Monday, January 31, 2011

Sisterhood of Evil - Part 2

Max had read and reread the file on Miki Huang, also known as Agent Miki in Justice Force, a day before their match. He had gone to the gym where Power Princess' partner worked out and gave her a challenge.
Miki was the perfect foil to the statuesque Power Princess. As Gwen and Cathy tied up Max's boxing gloves, he eyed his opponent's compact, but nicely proportioned body for a weak point. resting above Miki's pert breasts, he saw the flaw in her defense.
"Didn't think you'd make it, Mr....?" Miki asked with taunting arrogance as she faced Max in the center of the ring. That Max was an inch taller than her triggered excitement in the girl. She wondered how hard Max was going to hit her.
"Mr. Max, you can call me for now," said Max. They touched gloves. "When you come around, we'll talk about what you'll call me."
Mike let out a laugh and the buzzer screeched.
The psychological profile worked up by the Sisterhood of Evil for Max informed him that Miki was a happy submissive who acted aggressively to provoke males into subjecting her. A poor quality in a crime fighter, Max decided as they circled each other, calculating when to strike at Miki.
Miki swung at Max excitedly, her eyes feverishly wide. Max dodged the first two punches and deliberately took the the third on the side of his face.
"That was pretty good, Miki, that stung," Max told her. "Hey, wait, Miki! take your glasses off so you don't get hurt!"
"Thanks, I forgot!" As Miki removed her black rimmed glasses carefully, Gwen jumped into the ring and snapped the spectacles away, declaring she'd take of them.
"Okay Mr. Max, you useless man, get ready for a beat down! I'm ready!" Mike said, blinking her eyes to adjust to her blurry vision.
"Me, too, Miki!"
Max's left hook caught flush on Miki's chin, lifting her off her feet and into a Fourth of July fireworks display. Miki seemed to float fore ever among the bright lights. When she finally flopped on the canvas, Miki was semi conscious, enchanted by the luminous ceiling lights.
"Hey Miki, wake up!" pulled Miki to clarity. Max and Gwen were lifting her up.
"I was...strawberry ice cream?...what happened?" Miki looked around, confused.
"You got knocked out," Max explained, sweetly. "You're going to have to do better if we're going to box."
"Box with you? Sure...."
Max raised Miki's fists to chest level and positioned one glove in front of her chin. "Ready Miki?"
Miki looked into her opponent's eyes and felt a wave of pure lust move through her.
"Package acquired and ready for transport," Gwen remarked drolly to Max.
"You have a package for me?" Miki asked, brightly.
"Yes, I do, sweetheart!"
Max pushed Miki's fists back down and hammered a second left hook on her chin. Miki's head popped back. She was dazed, stiff as a board and smiling. Gwen stepped behind her as Cathy casually walked up to the young crime fighter.
"Biao zi!" Cathy said to Miki and disdainfully nudged Miki's chest with her index finger. The knocked out crime fighter relaxed and pitched downward into Gwen's extended arms, melting into unconsciousness.
"Cathy, we need to discuss your language when this job is over," Max remarked as the two girls carried the super heroine out of the boxing ring.

Miki woke to find herself at home, in bed and Max seated beside. As he checked how she was feeling and found out more about her, Gwen and Cathy went over Miki's apartment, downloading information from her computer and lap top. If the pair of spies made any noise, Miki was soon too occupied to hear them.
While Miki slept, Max got dressed and went out to his is associates.
"Took Agent Miki above and beyond, eh Max?" asked Gwen, popping her bubble gum and grinning sarcastically. Cathy only glared at him intently. Max ignored the provocations.
"Got everything from the computers?" he asked. When Cathy, the computer expert failed to answer, Gwen said yes. "Excellent. I'll gas her and we can get out of here."
As Max took a small aerosol spray can of ko gas developed by the Sisterhood of Evil from his pocket, Cathy snatched it from his hand. "I'll do it!" she insisted gleefully.
"Hey who let you in?" Miki said, springing out of bed when Cathy strode in. "Where's Max!?"
"I gave him some of this," Cathy sprayed a jet of gas into Miki's face. "You won't remember this of course. You are only going to recall getting koed by Max and then having sex with him."
Miki felt elated and light, the whole world was going black. As her victim fell, Cathy grabbed and sat her on the edge of the bed. "You understand, Agent Miki?"!
Cathy fist cracked on Miki's jaw. With a deep sigh, Miki hit her pillow, out cold.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sisterhhod of Evil - Part 1

