The gas filled Will’s nostrils and lungs, making the boxing ring tilt and spin. He felt himself swerve sideways and his vision dim, barely seeing Daphne’s aerosol can extended at him, a jet of pink gas engulfing his face.
Then the world went out from under him and Will was on the canvas, flat on his stomach, boxing gloved hands at his side. Glimpsing Daphne’s bare feet, he smiled and went completely to sleep.
“You got him,” said Diana, walking across the ring to her friend. “You could have just punched him out.”
“No,” Daphne admitted. “I don’t think I could have. Grab his arms.”
The Amazons had begun their yearly mating season a month earlier. Daphne and Diana were one of ten pairs of girls in their mid 20s dispatched from Amazon Island to the world of men. Their object was to bring home permanent mates.
The hunt had gone smoothly for Diana, a tall, strongly built warrioress descended from the African branch of the Amazon sisterhood. The mating ritual required an Amazon to defeat her potential husband in single combat, so the pair joined a boxing club in one of the large cities of the men.
John and Diana fell for each other at first sight. John wasn’t the perfect specimen Diana had been instructed to find; a little thin and by two inches the shortest guy in the gym. But Diana thought he was handsome and found his company stimulating. When Diana offered to box him, John was thrilled because he knew he didn’t stand a chance.
Diana tagged him a few times at the start of round one. Then the Amazon smiled seductively and slammed three rapid upper cuts to John’s chin and jaw, each blow followed by a flash of lighting in John’s skull. The he simply relaxed, savoring the sensation of tumbling backward into sleep.
“He should have known that would happen,” Daphne remarked to Will as they leaned against the ropes, watching John slumber through the count.
“That’s the happiest I’ve ever seen John in the time I’ve known him,” Will answered. “I think he’s in love!”
“He better be,” added Daphne. “Because Diana sure is!”
At “ten!” Diana scooped up the unconscious male in her arms and carried him to her dressing room.
“Ready to give it another try tomorrow?” Will playfully nudged Daphne’s ass and the statuesque blonde shoved back. “You can be sure!”
Daphne had fallen in love with her chosen mate as fast as Diana had went for John. But challenging Will to a boxing match was a mistake. Throughout her childhood, Daphne had heard of the epic battles ancestors like Penthesilea and Hippolyta had waged against male aggressors. The Amazons now took permanent male companions, but the old stories lived in their subconscious and Daphne looked forward to her own confrontation with the mythic beast.
Will only fought women and almost always knocked his competition out cold. If he flattened the right girl, they would end up sleeping together. Looking over Daphne’s superb thighs as she stood in her corner, ready to fight, Will decided she was one of the right girls.
At the bell, Will threw himself at Daphne. She deflected every punch and tracked Will’s movements, waiting for his defenses to fail for just a moment. Daphne loved being pursued by Will, his arms reaching to embrace her in a barrage of punches. Combat with her sisters on Amazon Island had never been this pleasurable, Daphne thought and her smile brightened every time her gloves smacked Will’s body.
As their violent tango continued, Daphne hardly noticed Will was darting left to right, drawing closer to his opponent, backing her to the ropes.
A sharp left-right to her head took Daphne off her feet and propelled her into the ropes. Will stepped in and repeated the left-right assault, this time punishing Daphne’s stomach. She bowed forward in agony, shocked eyes wide. Will’s right hook collided with Daphne’s jaw, spinning her vision.
The brutal left uppercut that bashed the button of Daphne’s chin put her in a daze. Will danced backward, grinning wolfishly, as he made room for the groggy, staggering Amazon. Will measured his next punch carefully and launched.
“Ooooffff!!!” Daphne moaned, the gut shot freezing her in mid step. Pain raced from her mid section, clutching her entire body. Will landed a pair of left-right combos that turned out the lights in Daphne’s head.
The Amazon’s body lagged behind her brain. Daphne stumbled toward Will again, arms spasming wildly, eyes glassy as she fell into darkness.
Diana and Will’s voices bubbled up in the blackness and Daphne smiled when she saw them speaking to her. She blinked her eyes into focus and settled back on the stool against the turnbuckle.
“Diana?....the lights…is it Saturnalia….uhm?” Daphne asked slowly. “Will, why aren't we fighting?”
Will suppressed a chuckle. “I knocked you out. The fight is over.”
“Already?” Daphne asked, happily confused.
“Yes.” Will said.
“Wow! Can you take me to my apartment, Will?”
Dreams of love making with Daphne still glimmered in Will’s head when he woke.
Looking around, he saw he was in the cabin of a jet. He started to leap up when a voice, soothing and feminine, called his name. Diana was seated at the bed.
“Diana? Where the hell am I?”
“You’re on a jet, will, you’re going to my home island,” Diana smiled at the boxer and pressed him back to the bed. “Daphne has chosen you as her mate.”
“Home island? Daphne’s mate?”
The perplexity in Will’s voice sounded like pain.
“Have you heard of the Amazons, the mythical female warriors?”
Diana removed a small green cylinder and face mask from under the bed.
“Yes.” Will stammered.
“Daphne and I are members of that race. We came to your city to select mates. I chose John and Daphne picked you. We’re transporting you home.”
“You’re kidnapping me?!”
“We don’t like that word, Will. And yes,” Diana explained. “But you’ll be happy with Daphne, she’s in love with you!”
Diana quickly connected rubber tubing to a valve on the cylinder and then the face mask to the other end. A sharp hiss followed when she turned the release on the small tank.
“But I don’t want to be anyone’s mate!”
“John loved the idea,” said Diana. “We’re to be married when we arrive.”
“John likes women to dominate him, I don’t!” Will asserted.
“This makes you perfect for Daphne!” With her left arm, Diana firmly pinned Will to the bed. “Breath normally Will. This is a precaution, we don’t want people to know where the island is. Just relax, John did.”
Skillfully, Diana covered Will’s mouth and nose with the gas mask.
“Relax?!...I can…mumppphhh….umphhh….”
Heaviness filled Will’s body. Diana’s affectionate words became murky and then silence. He felt a gentle caress on his cheek and sleep consumed him whole.
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