The straight right hit directly on Adrienne's chin. The impact moved like a wave through the girl's skull; sharp, rattling pain, followed by lightheaded numbness. Adrienne was unable to move.
Or hear Henry, her boyfriend, shouting. Adrienne was completely vulnerable, stunned into half consciousness, pink boxing gloves motionless at her side. The few thoughts Adrienne managed to process to completion were about the girl standing in front of her.
The black haired Latina's lips were moving, hurling insults at the dazed fighter. The words didn't register with Adrienne, only mixed around in her brain with speculation about what was happening next.
"Good night, pera!" Rosie yelled, loud enough for everyone gathered for the match to hear the insult, except Adrienne. Her senses were rapidly scattering as the ring got dark.
The upper cut took fore ever, but when it struck, Adrienne was thoroughly separated from reality. when she landed on the canvas, upturned face adorned with a smile and big tits bouncing comically, the spectacle unleashed a collective cheer. Once again, Rosie had beaten an opponent senseless.
The victor felt particular pleasure parading around the ring, fists raised to the crowd - she had put Adrienne in her place. A few weeks earlier, Rosie had flirted aggressively with Henry, saying she wanted a fling with him. Deeply in love with Adrienne, Henry politely deflected the offer.
An angered Rosie fabricated a detailed account of sex with Henry and spread it around the Amazonia Boxing Club. The ugly rumor finally reached Adrienne, who immediately saw it for a lie. On the night Henry was purported to be cheating, he and Adrienne had dinner at her parent's house in New Jersey.
Adrienne immediately challenged Rosie to the boxing match she had just lost by a knockout.
Henry and Adrienne's sister, Lucia, revived their fighter after the ten count from Emma the Ref. It took a few waves of smelling salts under the sleeping girl's nostrils to snap her back. And even then, Adrienne was very disoriented.
They slowly walked the wobbly Adrienne to her corner, where she sat peering at Henry, trying to figure out where she had seen him before. When she finally identified her lover, Adrienne kept asking for a kiss.
"Tonight, Adrienne, not now," Henry said, when they got to the recovery room.
"Ho...kay..." Adrienne chirped. She lay down on one of the couches and went out again.
Five minutes passed before Adrienne returned from dreamland. This time she knew who the people standing over her were and what had happened in the ring before the lights went out. Emma the Ref examined Adrienne and advised her to rest.
"You got worked over, now relax."
Lucia asked Emma to stay with her sister and Henry, explaining she had business to take care of. Emma, aware that Lucia had begged her sister not to challenge Rosie, knew what that business was.
She found Rosie in the women's locker room, just getting into her street clothes.
"How's the punching bag!?" asked Rosie, when she saw the intruder.
Lucia was on top of Rosie the instant after the question was finished. hauling the dark haired beauty against the lockers. "Why did you fight my sister? You knew she had no chance against you!"
"Because I wanted to beat her up!"
"That's why you hit on Henry. He's not the kind that cheats, but Adrienne is the kind who flies out of control when she's pissed!"
"You figured it out!"
"And your sister is a big titted ditz with a glass jaw! Only a sad sack like Henry would want her!"
Lucia's right fist plunged into Rosie's solar plexus. Rosie folded in on herself, gasping violently.
"Don't worry, the pain won't be for much longer."
Lucia straightened up her intended target and slugged Rosie hard on the jaw. Rosie's body smashed the lockers loudly. Awareness drained from her eyes and her knees buckled.
Lucia gloated as Rosie slipped down to the cement floor, a brief moan signaling that consciousness was slipping away.
Lucia wanted to punch the knocked out girl one more time, but didn't. The message she wanted to communicate to the little puta would be painfully clear when she came around in an hour.
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