The difference between a promotional model training to be a boxer and an actual boxer was clear to Jon. It lay a few feet in front of him, in the limp form of Jeanette, sprawled on canvas, face up and out cold.
After a few weeks of lessons at the Amazonia Boxing Club, this was the dark haired girl's first fight, which had gone two rounds. The modeling agency Jeanette worked for landed her a job as a spokes girl for a women's fitness equipment line. Since she would promote a line of fighting gear, it was decided she would learn how to box.
She was prone at the feet of Desiree, a friend of Jon's. He knew why Dez, a better fighter, grabbed at the chance to beat a beginner senseless. Like Jon, Dez wanted to sleep with Jeanette.
That Desiree was standing in Jeanette's corner for the next fight told Jon that Desiree had been a success. He wasn't discouraged, women came and went with Desiree pretty regularly.

Denise used Jeanette for a heavy bag, making the model jerk in agony with each punch. Jon watched the conclusion of the fight with increasing arousal, strengthened by knowing Jeanette was about to be finished off.
Two gut shots doubled over the brunette, her eyes closing from exhaustion. Jeanette's wary moan was the signal Denise was anticipating.
A pounding right upper cut straigntened out the brunette completely. Lower jaw hanging up, gloves dangling below her waist, Jeanette let her eyes shut, and gave way to sleep. In one swift, downward motion, Jeanette dropped to the canvas like a plank. Jon moved close as possible to watch Emma the Ref deliver the ten count, which Jeanette slumbered through, her chin jutting out beneath a curling smile on her scarlet lips.
She does have a model's perfect ass, thought Jon, surveying Jeanette's gloved arms resting lifelessly at her sides, wrists up. He watched Emma thumb the loser's eyes, displaying only whites.
After Jeanette was carried to the recovery room, Jon walked to Denise's corner, where the victor was being toweled down by the seconds. "Good job, Denise. You put Jeanette to sleep!"
"Hey Jon!...Yeah, I fucked her up good! But Jeanette is stupid...know how I know?"
"Those tits...a girl with 'model' tits like hers is pleading to get KOed in the ring!"
"Big brains?" Jon summed up, looking over Denise's soft-ball sized chest.
"Oh, yeah!!"
On the week she had off from her promotional gig, Jeanette went out with Jon. They had a casual dinner and a few drinks afterward.
Jeanette absorbed alcohol much better than punches.
"How long have you been boxing at the Amazonia?" Jeanette asked Jon as they sat on his living room couch, both clutching open beer bottles. Jon's was barely touched, Jeanette's half empty.
"Three years, but I boxed in college, too."
"Yeah?" Jeanette let out a drunken chuckle-laugh. "Know what?"
"Guess!" she insisted, giddily.
"I don't know."
Jon knew this was headed somewhere, but he was uncertain that Jeanette was sure of the destination.
"I bet!"
"You bet what?"
"I bet you...could teach me a thing or two!"
This time Jeanette suppressed the impulse to laugh.
Jon glanced at his closed bedroom door, unable to recall if he made the bed that morning.
"Oh, I know I can!"
"Yes! Let's do this!"
Jeanette leaped to her feet, Jon right behind, his arms reaching out to kiss her. The brunette steadied herself and raised her bare fists between them. "Come on, I want to fight a guy!"
Jon glared back, blankly. This is an f-ing joke!, he fumed, internally.
"Yeah, sure, Jeanette..."
"All my friends call me 'Jet', so you can.."
Jeanette never felt Jon's sharp right to her chin. She was simply out on her feet.
Watching the girl stagger a few paces, Jon extended his arms. Jeanette's face hit Jon's shoulder.
"Good...night..Daddy..." murmured softly in Jon's ear. Jeanette sighed and was out cold. Jon took the opportunity to feel up her buttocks.
"You do have a model's ass, all right!"
He had just hefted the girl over his shoulder when an idea came to him. Jon knew the plan forming in his head was a cruel deception, but immediately discovered he didn't care.
Once he seated Jeanette, still exploring Dreamland, on his bed, Jon quickly stripped her down to her panties, tossing her clothes on the floor. Pulling back the covers, he laid her gently on the bed and replaced the covers. Removing only his shoes, Jon climbed into bed with Jeanette.
She was still sleeping the next morning. Jon quickly got undressed, pitched his clothes from the night before around the room, and pulled on a T-shirt and pajama bottoms. He then made breakfast for two.
"Here you go, honey! How you feeling this morning?"
Jeanette was just coming around as Jon handed her plate of scrambled eggs and toast, with a glass of tomato juice. He followed up with a loving peck on the cheek.
Jeanette stared at her food and then at her bare breasts.
"Christ! Did we..?"
"Well, yes, Jeanette, sweetheart!" Jon's tone exuded affection and sensitivity. "We got a little crazy with the boxing and you knocked me out!"
"I did?"
"I was gone for five minutes on the sofa. You have a hell of a right hook you should work on. Eat your breakfast!"
Jeanette chewed her scrambled eggs as she rummaged in her memory for any records of what Jon said. She found nothing. "Then what happened?"
" kind of got excited after putting out my lights..."
A moment later, Jon was beside Jeanette, happily eating his own breakfast.
It took a few months, but Jeanette eventually moved in with Jon. His friends said he never looked happier.

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