Margie was Tom's wrestling partner for three weeks before he saw what great legs she had. Wearing a high cut bathing suit in the ring accentuated her solid, muscular thighs. Tom's interest in Margie's athletic body until then was fixed on the blonde's big chest and long hair.
Tom had been tag team wrestling, always with a female partner, for the last five years with the Northside Entertainment Group. Three women had come and gone under the team's title "Long Texas Tom and Baby Doll." The first two left because they got married and the third departed because her boyfriend didn't trust Tom. A wise judgement. Tom tried to fuck all three of his ring partners and was successful with the third.
Margie and Tom clicked with each other and were running together every morning, discussing the match ahead of them. Tom noticed Margie's fingers were ring less and that she never spoke of a boyfriend, but continually quizzed Tom on his love life. Tom cursed that word of his reputation with partners had reached Margie. This make nailing her just more difficult, he grumbled to himself.
When they practiced holds and throws, Margie was all business, wearing a black T-shirt with "Know The Ropes!" in white letters across her chest. When she pinned Tom, Margie's eyes narrowed like a cat's and her smile was more than playful.
The competition was other mixed tag teams, each taking on their gender counterpart. Tim always dived in first, tossing around or getting tossed around by his opponent. Margie, tagging in at the most dire moment, would trounce her foe. Tom loved to lean on the ropes and watch Margie prowl gracefully around the ring until she smacked, beat and squeezed her victim into submission. Occasionally, Tom had to rescue his partner from a male challenger who was about to execute a pile driver or sleeper hold on the girl.
Four months into the increasingly popular partnership, Tom and Margie were pitted against The Cougars, a pair of middle aged women who were touring along the East Coast. Tom was pleasantly shocked by the excellent physical condition both women were in when he and Margie met them before the fight.
Donna Alesia, a New Jersey native like Tom, nodded her head as she looked him over as they talked over previous matches. Tom fervently wanted to grapple with a woman who had such defined biceps and calves. Looking at her cream-white breasts, Tom decided to hook up with Donna after Margie and him defeated The Cougars that night.
In her dressing room, Veronica Mitchell, the voluptuous, long-legged member of The Cougars, told a thrilled Margie how pretty she was, how her one piece out fit flattered Margie's breasts and hips. A short shiver coursed through Margie when Veronica brushed strands of curly blond hair from Margie's cheek.
This was their biggest draw yet, Tom marveled to himself as the crowd cheered and whistled at him and the "Baby Doll." The shouting was even louder, but mixed with catcalls for The Cougars. Margie jumped in first, her fingers curling into Veronica's. For twenty seconds they struggled and the older woman forced Margie to bend. The Veronica let go of her opponent's hands and spun around, smacking her right boot on the side of Margie's head.
The ring seemed to shatter and Margie was sprawled on the canvas. Veronica pulled her up by her arms and pitched Amargo into the ropes. Still befuddled by the kick to the skull, Margie stumbled forward, off the ropes, hearing Tom warning yell.
Veronica's vertically extended arm caught the blond under the chin and then jerked upward. Margie was still for a moment and then landed on the canvas a second time, flat on her back.
The crowd screaming filled the hall. Veronica was smirking, confidently folding her arms as she watched the dazed girl stand up. When Margie began to sway toward Tom's extended hand, Veronica twisted Margie left arm behind the girl's back and twisted her wrist to her shoulders.
Margie yelled in agony, still waving her free hand at Tom. Finally, the tips of their fingers brushed each other. Tom sprang through the ropes, his fist directed at Veronica's head.
A sharp "CRACK" echoed through the hall as Donna's elbow butted Tom's jaw. Sharp pain jerked Tom sideways, behind Margie.
Veronica pushed her victim away and she Margie fell over Tom, slamming the canvas.
The Cougars joyously high-fived each other.
"Come on, pretty-pretty!" Veronica shouted, grabbing Margie by the shoulders. Veronica's fist bore into Margie's stomach. Donna also had Tom on his feet, moving him safely away from his partner's reach.
Unsure of her location, Margie saw Tom launching from Donna's arms. Veronica clutched her wrist and Margie was hurtling at Tom.
pain rattled Tom and Margie's skulls when their heads crackled together. Both wrestlers were in a KO daze, swaying around the ring dreamily.
Donna slapped his face twice.
"Huh? Wha...what...?"
As he snapped awake, Tom could feel Donna's muscular arms snake around his throat and constrict into what he knew was a sleeper. Glancing across the ring, Tom saw that Veronica was applying the same hold to Margie. Pressure increased on his neck.
"Bitch, let...go...!" Tom's hands uselessly pulled at Donna's iron biceps.
"Go to sleep Tom! The fight is over!" Donna whispered in his ear. "Go to sleep, go ahead.....I can see you want me...Go to sleep..."
Donna's voice was soothing and enticing, carnal and maternal. Tom's limbs began to relax. Through the spots collecting in his vision, Tom saw Margie was already in a sitting position, collapsed against Veronica's body. Margie was rapidly losing the fight to keep her eyes open, her open hands settling gently on Veronica's bare thighs.
"Your slut girlfriend is out cold!" Donna told Tom. "Now go to sleep!"
Tom wanted to fuck Donna so badly it hurt. He envisioned her naked and then sighed, drifting into blackness.
Late the next day, both Tom and Margie were released from the hospital. The wrestling circuit manager gave them two weeks to rest before resuming the tour. Tom called his partner every morning to check her condition and Margie did the same in the evening. When he phoned on the sixth day, Tom got Margie's voice mail, that told him that Margie would not be home for the next few days.
Tom sat home, his ribs still aching, wondering where Margie had gone. Donna called later that afternoon, asking Tom to dinner. As they ate, Donna apologized for the harshness of the sleeper and wondered how she could make it up to Tom.
Donna and Tom fucked all night. Tom wasn't surprised to discover Donna liked to be on top.
Donna made lunch for Tom when they finally woke the next day. She admitted to Tom and herself that, after their time together, she was sad to have to leave town.
"Veronica and I are scheduled for Trenton and Philly," Donna explained. "I hope Veronica had this much fun!"
During his contented drive home, Tom's cell phone rang. Margie needed a ride home.
"Christ, what happened?" Tom asked as they sat in Margie's kitchen.
"The bitch punched me out!"
Margie was surprised how calm, but concerned Tom was when she told what happened. The feeling left her excited to be alone with him.
"I'm sorry I disappeared like that...but I ran into veronica Mitchell and I..."
"Go ahead." Tom said, concerned, staring at the shiner under Margie's right eye.
"We were having a great time and then, without a word, she slugged me!"
Margie was closer to Tom now. "I was out cold. When i woke up, she was gone from our hotel."
"Did the...punch...hurt?" Tom asked. "Did you see stars?"
"It felt like a bee sting in my head and then I was gone."
Tom edged forward and pressed his lips to Margie's contusion. She started to say "What?", but their lips connected.
Tom's mind burned as he undid Margie's top.
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