Without much difficulty, Ethan thumped Night Ghost from behind. When the miniature sap struck behind the super heroine's right ear, shock stiffened her body and her face froze for an instant. Ethan nudged the female crime fighter, wearing her best dark blue body suit, backward. Ethan caught the suddenly limp girl over his arm, checked the hall way and carried Night Ghost to the storage closet.
Waiting there was Gwen, his partner in crime and love.
"One down," said the platinum blond, swinging open the storage room door. "Two to go."
Gwen loved to see a female do gooder clobbered.
Gwen lifted Night Ghost's dragging feet and helped Ethan carry her.
"Ever wonder why super heroines dress like sluts?" asked Gwen as they sat Night Ghost against the wall. "Look at those boots!"
"Yeah, the public loves it," Ethan replied. He deftly secured Night Ghost's ankles and wrists with plastic security ties. "We used to call them "fuck me quick" boots."
Ethan removed Night Ghost's black cowl, revealing the face of pretty, dark skinned, dark haired girl in her early 20s. Ethan thought Night Ghost looked placid in her unconscious state.
"Recognize her?" he asked Gwen.
"Nope. Must be a new recruit. Think she's from the Amazon Sisterhood?"
"Could be."
Ethan took three pictures of the supine girl's face with his digital camera. He and Gwen would later run the pictures through a computer identity data base to find Night Ghost, and her partner's, identities.
"Okay, your turn, sweetheart."
Gwen smiled.
Gwen landed the neck chop on the right side of Agent Miki's throat. It was Gwen's favorite way to deliver a knockout, especially to super heroines. Agent Miki, like so many of Gwen's previous victims, staggered like a drunk, blurting confused groans and fluttering her eyes. Miki attempted to stay upright and then the floor popped out from under her.
Agent Miki was one of three Justice Force agents assigned to security for the exhibition of the 5,000 karat Dread Diamond.
"Hey...Max..." the crime fighter murmured.
"Max?" demanded Gwen.
Ethan slipped off Agent Miki's eye mask.
"Damn, it's Miki!"
"You know her?"
"Don't you remember? She's Power Princess's cohort in Justice Force. When Justice Force was investigating the Sisterhood of Evil and the Mabuse computer virus, Agent Miki interrogated me and Jake."
"This frail little thing?"
Gwen and Ethan lifted Agent Miki between them and carried her back to the storage room.
"Yes, I recall, we found the both of you guys koed by her and Power Princess."
"They had a great way of extracting information..." Ethan said with nostalgia.
"How?" asked Gwen. They had just reached the storage room.
"The pair of them fucked Jake and I stupid. I couldn't lie to a woman who pleasured me like Miki did!" Ethan glanced up at his lover after settling Miki next to Night Ghost. His blood went cold. Gwen's eyes lanced him with rage.
"That was before I met you honey!"
"Yeah, moments before!" Gwen's fingers melded into a fist, preparing to slug Ethan when Miki stirred. Instead, Gwen socked the diminutive crime fighter on the lower jaw. Without a sound, Miki returned to dreamland, giving Gwen a jolt of release.
"Jesus Gwen, you have a jealousy problem!" Ethan said and quickly secured Miki's wrists and ankles.
"I know," Gwen admitted, the hot flushed feeling she just experienced evaporating from her body.
The couple exchanged an affectionate kiss. Ethan never comprehended his attraction to crazy girls like Gwen. A bottle blond, Gwen was a stereotypical Sisterhood of Evil agent. Gifted with an unstoppable drive for theft and sex, Gwen was the bad girl he had always dreamed of being with.
Ethan had decided that when they had enough money safely invested, he would ask Gwen to marry him. Working with a expert thief like Gwen was Ethan's path to a secure future.
"Gwen, why don't you take my turn? Put Power Princess out of commission."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course!"
"Thank you!" Gwen gave her man another big kiss. Gwen always took pleasure in beating up women bigger than her.
"Hello Princess, never thought I'd see you again."
The African-American amazon turned and saw Ethan leaned casually in the doorway of the exhibition hall. Behind her in a bullet-proof glass display case was the 5,000 carat Dread Diamond.
"So you did escape from Justice Force when we attacked the Sisterhood of Evil." Power Princess brought her wrist communicator to her lips.
"I did and I wouldn't bother with that. Your partners are currently incapacitated."
Power Princess strode angrily to Ethan. "If you hurt them in any way, I'll..."
Ethan held his palm out. "Agent Miki and Night Ghost are unhurt, but unconscious. Now I'd like to get the Dread Diamond and go...I'm sure you won't..."
"I will!"
Ethan hammered a gut punch to Power Princess, whose only response was a smile. She deftly blocked Ethan's next punch with the palm of her hand.
"Working with a partner today, Ethan?"
Power Princess had little difficulty bending Ethan's fist and laughed when he begged her to stop.
"Who is it? The little bottle blond tramp that ran with Max Haig?"
"Where is the little slut!?"
A solid weight hammered through Power Princess' cowl and vibrated her skull.
"Oh shit!" Power Princess groaned, knowing she'd just been black jacked. The room whirled into darkness as the Princess went to her knees.
"Great shot Gwen, finish her!"
"Already there!" Gwen answered, pocketing her black jack. Stepping behind Power princess, gwen delivered a judo chop to side of Power Princees' neck.
Stars flooded her brain and Power Princess felt her entire body relax.
Gwen landed a second blow. Power Princess sighed and hit the floor, deeply unconscious.