Monday, May 13, 2019

Natalie - A Comic Love Story

Like many outsiders who joined the Amazonia Boxing Club, Natalie was underestimated. By "outsiders" I don't mean people from the burbs out in Jersey. In Natalie's case the outsider was from Tennessee. She stood out with her honey-thick accent, outgoing demeanor and big tits. She wasn't exactly svelte like the local gym bunnies or as "lean and mean" as were members of The Cougar Clique. But she was far from overweight. "Curvy" was the word I'd use to describe Natalie, along with "aggressively blond."
"I like fighting men!" she declared to the group of guys who improvised a welcoming to the Amazonia for Natalie. "It's fun for you guys, too? Right? I love men!"
Including myself, one thought ricocheted among every male brain present: "I'm getting laid!"
Among the few women present, the mental consensus was "Bet you do!"
"Who wants to go first?" chirped Natalie.
Marcus stepped forward amidst everyone else's hesitation. "I'll take you on, sweetie!"
"Great! Over there!" Natalie pointed to the nearby, empty boxing ring.

In retrospect, I'm glad Marcus went first. He not only wanted to fuck Natalie as bad as the others, he wanted to knock her out cold. Marcus wasn't so stupid as to admit to this, but he enjoyed, deep down, putting threatening females down.
And seeing Natalie climb lady-like between the ropes, wearing blue trunks and a matching bikini top, Marcus must have thought he was going to deliver an easy KO.
I wonder if he thought that half way into round one as he lay senseless on his back. After Marcus was counted out by Emma the Ref, Natalie knelt by his head and gave him a kiss. Then, throwing her fists in the air, she bounced from the ring.

The next day, Brian ended up the same way- KOed and dreaming in round three. But Natalie liked him while they talked before the match, so her smiling eyes were the first thing Brian saw when he came around in the recovery room.
"Hey, sweetie! Feel okay?" Natalie whispered to him. "I knocked you out cold, so I feel great!"
Brian spent Saturday night at Natalie's place.

Roy went down that path. On his back on the canvas and on Natalie's bed. Then Natalie ran into a problem. Roy had a girlfriend named Jackie, who inclined to jealousy.
Jackie was bi and her interest at the time was in Roy. So Natalie wore a pair of cut off shorts, that showed a lot of thigh and ass to keep the angry girlfriend distracted.
The ploy worked. For the four rounds the bout lasted, Natalie fought close Jackie and got into plenty of clinches.
I watched from ringside as the country girl finished Jackie off. Natalie pinned her to ropes and punished her body. When she saw Jackie's defenses failing, Natalie laid her out with one hard punch.
Jackie went down on her back, eyes crossed, mouth hanging ajar, tongue peeking out between her teeth. But everyone, including Natalie could tell Jackie wasn't sleeping.
Stepping past Emma the Ref before she could start the ten count, Natalie straddled the semi-conscious fighter, resting her ass on Jackie's stomach.
"If you can hear me Kitty Puncher, let me say this! I'll fuck any man I want, as many times as I want! We clear?!"
Natalie held her right fist above her head. A soft, acquiescent moan came from Jackie.
Jackie's face jerked toward the crowd around the ring. I saw her eyes flutter and then flutter shut. Natalie stepped away, allowing Emma the Ref to start the count.
"You like that, old man?" Natalie asked me, leaning her forearms on the top rope and leaning down. I ignored her smart remark.
"Hell, yeah!"
"That bitch is probably dreaming about eating me out," she joked. "Did you ever have her?"
"Yes, a while back."
"You know you remind me of..." Natalie stopped short when Emma the Ref said, "Winner by a knockout, Natalie McAdams!" and yanked the victor's right hand in the air. Roy and Desiree were already reviving Jackie. The female attendants rolled a gurney beside the still unconscious brunette.
" Daddy!" continued Natalie, looking back at me. "He and I were real close."
"We could be real close, too." I suggested.
"Ten rounds, KOs only?"
"Whenever you feel ready!"
We quickly made a date.
"Ever lose to a guy?" I asked as she climbed down from the ring. The question made Natalie stop short and glance at the still out cold Jackie being wheeled to the recovery room. "Ask her!"

As one of the Silver Foxes at the Amazonia, I drew a pretty good sized crowd. They were mostly under 35 females, many who were into older men. The balance were women my age, who cheered for Natalie.
"I can tell you're gonna be trouble!" Natalie purred to me, suggestively as we faced each other. "Big trouble, if you catch my drift."
"Sure do!"
Emma the Ref called out "Fight!"

No matter how much you want a woman, I've learned in my time at the Amazonia, never forget you're in a fight. I thought I was landing some effective punches, working Natalie's body with the object of slowly wearing her down. But I couldn't stop looking at her breasts.
I didn't feel the impact. Suddenly, I just wasn't there.
"FIVE!" interrupted my slumber, allowing me to watch Natalie's ass cheeks peeking from her foxy boxing trunks as she walked back to her corner, sure the match was over. I have to nail this woman!, I thought, blacking out again.

The next thing I saw was Emma the Ref, holding two fingers in my face.
"How many do you see?"
"Yes, good."
"Did I get counted out?" I asked, between groans.
"The bell saved you." explained Emma."Can you go on?"
Natalie was grinning from across the ring, banging her gloves together loudly.
"Fuck yes!"

At the bell, I hauled myself up to take Natalie on again. I wasn't angry at being decked by a woman half my age. I was delirious in love.
I got aggressive, attacking Natalie from all sides. She seemed surprised that a male was getting the better of her in the ring. You could see the growing frustration in her eyes and the pout of her lips.
"Say good night to Papa!" I taunted, landing an upper cut to her chin.
Natalie went out instantly and her body collapsed like a deflating balloon. Emma's shout of "TEN!" was blotted out by screams from the females watching the bout. I was their new hero.
I helped carry Natalie to the recovery room.