Reclining on his bed, Mark watched Susanna, a brunette, and bottle blond Kaylee, take turns using the bathroom. While one got dressed, the other girl cleaned up the kitchen. When Mark had a woman (or women) to his townhouse, he kept things just a little messy. Nine times out ten, his guests instinctively straigntened the disarray.
The two women were wearing the lose shorts and tops they wore at the Amazonia Boxing Club, where Mark had met them the evening before.
He was content and relaxed, it had been a great Friday night. Looking over Kaylee's fine, round ass as she picked up her overnight bag, Mark hoped the pair would stay and fuck for at least another hour.
"Ladies, hold up," he said, sliding off the bed and pulling on pajama bottoms. "You don't have run yet, it's only 7 a.m."
Both Kaylee and Susana stood in the doorway. Susanna was also toting her travel bag. The ample breasted blond took the lead.
"Should we stay? Really?" There was a trace of anger in her kupie doll voice.
Mark had been cultivating both women for this night. He didn't want it to end this suddenly.
"Should we, Susanna?"
Both girls dropped their bags at their feet.
"We could?" Susanna speculated. "Do you really want us?"
At least an hour more! thought Mark, greedily. "Of course! When I said I only wanted you two, that is what I meant."
A large part of convincing the female boxers to be part of a three way was assuring them he was only a two woman man. Marcus put it over, at least with Kaylee, who enjoyed the idea of being naked with women and men.
"Really?" Kaylee asked, punching her voice higher.
"Sure! With you ladies, I've found the soul mates I've craved all my life!"
"Soul mates?!" Susanna laughed, removing a black iPhone from her pocket. Holding it high enough for all three to see it, she added, "Look familiar?"
"That's mine." stated Mark.

Susanna lightly touched the screen, opening a message. " 'Marcus, got your message late last night, will be there at 3 on Saturday afternoon. I hope those two will be gone by then! Love, Nadia.' "
Kaylee unzipped the two over night bags. "You shouldn't leave your electronic devices unattended, Mark!"
Mark nervously scanned his mental file of all occasions excuses and found nothing.
"Uhm...that's a ...wrong number...a different Mark....oh damn...!"
From each bag, Kaylee removed one red boxing glove, handing one to Susana. In unison, the pair put them on their extended right fists.
"I believed you!" accused Kaylee.
"I knew it was too good to be real!" Susanna followed. Stepping in unison, the girls walked toward Mark, pressing him to the wall. "Do you have any last minute groveling you'd like us to ignore?"
Desperate, Mark looked around, but realized he couldn't make it to the door without getting jumped by Kaylee and Susanna.
"Look, Kaylee...Susanna..this has all been a mistake..."
Kaylee's right hook slammed him into the wall.
Shit, they're pissed! was Mark's last complete thought.
Susanna's left put Mark out on his feet. She could tell nothing registering in his brain.
"Let's finish this, Kaylee!"
They pressed close to each other and kissed their boxing gloves. "Good night, honey stick!" they said aloud. Both girls launched their fists at their lover's chin.
The impact made Mark sleep instantly, out before he hit the floor.
Kaylee liked how vulnerable Mark looked lying against the wall. "When am I going to find a man who isn't a jerk?!" she asked.
Susanna remembered that Kaylee had just finished an unpleasant divorce. "You need to be patient, sweetheart. He's out there..."
"Yeah." the blond responded. "And Mark was such a great fuck!"
"Yep, he was!" Susanna admitted. "But he'll have such a headache when he comes to that he won't be able to fuck the little slut this afternoon."
"That's true!" Kaylee laughed and felt better.
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