Tammy knocked Cathy out. She worked Cathy over pretty well, but just as we arrived to stop things, Tammy loaded up and sent my girl to dreamland.
I don't know if I should call Cathy "my girl." We've been friends a long time and have sex a lot. We have other partners, yet I still feel protective of her. I heard the brawl across the club, Tammy's voice loud and clear as a bell, calling Cathy a stupid slut. Cathy's only response was "aaaahhhhh" every time Tammy's fists delivered a punishing head or body shot.
Tammy was kind of plus sized and she put all her weight behind the upper cut finisher. Me and Cathy's sister Abby watched in shock as the punch lifted Cathy off her feet and into the air, landing her on a empty couch nearby. The couch tipped over, flipping Cathy to the floor, flat on her face.
We rolled Cathy over. Her face had a passive expression of deep sleep. Tammy had completely iced her.
"That bitch needs to watch herself!" Tammy yelled at Abby and me. Tammy had curly black hair and a pretty, dark face with emerald eyes. I admit that even as I looked at Cathy laid out at my feet, I couldn't stop thinking about Tammy's ass and tits.
"What the hell as that about?" I shouted back.
Tammy explained angrily that she caught Cathy looking at her man Lance in a manner Tammy didn't like. I wasn't shocked at that announcement. Cathy was too horny for her own good sometimes.
"I told her to get lost," Tammy added in a happier tone when she caught sight of Cathy's condition. "She wouldn't so fists started flying. Mostly mine!"
I looked back at Cathy. Abby was thumbing her sister's eyelids, which showed only whites. She slipped a cushion under Cathy's head and called for an ambulance on her cell phone. I heard Tammy laugh with satisfaction.
"I'm sure you know what you've done, Tammy?!"
"Sure I do! I punched out a slut who deserved it!"
"Maybe I need to teach you how serious this is?"
Tammy put her fists on her hips and nodded her head mockingly. "Okay Alex, will it be bare fists in the parking lot now or gloves in the ring later?"
"Gloves in the ring."
"When do you want to fight for the honor of Sleeping Beauty?"
We agreed to use the ring at the Clam Sandwich next Tuesday night. I knew the owner so I could use the ring when the club was closed.
"Tell Miss Slut I wished her sweet dreams!"
As Tammy strutted back to bar and her boyfriend, I marvelled again at her great ass.
The older I get, the more I believe that a woman's attractiveness is in how she carries herself. Tammy strode into the ring dressed in a black top and tight black shorts, confident that not only was I going to be unconscious by round two, but I would wake up dying to fuck her.
"Now you know already you're going to lose this fight," Tammy asserted when we touched gloves. "After this fight, I own you!"
"We'll see!" I snorted.
I took a few swings at Tammy that she ducked. Then I delivered a stinging 1-2 combination to Tammy's head. Tammy blinked violently, moving backward and cursing me.
"Ever had a man take you out!" I asked. Tammy answered by suddenly hammering my sides and mid section. I retreated, with Tammy in pursuit. We traded more shots. I concentrated on her torso, knowing it would take a lot of head shots to put this girl down.
The automatic buzzer sent us back to our corners. As we caught our breath, Tammy and me eyes each other.
"Why you fighting for this slut, Alex?" Tammy wanted to know. "I knock girls like her out before breakfast!"
I thought for a moment. "I like Cathy, she's a sweet girl. We have fun together!"
"That's good to here," Tammy said. "I hope for your sake she's a good nurse."
The buzzer screamed again. We launched at each other.
"Say nighty-night, honey stick!"
A sharp WHAP!! cracked in my ears as the leather of Tammy's boxing glove smacked my head.
I was launched upward and then blackness. My eyes opened and I felt myself floating dreamily, slowly to the canvas. I knew I'd just been knocked out, but I was content and relaxed. I was fast asleep before the canvas stopped my fall.
Thirty minutes later I awoke on a bed, with Tammy sat by my side. "Hey, lover man, took one for your girl!"
Tammy was wearing a pink and black lace corset nightie, that she began to undo.
All night sex with Tammy left me totally exhausted, but very satisfied and bewitched with Tammy's body. I liked being owned.
But Tammy wanted to return the goods.
"You were great, believe me Alex," she told me. "But I havea full time man!"
"But...come on, Tammy, last night was great!"
"I know."
"So why stop!?"
"Because no man owns me!"
Tammy's upper cut sent me out immediately. I woke up on the front lawn of Cathy's apartment as the sprinklers were coming on.
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