Dave woke the next morning with only the memory of getting knocked out by Gwen and then fucking her stupid that night. When he reached Justice Force HQ, he found Jade Dragon and Super Donna working out in the gym.
"Hey stranger, get lost last night?" Donna asked.
Dave only gave a sly smile in response. "Donna, I want to box you, right now!"
There was a tone in Dave's voice and a reckless glimmer in the curl of his lips that held both women speechless for a moment. "No," Donna finally answered. "I'd knock you out like I did before. You know better!"
"Afraid to fight a man, Donna?"
Donna shot a sudden glare at Dave, not sure if she heard him correctly. She walked up to him carefully, looking the young man up and down, like she was meeting him for the first time. "Get you gloves on Dave," she said slowly. "You'll ref, right Jade?"
Jade broke away from staring at Dave. "Yeah..sure..."
"Thank you! Obviously Dave didn't learn the first time!" Donna intoned.
Dave's eyes met Super Donna's. "We've never had a first time, Donna. And the girls have taught me a lot since then!"
Super Donna playfully nudged him backward. "We'll see all you've learned when Jade and I lift you off the mats!"
Both fighters were on the mats within five minutes. Jade Dragon couldn't take her eyes off Dave, particularly his midsection. She saw Super Donna scanning the same part of Dave's anatomy with approval and whispered in her ear.
"Don't spend the fight looking at his cock or he'll knock you out for certain," Jade Dragon advised.
Super Donna looked at Jade knowingly. Not even in the thick of fight had Donna's eyes blazed this wildly. "First i'm going to cream Dave and then he's going to cream me!"
Jade stood between the two fighters. "Ready?" she asked. "Fight!"
Super Donna raced at Dave, cocking her right fist back.
The red glove connected expertly on Dave's chin, halting him in his tracks and springing his head back. Smilling manically, Super Donna stepped aside as the young man, swaying on his feet from the blow, let his eyes close. All the air escaped his lungs and flopped on the mats, out cold.
"Donna, you sucker punched Dave!" Jade Dragon blurted.
"You bet!"
"How did it feel?"
"Great!" Super Donna hauled the lifeless male over her right shoulder and carried him effortlessly back to her sleeping quarters. She woke Dave with a few well placed, gentle slaps. Super Donna undressed as he came around.
The next night Dave made a suggestion to Atomic Girl. Normally, she would not object to having more than one person in her bed at a time, but they had to be male. Then Dave smiled and Atomic Girl just melted. Then dave went to Jade Dragon and Power Princess, who needed no persuading at all.
"Hey, Donna honey, wake up, we need to talk," Dave whispered to the woman he loved. Donna opened her eyes slowly, residual sleep from her nap still weighed down her eyelids. Dave and Donna had spent all night and most that day making love until Donna fell asleep, exhausted, in Dave's arms. Yet Dave still had plenty of energy, which baffled him when he thought about it.
"What is it, sweatheart?" she asked. "Oh..hi girls."
"Hi, Donna," Atomic Girl laughed. "Had a good night?"
The other two girls simply giggled among themselves.
"I've got a really great idea!" Dave said. "It might seem crazy, but I think we're up for it. I know I am!"
Super Donna was confused. "What?"
"A four way," explained Dave. "Tonight I service Justice Force together!"
Donna's face twisted in hurt perplexity. "Have you lost your mind? You just spent the last 20 hours telling me how much you love me."
Dave smiled. "And I do!"
Supper Donna surveyed the bed. "Okay, I think there's room for all!"
That night Dave drown in female flesh. One after another he made passionate love to Atomic Girl, Power Princess and Jade Dragon. Always he returned to Donna, more in love with her and her body with every passing hour. Jade Dragon and Power Princess went under first, sprawled on the bed like defeated prize fighters slumbering through the ten count. Atomic Girl soon followed, inventing new forms of praise for Dave and his penis.
The rising sun found Dave and Super Donna in the throes of the final bout of love making.
"Harder..nex time..." she gasped into Dave's bare chest. "...hard...er..."
Dave put his arms around the woman he loved and they both fell into peacefull sleep.
The whistle of the alarm system jolted Atomic Girl awake. Stumbling groggily, Atomic Girl took two minutes to reach the computer screen that informed her of a robbery in progress at First National Bank of the Nation.
"Oh crap!" she sighed and ambled clumsily back to Super Donna's bedroom.
"Come on Power Princess, wake up!" said Atomic Girl, nudging the second youngest member of Justice Force.
The black crime fighter hardly opened her eyes. "Hey Rita, I don't go that way..."
"No, Jackie, we have a robbery in progress!"
"That's just great!" Power Princess groaned, kicking Jade Dragon under the bed. "We've been called to action!"
"Go away!" Jade Dragon said, rolling off the bed.
Eventually Justice Force got dressed and boarded Justice Force One jet which landed them minutes later downtown. Police had surronded the bank which was occupied by The Sisterhood of Evil. Crowds of civilians and reporters pressed to see the arrival of Justice Force.
"They're here, Sylvia!" Lynx called out to her boss.
"Finally! Dave must have ploughed them pretty good," Sylvia replied. "All right ladies, let's clobber some girl scouts!"
Cameras from every media outlet followed The Sisterhood as they struted down the bank steps to confront the sleepy Justice Force.
"All right Sylvia, we have you surronded!" Super Donna yelled. "You going to give up?"
"No." Sylvia answered blankly. A reporter and cameraman from an international new network ran up to the female adversaries. Sylvia waited a moment for effect and slugged Supper Donna on the chin. The image of Super Donna's eyes crossing and mouth falling slack was broadcast worldwide.
"Did..nt...c...that...coming..." Donna fell foward to the ground, ass hiked up in the air and her goofily grinning face pressed against the lawn.
Screaming, Dave lead as Justice Force collided instantly with The Sisterhood of Evil.
Gwen ducked out two of Red Dragon's punches and kicked the raven haired crime fighter directly on the jaw.
"Just like old times, sweetie!" Gwen yelled and slugged Jade Dragon in the stomach. As her victim doubled over in agony, Gwen launched a flying kick that caught Jade Dragon low on the jaw. Stars exploded everywhere and Jade Dragon felt the world spin counter clockwise as darkness consumed her.
"Sleep tight, bitch!" snorted Gwen, kicking the unconcious Jade Dragon in the ribs.
Lynx and Puma clothes lined Power princes easily. Grabbing the black girl by her hair, they worked her over for five minutes as viewers watched. When they finished, the evil twin sisters let the beaten superherione slump to the ground.
Sylvia confronted Dave and Atomic Girl. "Come on you two!" she taunted. Just as they both leapt at her, Pheramoan landed a chop to both their necks. Atomic Girl and Dave staggered and went out for the count.
Sylvia, her opponents quickly dispatched, pulled a camera down to the unconscious Super Donna.
"Take a good look, Metropolis! These are your protectors! A collection of useless clothes horses!" She threw Super Donna back to the ground. "The time of Justice Force is gone! The day of The Sisterhood of Evil has dawned! We own the city!!!"
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