Adrienne took up boxing to lose weight. Marc, her friend and co-worker, was surprised when she asked about his gym. Marc had been boxing there for a few years.
Marc didn’t think his friend was aggressive enough for the ring. Adrienne could very shy, smiling defensively among strangers. Socially she was jovial and enjoyed eating and drinking especially. Marc assumed Adrienne would do what so many heavy-set girls did as they approached thirty: got heavier.
But Adrienne’s plumpness rapidly vanished once she started training. A craving to punch whoever she faced in the ring burst from the girl, threatening to consume her opponent and whoever stood by the ropes, as Marc often did. Watching Adrienne’s eyes, March saw that she was a rare beginner for whom training was not a demanding chore, but an intense form of play.
The pair began sparring at Marc’s suggestion. Watching Adrienne’s legs propel her around the ring as she pummeled other female boxers made Marc curious about Adrienne’s body.
“Should we? Are you sure?” Adrienne asked. The anticipation in Adrienne’s request triggered excitement in Marc. “I might hurt a big guy like you!”
“You?” Marc answered facetiously.
“Yeah, me!” Adrienne almost laughed. “I love fighting!”
“Sparring, Adrienne, we’ll only be sparring. I’ll be safe.”
Marc’s final two punches slammed Adrienne on both sides of her chin, bouncing her head backwards. Stars and lights flew everywhere in her skull, melting onto the shattered vision of the boxing ring. Whiteness flared in Adrienne’s brain as she fumbled on her heels, arms swinging limply and knees buckling. Blackness embraced Adrienne’s body like a passionate lover and she succumbed to its caresses serenely.
Electric pleasure surged through Marc’s lions as he followed Adrienne, her eyes already shut, as she collapsed against the ropes. The impact rattled the turnbuckles and Adrienne slipped down until her ass touched the canvas and she slumped against the ropes.
Her legs stretched out with limp feet pointed away from each other. Adrienne’s fists rested on her thighs and crotch, a fleeting smile of contentment her face, which came to rest, falling on her right shoulder.
Adrienne was knocked out cold.
Her seconds swarmed into the ring, ignoring the ref’s count and Marc who stood over the defeated girl. Unthinkingly, Marc pulled off his gloves and watched intensely as Adrienne melon-like tits peacefully rose and fell, nipples erect under the fabric of her sports bra. Marc stepped toward the unconscious girl, wanting to fondle her when he stumbled into the ref who was helping revive Adrienne.
“Marc, Holy Christ, she’s out like a light!” the ref scolded. “What were you thinking?”
Marc’s tongue spat a cascade of unrelated words. The confusion lifted from his brain and Marc finally understood what he had done.
“God!...Is Adrienne okay?” he asked.
“Let’s hope!” replied Cathy, Adrienne’s training partner. “Isn’t she your friend?”
The ref waved smelling salts by Adrienne’s nose. A moan followed a fidgety jerk of her head as darkness drained from Adrienne’s eyes. A fuzzy humming filled her body as consciousness poured into her brain. Adrienne scanned the ring in total perplexity.
“…where was I…Cath? Marc?”
“Okay Adrienne, sit still,” the ref urged her. “Marc knocked you out!”
Deeper bafflement showed on the girl fighter’s face. “He did?”
“I’m sorry Adrienne, I don’t know…I got carried off…”
“Oh…” Adrienne appeared to concentrate momentarily and then suddenly grinned to herself.
Cathy and the ref knelt beside Adrienne and hooked her still limp arms around their shoulders. In one seamless effort, they lifted their friend to her feet and transported her to the women’s locker room. A look of calm was on Adrienne’s face, like a problem had just been solved.
Adrienne straddled Marc, who lay in exhausted sleep before her. The sides of her bare bent knees barely touched Marc’s rib cage that faintly registered his breathing. Leaning forward to look at her lover’s passive face, Adrienne felt for the first time in hours the throbbing purple bruise beneath her right eye. As her palms grazed Marc’s chest, Adrienne fell in love.
Until that day, Adrienne had never considered Marc sexually. But when she woke from the knockout, Marc was transformed. Marc moved, to Adrienne’s newly awakened eyes, like a male beast that had claimed his mate. Her senses completely reassembled in the locker room, Adrienne knew she had to possess that strength.
Resting at home after the fight, Adrienne could only think of how the left-right combination that ended the match felt. The more she mentally replayed the moment, the massive walls of leather hammering her, the more excited Adrienne became. She finally called Marc and asked if she could come over to his townhouse.
Adrienne moved slowly around the living room, exploring its contents as she told Marc how exhilarating her first match was.
“It felt great to hit you Marc, I can’t get over it!” exclaimed Adrienne. Staring at the purple smudge beneath Adrienne’s eye, Marc wondered if Adrienne was drunk or if he had hit her too hard.
“I want to fight again!!” Adrienne added at an excited pitch. “Soon, real soon!”
Marc was on his feet and they kissed.
When Andrea showed up at the gym one day, Marc got worried. The cute, full-chested boxedora had been Adrienne’s room mate a few years before. The friendship went very sour when Andrea missed four months of rent and damaged part of her bedroom. Adrienne had been left to cover the bill.
