Jim's girlfriend, Bella, was carried inside the house and put on the living room couch. Three rounds was how long she lasted in a bare knuckled backyard match with Tulip, Jim's older cousin. Tulip wanted to sleep with Jim, but Bella, obviously, objected so Tulip beat her up.
"Bella, sweetheart, can you hear me?!" Jim implored his prone lover. Tulip was standing a few feet away, arms folded confidently over her abundant tits, held in place by a scarlet bikini top. Shifting her long, well developed legs in cut-off jean shorts, she brushed her cousins head.
"She's out, Jimmy, and I made sure she'll be that way for a while!"
Jim stared at Tulip, very pissed at the damage she'd done to Bella.
"Hope you're happy, Tulip!"
Beneath his honest anger, Jim wanted to fuck his second cousin badly. But he was in love with Bella.
"Very!" Tulip clutched Jim's arm, tugging him away from the couch. "This one's useless, Jim! You saw she can't fight and I know I'm a better fuck than her...let's go upstairs!"
The trio was alone in the house. Jim and Bella were visiting during a university graduation road trip. The last time Tulip saw her little cousin Jim, he was in high school and whenever they embraced, Tulip rubbed forcefully against him and tongued him when they kissed. The embarrassed teen pretended nothing was wrong, but his arousal was pretty obvious. Now just when Jim was legal, Tulip found her seduction plans obstructed by Bella, so she clobbered her rival.
"Outside, Tulip! Now!"
Tulip wasn't annoyed by this delay. It always thrilled her to work over the man she wanted.
In the backyard, a boxing ring had been improvised from old couches, lounges and mattresses.
"We fight till one us sleeps, understand, Jimmy?"
"Yeah, I understan..."
Jimmy came up short when Tulip dropped her bikini top and pitched it outside the ring. The boxing gloves she pulled on were inscribed with "Sweet Dreams!" on the front of each. Jim stood entranced.
"What are you waiting for, put on those gloves!" ordered Tulip.
Jim, eyes still fixed on Tulip's bare chest, grabbed the black gloves Bella should have worn and put them on. Tulip went to her corner, picked up a large wooden spoon and banged it loudly on a metal bucket she clinched in her arm.
Jim had a compulsion to punch his cousin right on the nipples. When he got the chance, he socked both breasts twice, electing an "OHHH!" from Tulip. Her pain sounded so good to Jim. A hard punch from nowhere clouted the side of his head and Jim was out.
The sky, blue and lined with cottony clouds, was what Jim saw next. Jim got to his feet, not even hearing Tulip's count until he was standing up straight.
"I know you wanted to feel them, but punching the girls is not permitted!" Tulip taunted.
They touched gloves and fought again.
While Jim battled his cousin, he forgot completely about Bella, still knocked out and dreaming in the house. He concentrated on sending Tulip on her own trip to Dreamland. For a moment he wondered what he might try after the ten count, with Tulip spread eagle on the lawn.
Jim emerged slowly this time, groaning, his face aching. Gloved hands resting in his lap, he sat in a recliner, head lolling side to side. Tulip knelt in front of him and called his name. Jim made a kind of response.
Tulip burst out laughing. "I knew it, I always knew it!"
She yanked him to his feet and dog walked Jim to the large, overstuffed couch that comprised one side of the ring "Ready for Mommy's good night kiss?'
Jim only grinned distractedly. He was already dreaming on his feet of fucking Tulip, thrusting harder and harder.
"Now, the next time I say 'Let's go to my room,' you do it!"
Jim was out cold for ten minutes.
He dreamed erotically of Bella and three girls he nailed behind Bella's back at Blake Mitchell University. But mostly he had pleasing visions of the woman who had just punched him out.
When he woke on Tulip's bed, he and Tulip were naked. As she stalked across the bedding like a tigress, Tulip described to Jim how sexy he was naked and knocked out. Tulip buried him in her body.
An hour later the cousins were dressed. Tulip felt her usual deep contentment after getting laid really well.
"Hey, Tulip?"
Tulip turned to her cousin, smiling as she thought: God, maybe he wants more!
Jim's sudden right hook knocked Tulip unconscious. Carrying her downstairs, Jim placed her on the big chair opposite the couch, where Bella still slumbered.
"Bella, honey, wake up!" He repeated himself a few times, gently slapping the girl's chin. Bella stirred and her eyes fluttered open.
"Don't you remember?" asked Jim.
"I don't recall anything."
"You knocked Tulip out cold!" Jim said, happiness rising in his voice.
"I..I did?"
"Well, you put each other out at the same time. But Tulip still is still snoozing!'
Bella sat back on the cushion and rubbed her head. "The bitch deserved it!"
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