"Get her up!"
Arianna had firmly shook and then slapped her friend's face, but Lisa was completely knocked out.
Now she grabbed the defeated girl's legs and her boyfriend Marc slipped his hands under Lisa's shoulders. The carried the slumbering beauty back to her corner.
Lisa had flashing dreams, like movies, that started and then suddenly switched off. Voices, male and female, seemed to settle into her sleep.
Stabbing pain spiralled through Lisa's skull. She saw Marc and Arianna crouched in front of her.
"Where....is...he...." Lisa sighed.
"Where is who?" Arianna asked. "How many fingers, Lisa?"
Lisa stared at Arianna's index and pointer fingers. "Two! Where is he?"
"Chill out Lisa," said Marc. "The bell saved you. The fight is still on."
As she forced her senses back into order and got to her feet, Lisa felt anger and lust fuse in her soul.
Emma asked Lisa if she could continue. Marty felt a sharp, warm thrill when Lisa answered "Yes!"
"You tired, you fuck!?" Lisa growled as round three began, both fighters hammering at each other. "Because you're going to sleep, Mr. Banana!"
Marty was pleasantly surprised by Lisa's aggressiveness. She thought she'd twitch her tits and tail and then knock me out, he told himself as the battle continued. Well, knockouts hurt, sorry about that Honey Cake!
Early in round four, Lisa focused on wearing down Marty with body shots. At first he barely flinched. But Lisa would not stop and Marty began to roll back from her. Lisa pursued and tagged Marty in the solar plexus.
Marty bent in a pain so sharp his profanity strangled in his throat. Lisa threw a left that smacked Marty on the side of his face, spinning him ninety degrees. He barely heard the shouts and howls from the audience. Pain drowned everything and Lisa's shot to his mid section increased the volume.
Suddenly the pain shut off. The ring and the screaming women and the moon lit beach swirled around the male boxer and flared of black and yellow followed Marty to unconsciousness.
The colors flared again and Marty saw Emma holding Lisa's right fist against the the moon above them. Haley was already knelt next to him when Lisa shoved her away.
Blackness washed over Marty and then receded.
He was on his knees and the crowd was cheering. When Marty, still groggy, slumped forward, his face pressing against Lisa's smooth ass.
"Kiss it, boy!" Lisa yelled at Marty over her shoulder. With thoughtless pleasure, Marty pressed his lips into her butt cheeks. The skin was soothing on his sore face, so he buried it in Lisa's flesh. Marty slipped sideways and kissed the other cheek.Marty was burning to fuck Lisa.
"You're a good boy!" Lisa said when she hauled Marty to his feet. "I really enjoyed that!'
The spectators roared loudly in response to the "CRACK!" of Lisa's bare knuckles on her opponent's chin.
He tilted back into Haley's arms. Marty was out cold again.
The next night Lisa went to the small bungalow Marty and Haley rented for the beach party. Haley was seated on the front porch and leaped up when she saw Lisa walking up the steps.
"What could you possibly want her?" asked Haley.
"I'm here to see Marty!" Lisa answered, knowing Haley was going to be a problem, but if the blond got in the way Lisa was ready to handle it.
"He's resting," Haley said, stepping in front of the screen door entrance. "From the beating you gave him yesterday."
Lis smiled to herself, recalling Marty in Haley's arms, deep in his second knock out of the evening. To Lisa it seemed like he was smiling.
"Is he okay?"
"Yeah, after he woke up!"
Haley and her friend Katie carried the unconscious Marty to a nearby recovery tent where smelling salts were administered. After a few tries, Marty correctly identified Haley and himself.
"Let me talk to him, I want to apologize."
Lisa moved to the front door and Haley, her pretty face frozen with determination, walked in front of the intruder.
"Out of the way, twig!"
Haley barely flinched. "Get off the porch! Marty is mine!"
As Lisa clinched her right fist, she admitted to herself that Haley was only protecting her territory.
Haley stepped sideways a few paces from the force of her rival's right hook. Then it was lights out. Haley dropped against Lisa, her face slack and eyes shut.
Carrying Haley in her arms, Lisa shouldered open the screen door and went inside. She dumped Haley in a sitting position on the living room couch.
Looking at the humiliated girl, Lisa suddenly felt sorry for her. Haley had been sucker punched and would have a bad headache when she came to.
Lisa placed Haley's legs on the couch and placed her head on a pillow.
Marty glanced in shock when Lisa trespassed into Haley and his bedroom.
"Lisa? Did Haley let you in?"
Marty was already off the bed when Lisa's eyes caught his.
"She went to the store, she'll be back."
Lisa embraced Marty and the pair kissed.
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