He knew that, despite their obvious size and strength advantages, muscle girls were not often the best boxers. When they did detonate the right kind of punch, the impact left Jon on the canvas, fast asleep. Most of the time, he moved faster and hit quicker, leaving the opponent floored like Fantine, who was motionless and spread eagle before Jon.
Fantine, a lawyer of Haitian background, had been body building since the start of college. Being aggressive with men thrilled Fantine and possessing a powerful body and pretty smile gave her a serious advantage in inter gender encounters. She had been over confident with Jon, who out fought and then knocked her out cold in round five. Both boxers were aroused by mixed combat, but Jon channeled all that sexual energy into punching. Jon won because he was hornier.
Opening a tab of smelling salts, Jon sat Fantine up and waved the chemicals by her nose. With a sharp jerk, Fantine was awake. Seeing she was in her challenger's arms, Fantine looked at Jon and said "fils de pute!"
"What's wrong?" asked Jon as he helped Fantine to stand. He laughed to himself at Fantine's insult. The woman boxer wobbled and Jon clasped her around the waist, encouraging her to lean against him.
"Take it slow," he urged her. "I pasted you good!"
"You sure did." the girl responded as they edged closer to her dressing room.
This had been an after hours match, so no one was around to see the man who gave Fantine her first KO defeat help her from the ring. That thought took some of the edge off her headache.
Fantine sat in a folding chair, collecting her scattered thoughts, while Jon untied her boxing gloves.
"You are such an asshole!" she told him. "That's the correct English word for what you are, right?
Jon glanced up at her. "It sure is."
Neither spoke while they removed their gloves and Fantine was able to flex her fingers. "That's how this game works, Miss Fantine. We punch each other until one of use goes down...and out, in your case."
Jon retrieved a half filled water bottle, which he handed to Fantine, while admiring her perfect thighs and 'handful" breasts. He understood her anger. Fantine had been out maneuvered by a male opponent who read her weakness even before they stepped in the ring.
Fantine got to her feet and asked Jon if he treated his girlfriend like this.
"I'm not seeing anyone right now." he said. "But the answer would be 'No', of course."
The amazon moved closer to Jon and kissed him. As his lips ran back and forth from her throat to her mouth, Fantine began counting, letting Jon's hands move across her waist to her gluts and thighs. His hands felt so good that Fantine nearly regretted ending the moment.
A right hook tagged Jon's jaw.
Fantine gathered him up in her arms and sat him on the rub down table.
"When you wake up, you are going to kiss the ass you groped so much! Understand?"
Jon only stared back, glassy eyed and grinning.
"Then we'll see what happens. Say good night to mama!"
The upper cut finished Jon off.

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