Helena selected Will after a few tries with other men at the Amazonia Boxing Club. The previous candidates, all of them great fucks, were ordinary, not particularly handsome or physically impressive. Helena had learned that men like those gave her the most sexual pleasure. But they didn't provide the one thing she craved most: an orgasm induced vision.
Will was searching, also. Will wanted a female who would beat him in combat, but that he could overwhelm in bed. In both pursuits, Will favored older women and black and Asian college girls, so his sudden infatuation with Helena baffled him.
Helena, skinny and lose limbed, had a small chest and lips that pouted even when she was happy. Helena had no idea what the vision was she sought, but when it hit, she'd know it.
Helena could have put her victim out with one shot, but she slipped behind Will, who she had just dazed with a clothesline, and raised her arms behind his head.
The softness of Helena's arms snaking around his throat sent furious warmth through Will. He went faint, fought through it and his hands pulled at Helena's arms.
"You feel it, boy!?" Helena whispered in Will's ear, huskily stressing "boy."
Dizziness spread in Will's body. Bending one knee at a time, Helena sat Will on the canvas and pulled him tightly against her chest.
Heavy as lead weights, Will's arms fell on Helena's bare thighs. Helena loosened the sleeper hold slightly.
"Want a short nap, Will? Or do I send you to the place dreams come from?"
Will wanted to fuck Helena, he felt so controlled.
Helena flexed her right bicep into Will's neck. Will's head tilted against her arm and he was knocked out.
Helena pinned Will's shoulders for a ten count. Reaching in the front of Will's trunks, Helena fingered his hard on. She gave Will a long kiss and murmured "I love you" in his ear.
Will didn't see Helena until the Saturday, when they spent the weekend in his town house. Emma the Ref and Wes carried Will from the ring to the recovery room, which Helena watched with intense gratification.
Out cold for five minutes, Will dreamed of a three way with Helena, his last girlfriend Jasmine and himself. Jasmine wore the same ankh around her neck that she did in real life.
Will struggle to break both women with sex, but only succeeded with Jasmine. For days after recovering from the sleeper, Will's reality would shift to the three way dream. Jasmine would be curled up once again in feline repose against Will's chest, faintly smiling, while Helena lay stretched out on the bed, her narrow eyes watching everything Will did.
Late Sunday morning Helena got dressed standing. Next to Will, who lay on his bed. He still wanted more sex with her, but he was too spent to pull his lover down to the mattress.
Knowing Will wanted conquest even more than pleasure, Helena allowed him nearly complete freedom with her body. Orgasms tore through her, creating a tender affection for his prowess.
"You were great Will! I'm glad I'm in love with you." Helena gave Will a hungry kiss. "But you'll never own me. No man has done that yet."
Will felt like he'd been knifed as he watched Helena walk out, over night bag swaying over her shoulder.
The rematch, boxing this time, happened two weeks later. Helena felt confident in her corner, dressed in tight white shorts and a T-shirt. She was sure Will would do nothing but stare at her legs and that she would punch him out before round five was finished.
To Will's annoyance, Helena absorbed what punishment his gloves delivered. For three rounds Will battered Helena relentlessly, certain she would crumple to the canvas unconscious. But she answered every punch from Will with another. When the pair were in a clinch Helena would torment Will with the details of how much she loved him.
In round four, Will lodged a left to her head. In the few seconds Helena's head lowered to the side, Will's right swung up and hammered her chin.
Helena's body floated off the canvas an inch and her eyes drifted shut. Helena was already seeing shooting stars as she hit the canvas, back first. Sleep washed over the girl boxer like the incoming tide. She slept through the 10 count and then longer, a warm sensation coursing through her body in the blackness.
The bout was Helena's first experience of defeat. She woke with a powerful feeling of release that clung to her the day after the match. When she called Will on the phone she told him in fevered, girlish tones that she had to see him as soon as possible.
Will yanked Helena from the doorway and pulled her firmly into his room, shoving her on the bed. Each one undressed with precision, staring straight into the other's eyes.
"You were out cold on your ass!" Will said. "What did you dream of?'
Helena ignored the question and clasped Will's red erection and pulled it and Will to her. Helena face contorted with pleasure like a soldier just wounded. Helena clasped the back of Will's head and pulled his hair deliberately. Will answered by thrusting harder into Helena, making her shout.
When the orgasm hit Helena, the bedroom spun away and she was consumed by a searing whiteness that burned her eyes.
"I...you...Will..." Helena gasped and her head tilted back a final time as she blacked out.
Will settled Helena's head on some pillows and the girl, utterly asleep and content, dreamed of leaping tigers until the morning.
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