The bout was almost over and Abby was staggering. Unable to keep her gloves completely raised, Abby kept pressing against Curtis, trying to immobilize his arms. The effort was a waste. Curtis would push her off, usually into the ropes, where he would crowd in on Abby and hammer a few devastating punches.
Miki Huang, Abby's best friend and her second for the match, yelled at Abby to keep her guard up and to stay clear of Curtis' reach. Abby, semiconscious on her feet, had stopped hearing anything said to her. Abby wanted the fight over, an outcome which Curtis was working toward steadily, with one condition: Abby had to be separated from her senses first.
A left hook to Abby's lower jaw froze her in place, flat footed, arms motionless at her sides. Curtis looked over the stunned girl one more times, savoring her lovely rack and pasted Abby on the chin with a right.
"UUUHHHH!" groaned Abby. The blow made her hop two steps and collapse backwards, landing on her ass, her head lolling on her shoulder.
Miki leaped into the ring as Curtis casually removed his black boxing gloves. "Should I count her out, Miss Huang? I think Abby will be resting comfortably for a while, don't you?"
"You prick!" Miki yelled. "Abby isn't as good a fighter as you and you fought her anyway!"
"Miss Abby here wanted to fight very badly," Curtis explained. "And anyway, a lot of girls your age like getting...overwhelmed by an older man."
Miki felt her blood speed through her veins. "You just take advantage of girls...."
"By giving them what they want," interrupted Curtis. "What do you want Miss Huang?"
"Nothing from you, jerk!"
"Sure about that?"
Curtis' upper cut stretched Miki out on her toes. Then Miki's eyes shut and she fell against Curtis' bare chest.
"Sleep tight, Miss Huang," he whispered to the slumbering girl. Carefully he sat Miki next to her friend, tilting her head on Abby's open shoulder. It seemed to Curtis the smile on Miki's face was wider than the one on Abby's.
Curtis folded the hands of both girls over their pussies and took a digital photo of the conquered duo. Glancing at Miki's right hand, he saw a gold engagement ring on one of her fingers. Curtis thought about the fun he was going to have.
A week later, Curtis challenged Miki to a boxing match. She accepted immediately, disregarding the fact she was to marry her fiance Ron in less than seven days.
Curtis first heard of Miki Huang from stories his friend Mike Crane told him. Crane was on his second marriage, but he loved exchanging stories with Curtis about girlfriends and flings with younger women. Five years earlier Crane had an affair with Miki while she was getting her business degree from Mitchell University, Crane's Alma mater.
"Miki was perfect, she loved fucking and she loved boxing!" Crane would say, adding that he regretted ending things with Miki, but his wife kept mentioning her father's law firm at the breakfast table.
Curtis was pleased to see "Miki Huang" on the membership list of The Amazonia Boxing Club. Noticing Abby and Miki were sparring partners, he quickly seduced Abby, fucked her brains out and then challenged her to a match, all to get closer to Miki.
The fight was private. Curtis had reserved the ring for him and Miki alone. Curtis arrived late, intentionally getting Miki angry. The ploy worked, as Curtis discovered as he climbed into the ring, while Miki glared at him. Curtis liked the way Miki had got herself in great shape for the upcoming wedding.
"We fight to a knockout," she insisted to Curtis when they faced each other.
"Yeah.. just like I did to Abby!"
Curtis' assured tone gave Miki a jolt. Miki liked attention from older men and, despite being pissed at how Abby was roughed up, she found him attractive.
"Ready?" asked Miki.
"When you are."
They touched gloves and Miki went back to her corner to set the automatic round buzzer for ten rounds. Curtis watched her cute ass as Miki bent over the timer. Curtis told himself she didn't have to bother.
When landing a punch, Curtis often ducked beneath Miki's swinging arm and then working her midsection. With increasing force, Curtis landed head and body shots in coordination, wearing Miki down thoroughly. Curtis always avoided hitting a female opponent's breasts. He thought that was cruelty.
At the start of round six, a hard right hook knocked Miki out on her feet. Curtis hammered home a jab and then planted a right square on Miki's chin.
For a few seconds Miki stood on swayed flatly, dazed, seeing stars explode in her face, hearing the bells she was so anticipating. In a warm, sensual wave, sleep consumed Miki. She struck the canvas loudly, giving Curtis powerful satisfaction.
As with the previous fight, Curtis skipped the 10 count. He easily hefted the unconscious Miki over his shoulder, finding her to be the lightweight Mike Crane said she was.
A few minutes slipped by as Miki gathered her senses. She had regained consciousness in her own bed. Curtis had rifled Miki's purse, found her address on her drivers license and drove Miki home. reality moved dreamily, as if Miki had just experienced a potent orgasm. Miki felt a giddy openness with Curtis, as if she were a new person after the knock out. While she rested, Miki told Curtis she was looking forward to spending the rest of her life with Ron alone. Curtis believed that Miki believed that statement.
Curtis and Miki fucked all night.
Miki was consumed by Curtis' strength, how his arms held and controlled her from one pulsing orgasm to the next.
When she woke the next morning, Curtis was getting dressed.
"Hey sweetheart," she purred. stretching out on the bed. Miki pulled on her underwear and walked slowly to Curtis at the front of the bed. They shared a long kiss.
"You know I'll be back from our honeymoon in two weeks," Miki said. "We should get together when I come back."
Curtis nodded his head. "I'm in Europe on business for the next two months."
Miki's head fell on Curtis' shoulder in disappointment. "But I can give you my wedding present right now."
"You can?"
"Sure. And everyone will be talking about it when they see it."
Curtis' fist hit Miki directly in the face. Stars shot everywhere and Miki grunted softly as she tilted into darkness.
Miki walked down the church aisle with a vibrant, purple bruise around her right eye. A lot of people thought Ron had given it to her. The shiner contrasted perfectly with Miki's white wedding gown and Ron thought it looked very sexy.
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