Ursula was out of Sam's life for six years when she strutted through the Amazonia Boxing Club, dressed in a high cut, black, one piece bathing suit.
Some things about her had changed, but the important features that Sam kept in his memory were unaltered.
Ursula had reached 42 with her legs long and smooth and her breasts still generous and firm. Her dyed blond hair was still cut short to her head.
But Sam also noted some changes to his former live-in girlfriend; primarily that she was a lot richer then when Ursula left him.
A limousine driven by a tall, beautiful, elegantly uniformed Asian girl named Kitsune brought Ursula to and from the Amazonia. Kitsune also served as a valet, carrying Ursula's boxing gear into the women's locker rooms, standing in her corner when her mistress fought and having her change of cloths when the match was over. It was Kitsune who told Max Ursula wanted to see him.
Kitsune lead him to the dressing room Ursula was using after a match that afternoon.
"Sam, did you see my fight?" asked Ursula as if six years weren't between them.
"Sure, Ursula, nice to see you again..."
Lust flared in Sam as it always did when Ursula stressed her Danish accent.
"They had to carry her out of the ring, when I was done with her...Desiree was the little girl's name..."
Sam had witnessed the match, that was four rounds of Ursula pounding the young girl and a fifth dedicated to knocking her out. Desiree's first real boxing match had been with Sam. He had also knocked the beginner out cold, but he enjoyed the night they spent together after the bout. They stayed friends since then and seeing Desiree unconscious in the recovery room just made Sam madder at Ursula.
"What do you want?" Sam asked.
"I want to fight a guy. You remember how fun that was for both of us?" Ursula's eyes narrowed on Sam. "Let's have a match up?!"
"Why not?"
Sam's response was flat "You ditched with no regard for how I felt, for some rich asshole!"
"I think you'd still fuck me, Sam?" Ursula purred. "Fighting me should be easy for you."
"I don't want to fight you!" Sam turned for the door, but Kitsune grabbed his shoulder and turned him back.
"I can make you want to fight me," taunted Ursula, raising her fists playfully.
"Forget it!"
"Be that way..."
Sam saw Ursula clinch her face in anticipation as her right fist sailed at him
Sam dropped unconscious into Kitsune's extended arms.
"Excellent punch, mistress!" the valet said.
"Thank you, Kitsune." Ursula lifted her former lover's legs and the pair carried him out of the dressing room.
Sam enjoyed the rain that was falling all over him. He ignored the girls' laughter until he realized he wasn't dreaming any longer. His eyes opened completely, revealing ten women in various states of undress at the entrance to the women's shower. They were giggling loudly. Sam saw the shower spraying down on him and then noticed his jeans were down at his knees and his penis cradled in his right hand.
Struggling to pull up his jeans, Sam got to his feet, slipping a few times and escaped the women's locker room.
The bout between Sam and Ursula was the best attended in the Club's history. Most of the guys laughed at the story of Sam passing out after jacking off in the shower, but deep down they wanted Ursula to be publicly knocked out in a boxing ring. The women who found Sam naked giggled every time the incident was mentioned, but they were also moved by the magnitude of Sam's manhood.
"And that was just prone!" one observed.
A thrill passed through Sam when Ursula wore the same black one piece for their fight that she had on when she sucker punched him. It was also the identical suit she wore they day they broke up. Sam and Ursula had been together for three years, when Ursula started coming home late, completely exhausted. When Ursula was confronted, she explained shamelessly that she had found another man, older and richer than Sam.
They argued for a few days until Ursula suggested they use the method they usually did for settling relationship problems: the boxing ring. If she lost, Ursula stayed with Sam. If she won, she was free. The fight was too a knock out.
At the end of three rounds, Sam was out cold on the canvas. Ursula gave her lover a kiss and stroked his purple erection before walking out of the ring and his life.
"When this match is over," Ursula whispered coyly to Sam as they hammered each other, "After you wake up, of course, I'm going to own you mind and body!"
"Oh yeah?"
For the first few minutes, Ursula's rights and lefts were like hammers falling all over Sam's body. His head shot left to right from Ursula's shots until her from the hip upper cut put him on the ropes. A left-right gut shot emptied Sam's lungs. Between surges of agony, he gulped down mouthfuls of air. Ursula felt pity for her opponent.
"Now, Sam." she hissed like a demon. "No I knock you out!"
Sam was lifted inches into the air by Ursula's second upper cut. Reality switched to black and Sam heard a loud rattle when he struck the canvas.
Emma and Kitsune carried Sam out after the ten count he never heard. Ursula strutted out behind them, fists raised abover her head. Kitsune giggled at the erection rigid in Sam's trunks.
Sam came around after ten minutes.
"Hey lover, you're back! Did you miss me?"
Sam's eyes focused on Ursula, who sat beside his bed. A few paces behind was Kitsune, who smiled at Sam.
When he was able, Sam got to his feet, with the help of the two women. In the parking lot, Ursula stopped Sam before he got in his car.
"Seeing you agai...all beat up and unconscious..made me wonder Sam..."
Ursula touched Sam's face and they kissed. "Do you want to ..pick up where we left off?"
They kissed again, longer and deeper. "What about your husband?" asked Sam.
"Reg and I divorced," Ursula explained. "I need a new...man in my life."
"Sure we can!" Max agreed.
"I figured that..Kitsune..."
The Asian girl landed a chop to Sam's neck. His body jerked stiff. Kitsune delivered a second blow and Sam crumpled into her arms.
"Perfect." Ursula stated. The pair carried Sam to the limo and carefully placed him in the backseat.
"Mistress,may I share Mr. Sam with you?"
"Of course my sweet, in due time."
Ursula saw slight dissapointment wash on Kitsune's face.
"And that won't be long. You know I share everything with you, Kitsune."
The womens' lips joined in a long kiss.
"Yes, Mistress, I do."
Kitsune placed her chaufeer's cap happily on her head.
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