as he sagged heavily in her arms.
"That was a start." Arianna removed her gloves and pulled down the zipper of Marc's jeans, nodding in approval at the width of his erection. "When Marc comes around, tell him I'd like to see him this Saturday." "You falling in love, Ari?"
"Falling fast!"
Marc woke in the gym's recovery room, feeling intense pleasure as his senses reassembled. Luisa was standing over him. When he tried to sit up, his body ached and Luisa settled him back on his pillow.
"How about Arianna?"
Marc gave thinking and moving another try and failed. "She knows how to hit..."
"Arianna wants to see you Saturday at her place!"
On the third try, Marc sat up and, with Luisa's aid, moved to his feet. She noticed Marc's fly was still open.
"Have any plans for tonight, Marc?"
Marc heard a familiar tone in that question.
Arianna never doubted Luisa's ability to spot a "Gentle," a guy who wanted to be knocked out by a woman, like Marc. What baffled her was why she threw him away. Marc was well built, with a handsome, open face. Arianna judged from the look in his intelligent eyes that he was complete submissive. A few months back Luisa had misjudged a guy named Jon and he punched her out for the count after they had sex. Arianna had decided that wasn't going to happen to her as she watched Marc climb into the boxing ring in her finished basement.
"You fight a lot of women?" Arianna asked.
"A bunch." answered Marc, starting to shake his limbs loose.
"Ever knock any out?"
"A few."
"How did it feel to hit a girl so hard that she lost consciousness?"
"It was a rush..it felt great!"
He's so full of shit, Arianna thought happily. Gentles are so cute when they try to act aggressive.
"But its not putting out that's the real thrill, is it?"
Marc smiled in agreement, remembering how satisfying Arianna's one-punch knockout had been. In deep unconsciousness, Marc had fallen in love with Arianna, who was, like Luisa, a Rough, who got off on koing men. As much as he wanted to bang Arianna, Marc craved another trip to dreamland at her hands.
The two started slow, Marc being the aggressor. Arianna was wearing the same outfit from their first encounter, firing up Marc as he threw punches, keeping close to his mistress to the point of crowding her. This amused Arianna. She knew Marc was doing his best to give her a good fight, even overdoing his best. Arianna reminded herself to have patience and hold on for the right moment that would provide maximum pleasure to both fighters.
"After I knocked you out the first time, Luisa took down your jeans and showed me your woody!"
"No she didn't!!"
"She did! I helped you fire your load while you were snoozing!"
Marc figured the strong pleasure that filled him during while sleeping off Arianna's knockout had been the result of a dream. "Did you like what you saw?"
"I did! Purple is my favorite color! I hope you like what you're about to see..."
"What's that?" WHAP!!
"Hey!....Marc.....come on, wake up!"
Arianna's sweet voice seeped into the darkness and opened Marc's eyes. He was seated on Arianna's bed, gloves and shirt removed. He was supported by one of Arianna's arms. A "uuuuhhhhh" escaped his unmoving lips.
"There we are!" Arianna gave him a kiss. Arianna glanced at her now semi conscious lover and thought how sexy a beaten male looked, especially with a shinny bruise on Marc's cheek bone. Arianna felt a thrill when her lips pressed against the contusion.
Marc still felt dizzy, but desire surged to life in him. He clutched Arianna in a full kiss as her hands pulled off his shorts. "Destroy me!" Marc said in Arianna's ear, her fingers stroking his cock.
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