Thinking about fucking instead of the fight, Natsu judged as she looked over her male opponent on the canvas.
"Thought I was just a string bean girl, did you?" she said to the unconscious Jon, who lay flat on his back.
Reconsidering her judgement as she threw down her black boxing gloves, Natsu thought there was more to Jon's motivation for fighting her than a precieved easy win.
Sex played a large part. Two years of mixed training and boxing had taught Natsu that straight guys who fought women were horny even if they didn't acknowledge it even to themselves.
But Jon had not called her "skinny" or "string bean" or worse as some boys did. Natsu simply assumed that was what he was thinking when he took her on because so many male opponents had expressed their thoughts out loud.
When Natsu set up Jon for the knockout punch in the fourth round, She saw desire in his eyes. But that lust wasn't only sexual, but also worship. While the rest of his body was a whirl of thrown punches and jabs, ducking and weaving, Jon's eyes begged Natsu to do anything to him.
"Hey punching bag, wake up!"
Natsu knelt next to her challenger and quickly removed his boxing gloves. She repeated her request twice, but received no answer.
Natsu smiled perversely and straddled the knocked out boxer.
"Come on, Jon, wake up!"
Natsu made her voice more strident and gave Jon two cracking slaps. Jon sighed.
Natsu had encountered men like Jon, who worshiped female strength. She knocked all of them out cold and slept with the ones she found attractive. Jon's looks appealed to her and she hoped they'd have a fun time, if only he would rejoin the conscious world.
She administered two more slaps and Jon's eyes popped open.
Jon attempted a full thought, but stopped when his skull began to ache.
"I knocked you out, that's right! Remember anything?"
Jon thought hard.
"We were...fighting...and nothing..."
Natsu put Jon to sleep with a left to his jaw and a pounding right upper cut as he slumped sideways.
"Didn't think a girl like me could do that?" Natsu sat Jon up carefully. "Thought I was just a little push over!"
Jon's vision completely focused and he looked at Natsu. "No, I didn't."
By slow steps, Natsu moved Jon to his feet. Jon felt her right arm slip around his waist and tug him closer to her. Jon relaxed against Natsu as they walked to his corner of the ring.
"Don't fight anymore skinny girls," Natsu advised, wiping Jon's face with a towel. "You don't know what they can do."
Jon pulled Natsu close by her long, soft arms and they kissed.
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