At the same time, Marc had an affair with Andrea, which he intentionally concealed from Adrienne. Andrea was a powerful fuck, but she couldn’t confine herself to one man, which annoyed Marc, even in a cheap fling. Watching Andrea prowl around the boxing ring renewed his fascination with her black hair and long, strong legs. Marc also knew the former roommates would meet again and likely work out their differences with their fists. Marc hoped Andrea would keep her mouth shut about their time together.
When the meeting came a few weeks later, the two women barely spoke. Marc thought, briefly, the pair would hate each other in silence. Quickly, Andrea found out who her old roommate was now living with and publically challenged Adrienne.
“Don’t worry,” Andrea assured Marc right after Adrienne accepted Andrea’s challenge. “I won’t tell her about the thing we had. You can trust me.”
“I don’t,” he answered blankly.
“You know I’m going to flatten her, that’s what I really want!”
“Because I cheated her and left her to pay my debts,” Andrea said, serenely. “Now I’m going to clean her clock!”
Andrea grinned when she said “clean her clock” and her discretely pointed canines flashed, flaring lust in Marc. “I’m going to beat up Adrienne because it will be fun. Is it true how you two hooked up?”
“Somebody told me you knocked Adrienne out cold.” Andrea suggested. “That night you two were screwing!”
Marc hadn’t told anyone that fact.
“A victorious woman always brags, Marc!” Andrea added after a moment of silence. “I’ll knock her out for you again. That sounds great, doesn’t it?” Andrea’s canines gleamed a second time.
“Sure,” Marc replied, certain of his answer.
“Keep clear of the cow until you’re ready to unload on her!” Cathy said as finished tying Adrienne’s boxing gloves. Marc rubbed his girlfriend’s bare shoulders and neck. “Stay loose Adrienne and keep moving. Andrea’s a little heavier than you, so there will be a little drag on her.”
“That fat ass of hers!” Adrienne sneered with a laugh. “I should have done this awhile back!”
Marc kissed Adrienne behind her ear and an excited shiver ripped through the girl. “I love you, honey!”
Adrienne nodded positively as the bell rang, cutting off her verbal reply.
Andrea moved out, only raising her arms as she got close to Adrienne. “Ready?” Andrea asked calmly.
“Yes!” Adrienne responded.
Both girls suddenly spun in a circle way from each other. Adrienne pivoted on her feet and reversed herself, slamming her right into Andrea’s jaw. Her left followed rapidly, bashing the other side of Andrea’s face, rattling her brains. Andrea ordered herself backwards, despite the jolt of pain searing her skull and shot her fists up defensively. Andrea blocked most of Adrienne’s blows, landing a few punches in return.
Adrienne only flinched at first from Andrea’s body shots. Dancing away from the stinging jabs, Adrienne felt pleasure pulse through her arms and legs. She laughed to herself every time one of Andrea’s punches missed its mark.
“When!? When?!” Marc muttered to himself as he yelled advice to his lover. He watched both fighters’ tight legs and rumps, recalling how it felt to have both women naked in his arms. Adrienne was better as a lover; her orgasms still leveled Marc as his punch had leveled her.
“When!?” he demanded.
Coming out for the second round, Adrienne felt giddy to hit Andrea. The two fighters circled each other: Adrienne taking every opportunity to strike, while Andrea, eyes intent, watched Adrienne predatorily.
Shifting backward, Andrea dodged a left-right combination and pounded a left at Adrienne’s belly. Satisfaction filled Andrea as her opponent doubled over, exposing her face.
Andrea slugged Adrienne on the jaw, landing her on the canvas. Adrienne’s senses were jumbled from the blow.
“Damn, is she out?” Marc gasped, shaking the ropes in anticipation. “Get up Adrienne!” Cathy shouted.
The downed boxer shook her head and searched the ring. A smirking Andrea was standing in a neutral corner, glaring at her former roommate as Adrienne hauled herself to her feet.
Andrea moved in , slugging Adrienne twice in the gut. The girl winced in pain and Andrea didn’t hesitate to deliver an upper cut.
Adrienne tumbled into the ropes and Andrea closed in. Fists raised at eye level to the dazed beginner, Andrea fired off a series of left-right combos to Adrienne’s face, rocking her head violently. Adrienne’s body twisted from the punches, flapping her arms in the air.
“No! No!” Cathy and March screamed together, his voice louder than hers.
Andrea clobbered Adrienne two more times and stepped back. Adrienne sagged against the ropes, arms reaching blindly, a dazed, confused smile creeping across her face. Andrea stepped in again and hammered Adrienne’s chin.
The ropes stretched back and then contracted. Adrienne, out on her feet, wobbled forward, arms and legs and head jerking in multiple directions. Then her entire being felt calm and Adrienne was enveloped in soothing velvety blackness. Her upper torso spun as she fell to the canvas, landing on her back.
Andrea was laughing out loud as the ref slowly began to count. “The bitch is out!” she yelled at the cry of “Five!” Seeing Adrienne’s eyes barely open, Andrea knelt at her opponent’s ear.
“Adrienne, I fucked Marc long and hard!” Andrea sneered.
The words went down the same blackness that swallowed Adrienne and joined the collidascope of images and sensations she would barely remember when she woke five minutes later in Marc’s arms.
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