Saturday, April 26, 2014

Helena Returns

Meeting women like Helena was the reason Rob joined The Amazonia Boxing Club. Boxing was great exercise, boxing with women was a fun way for Rob to get what he wanted: laid.
"One man woman" was not the label attached to Helena, which was fine by Rob. He was in lust with the skinny, but shapely blond. The response he got to asking Helena for a match outside the Amazonia was a startling, but appealing "Yes!" If she liked the guy, Helena would do a boxing match at her townhouse, generally in her spacious bedroom.
There was the formality of going of a few dates, a vetting process to make sure the victim was safe to be alone with, but Helena believed, that formality could be waved.
"Any wrestling?" Rob asked.
"If I let you have a rematch." she answered, coyly.
"There will be a rematch?"
"Of course!" Helene assured Rob, as she sized him up. "I never not knock out a guy in the ring, especially someone like you."
"I hope you'll be kind to me."
Helena went with a hunch and invited Rob do her place after two dates, instructing him to bring his fighting gear.
"Don't worry, I have a first aid kit." she told him.

Fists up at the first round, Helena put on her blank-pouty expression, which she knew drove men like Rob crazy. And a distracted opponent was a knocked out opponent.
Rob, of course, became aggressive, pursuing Helena around the ring for two rounds. She ducked or blocked nearly everything he threw. Helena only laughed when she was knocked down twice. The punches were harder the second time, but Helena taunted Rob about how horny he was clearly becoming.
"You need to be careful, boy!" Helena observed, glancing briefly at the front of his trunks with anticipation. "You could trip on the rod you're..."
The left hook slammed into Helena's chin. A galaxy of stars went super nova in the skinny blonde's brain. On Cloud Nine, Helena floated peacefully, enjoying the flashing pinwheels and the warm blackness that consumed her.
When she woke ten minutes later, Helena was not sure if the entire evening had been a dream. But seeing Rob tower over her and the sudden throbbing in her face proved the last hour had been very real.
"Okay, Helena, relax."
Rob guided the clobbered girl to the edge of her bed, allowing her to sit down.
"What?" asked Rob.
"I want to...fuck you..."
"I'm sure you do, but you need to rest first. I clocked you good."
Helena's attention drifted, she was making a decision.
"That's why you're fuck..."
Her soft blue eye rolled up and Helena flopped back fast asleep.

They started fucking a few hours after Helena fully recovered. Most of the time, she was continually horny for a man, but Rob's knockout punch unleashed a powerful spirit in Helena. She rode her opponent all night.
Since it was Saturday morning, Helena let Rob sleep in and she made scrambled eggs and toast.Training Rob had gone well for both of them, she decided. There was just one more phase to be completed before she could take total ownership.
Helena wanted to wrestle Rob after he ate a late breakfast. Rob agreed. He'd put her to sleep with one punch, a quick sleeper would be just as effective. Stupid skinny slut, Rob reminded himself.

After preliminary grabbing and locking up, Rob found he was being worked over by the stupid skinny slut. In rapid succession, Rob took a series of elbows to the jaw and gut shots, plus out right punches that Helena called "love taps."
 Helena completed trouncing Rob, now on his knees, with a knee to the chin, dazing the exhausted male. Rob's vision jolted into focus when Helena contracted her lean arms around his throat, keeping blood from his brain.
"You are my bitch, now!" she whispered seductively in Rob's ear as his arms flew in multiple directions to break the hold. Helena pulled Rob against her, wanting to feel his body against her own. Rob weakened and seemed to melt in her arms.
"You going under, Rob!?"
He replied with a vague grunt.
"Okay, then, close your eyes..."
Helena kissed her lover and began singing softly: "I'm gonna knock you out! Mama said knock you out..!"
Every time the purred the words "I'm gonna knock you out!" Helena flexed her bicep further into Rob's neck, pushing him toward dreamland. Her voice had the tenderness of a mother singing to a child and a seductress enticing her lover.
Reality for Rob became quiet and dim and he didn't struggle any further. His hands now rested on Helena's bare thighs.
Helena delivered the final arm squeeze, making her victim "uuufff" passively. Releasing the hold, Helena slipped from under Rob, who fell heavily on the bed.
She yanked down his shorts enough to jerk off Rob, until he came on himself. Helena felt the strong and very familiar pleasure of bringing off the man she had knocked out.
Tilting Rob's head to the side, Helena landed a chop below his ear. Rob shuddered slightly and was still. Helena knew the chop would prolong Rob's trip to Dreamland to an hour, plenty of time for him to rest up and for her to shower and eat lunch. She planned on fucking him all night, so she made him something to eat, too.

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