Max held two hardcover books, one in each hand. In the right was Women in Love by D.H. Lawrence. The left hand supported, with difficulty, Juliette by Marquise de Sade.
Looking at the back of Power Princess' head as she sat on the couch a few feet away, Max Haig thought about the African-American super heroine's reading habits. Lawrence was a great writer, maybe a genius, but De Sade was completely unreadable. He silently replaced the English novel on the shelf where he had found it and, grasping Juliette with both hands, he moved quietly behind Power Princes.
Max swung down the book from behind his right shoulder, slamming the back of the female crime fighter's head, just above her long pony tail of black hair.
Pain shot through the Princess' skull and then she was numb all over. Her hands fell away from the lap top she was using and slipped onto the cushions.
Power Princess moaned as her eyes crossed and a smile curled on her face. Power Princess went out and her body slumped over sideways.
Max dropped the book on the floor and walked to the unconscious crime fighter. He took her pulse, which was normal, and then thumbed the girl's eyelids.
"Out cold, pleasant dreams!" he said, gently brushing the girl's cheek.
"Package acquired and ready for transport!" Max said into the small earphone that protruded from his left ear.
Power Princess wore civilian cloths: loose, pink cotton shorts and white T-shirt. Max admired her long, dark legs as he moved the laptop to the coffee table and pocketed the data stick.
His partners entered, rolling with them a six foot long laundry cart, which they wedged between the couch and the coffee table.
"Clocked her good!" observed Gwen, laughing at the downed super heroine between popping her bubble gum.
"Yes, Max, very nice," her partner Cathleen added, lifting Power Princess' feet on the couch. "Madame Raquel will be more impressed with you than she already is." Cathleen glared unhappily at Max, who she caught smiling at Power Princess.
Power Princes sighed as the two women lifted her into the laundry cart. They covered her loosely with the sheet and blanket taken from the couch.
Max checked the hall. When he waved "all clear," the girls rolled the cart down the hallway to the service elevator.
"Are you sure you used sufficient force on Power Princess?" Cathleen asked Max.
"Just the right amount to lay her out."
A pained moan emerged from the sheets and Power Princess struggled a few seconds before sitting up, the sheet falling away from her face.
"Just great!" Max declared.
"Hey!....Where am I?" The young black girl's head had just cleared and her eyes moved rapidly over her surroundings.
Max saw Gwen remove a black jack from her boot and position it above Power Princess' head.
"Carefully!" urged Max. "Behind the ear!"
"Where am I?" Power Princess asked.
"In dreamland, honey!" Gwen answered, landing the black jack as Max instructed.
Power Princess sighed painfully. Her brown eyes shut and she fell back on the bedding.
For the first time that day, Max saw Cathy smile with satisfaction.

Max was not certain when he fell in love with Power Princess. He knew it was certainly after he knocked her out with the book.
He observed his associates as he sat next to the still out cold Power Princess, gently stroking her cheek. Cathleen was sneering and Gwen gave him the "Max is horny again" smile.
Max was a careful man in a hazardous profession: retrieval. His specialty was information theft, corporate espionage making up nearly all his assignments. But kidnapping was not beneath Max and he was pleased to be paid to abduct the object of his desire.
"You think she's going to be interested in you, Max?" Gwen popped her bubble gum with loud abandon. "You're a thief."
"A retriever." Max countered.
"A lap dog." Cathleen threw in curtly.
Max ignored his urge to smack Cathleen.
A stipulation of his extremely lucrative employment by the Sisterhood of Evil was the assignment of two assistants. They reported to their superiors in the all female criminal organization. He'd been to bed with both girls, but that was expected in the Sisterhood, even encouraged.
Gwen found Max to be one of her better recent fucks and the pair still had sex now and then. Max never expected monogamy from the little bottle blond, who bounced from partner to partner, male and female, like a child who can't decide her favorite flavor of ice cream.
Cathleen had become a problem recently. She was obsessive and controlling in bed, issuing directions during sex. Since he had drawn away from her, Cathleen became snide and resentful.

Power Princess, laying on a gurney, slowly rejoined the conscious world. Madame Raquel, leader of The Sisterhood of Evil, stood over the super heroine, happy to see her arch enemy immobilized.
"Good morning, Power Princess. You slept well?"
Power Princess glared up at Raquel, eyes burning with rage.
"What am I doing here?"
"You're here for some, well, reprogramming."
A nurse placed one electrode on each of Power Princess' temples as the super heroine squirmed. "Whatever you think you're going to do to me, Raquel, I'm stronger than..."
"Relax, Princess, this won't be torture. I just want to introduce some new ideas into your subconscious."
Raquel flicked a switch on the machine the electrodes were hooked to and the device made a low throbbing pulse.
"When I get out of here, Madame Raquel, I'"
Power Princess' entire body relaxed and light headedness crept into her brain.
"You'll what, my dear?"
Power Princess' eyelids fluttered, each time the lids were harder to open after they closed. Finally they closed completely and the black girl settled into contented sleep.
Max Haig entered the room and stood next to Madame Raquel.
"Do you hear me, Princess?" Raquel asked.
"In two days you are going to meet a man while grocery shopping. When he asks for your jar of honey, you will immediately fall in love with him. Do you understand?"
"Good girl. Now relax. You will have no memories of being kidnapped and brought here. Go to sleep."
Madame turned up the amperage on a dial labeled "REM SLEEP." Power Princess would be unconscious until the next morning.
"Is Fujin Industries pleased with my work?" Max asked Madame Raquel.
"The Sisterhood of Evil is pleased with your work, Max," Raquel said, stepping close to Max so she could caress his crotch with the palm of her elegant hand. "As always!"
When Max began his job as a free lance "security expert" for Funjin Industries, The Sisterhood's front corporation, he had a brief but intense fling with Madame Raquel.
"Is the next part of your operation ready?" asked Raquel.
"Everything is in place for my meeting with Agent Miki."
"Excellent." Raquel decide to give Max another turn in the sack as part of his bonus when the operation was complete.
"Cathy and Gwen will return Power Princess to her town house," Raquel went on. "We want to limit your...exposure to the Princess until you need to."
Raquel's tone unsettled Max. He looked at the sleeping crime fighter and began to worry.