When Will’s eyes opened again, he saw Diana and another woman standing over him.
“Where am I?” he mumbled slowly, his head still foggy from the gas Diana had administered on the jet.
“You’re on our home island, Will,” Diana said, Then the Amazon stepped back respectfully and the other woman of intense regal beauty stepped in Diana’s place. “Will, this is our ruler, Queen Tatiana!” Diana added.
The woman smiled at Will and her face exploded with loveliness. Will was startled by the transformation, noticing for the first time Tatiana’s full breasts. When he moved to sit up, Tatiana told him to stay on his back.
“You’ll need your rest,” the Amazon queen added.
“Our majesty is Daphne’s aunt,” Diana mentioned.
“My niece lost her parents in an earthquake 15 years ago and I raised her as my own child. I trained her to be brave and wise and a true member of our Sisterhood.”
“She’s all those things.” Will said, not sure where the conversation was going. “Am I here to be married?”
“Yes, Daphne has chosen you as her mate,” Queen Tatiana responded. “You’re a better physical specimen than Diana’s new husband, but he appears to be more…”
“Intelligent,” supplied Diana.
“Yes, thank you!” Tatiana nodded approvingly at Diana and then looked back to the man in the bed. “Yes, Will, you seem like an oaf.”
“I do not!”
“Diana, you can go back to John, but please tell Daphne the ceremony will be tomorrow. She should be ready,” Tatiana ordered. Diana bowed her head and left the room.
Tatiana smiled at Will again and sat beside him on the bed, beginning to undo her top. “Only a woman can rule Amazon Island, so the queen never marries.”
“Okay…” Wills aid, watching as more and more of Tatiana’s upper body appeared and her clothes collected on the bedroom floor. “So to compensate, the queen gets to spend one night with each man brought to the island before they are married.”
Will watched Tatiana pull back the blanket that had covered him and then slowly remove his shorts. “I like this arrangement, Will!”
Will kissed Tatiana, gently taking the Amazon queen in his arms. Tatiana let out a gentle sigh and awoke. The two had made love until Will passed out in exhaustion at four in the morning.
“Good morning your majesty!” Will whispered.
“Good morning to you, too!” Tatiana replied, sitting up. “Daphne will be happy to discover you are an outstanding lover.”
“She knows that already,” Will said, blankly.
Tatiana froze in the action of putting on her morning dress. “What?!”
“Yeah, didn’t she tell you?” Will turned to Tatiana, smiling knowingly. “We hit the sack right after I knocked her out in a boxing match.”
“She let herself be taken…after she was defeated…by an oaf?!”
“No, after she was defeated in a fair fight,” insisted Will. "And when she came around, Daphne didn't need much persuading to get undressed."
Tatiana wanted to punch Will out after his last comment, but steadied herself. Daphne was not the first Amazon sent into the world of men to find a husband and return with an insensitive imbecile. Still, she had raised her neice not to be a woman who falls for the guy who lays her out in combat!
"Will, thank you for the information, I'll have to have a talk with Daphne,' Tatiana said. "In the meantime, we need to get you ready."
"What do I have to do?" Will asked, his lips still cradling a smirk.
"Not much." Tatiana pointed a small aerosal can at Will and pressed down on the nosle. Will really liked the smell, it was sweet and then a piano crashed on him. With a sigh, he fell face down on the bed.
"Hey, Will, wake up!"
The darkness slowly cleared from Will's eyes and he saw John and Diana standing over him. "How you feeling?" John asked him.
"Now what's going on?" Will asked, sitting up in his chair. He was seated in a large wooden chair in an open green field. Most of Amazon Island's population had gathered for the nuptials, with Daphne dressed in a white summer dress and Queen Tatiana right next to her. The Amazon girl smiled joyfully at Will.
"Come on Will, this is your big moment!" Diana said, helping John get Will to his feet. "It'll be over quickly!"
"Fellow Sisters of Amazon Island, we are gathered for the marriage of my neice Daphne to her chosen mate in keeping with our rituals for a thousand years!" Tatiana told the crowd. As the Queen continued with the ceremony, Will looked over his bride and had to admit Daphne wasn't only beatiful, but a sweet girl. At least she's not going to be trouble and kids aren't so bad, he decided. This won't be so painful, Will thought, looking around at all the other goregeous women gathered for the ceremony.
Tatiana brought the couple together. "By the power invested in me by our ancestral goddesses, Venus and Demeter, I pronounce you, Daphne and Will, wife and mate!"
Applause and cheering went up from the crowd and John and Diana congratulated Will.
"You may kiss the bride!" Tatiana declared.
Will and Daphne looked at each other for the first time since she had gased him in the boxing ring. "Will, do you love me?"
Will thought for a moment and said honestly. "Yes, I think I do."
The two embraced in a long affectionate kiss, which prompted another cheer from the audience.
"Daphne, you may knock out your groom!" Tatiana said aloud.
Will glared in surpise at Daphne, whose right fist was already pulled back behind her ear. "You know, Will, I think I can do it this time!"
"Daphne hold up..."
The punch knocked Will out on his feet instantly. He swayed listlessly and tipped foward. Daphne caught him over her shoulder and carried her new husband to her personal chambers. The guests, including Tatiana, cheered her victory.
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