Britt’s step mom, Julia, looked glad to see me in the ring. The tall, attractively plumb blonde stood in the opposite corner, her brown eyes glistening with the anticipation of taking me apart with her fists.
Not that I minded tangling with either Julia or Britt. Both were good looking women and Britt had lead me to believe in our on line chats that Julia got off on koing men. So when I was in the area on business, I emailed Britt with a request for a bout. The invitation came back an hour later.
“Now Mom is serious, Max, she took one look at you and told me she couldn’t wait to send you to dreamland,” warned Britt as she laced up my boxing gloves. Smiling flirtatiously, Britt rubbed against me suggestively, giving me a great view of her stunning breasts that swelled invitingly out of her blue bikini top.
“Why? I get her excited or something?” I asked, my eyes tracing down Britt’s belly to her tight bikini bottoms that rode high on her hips and displayed Britt’s powerful gams.
“Mom loves beating up guys, she’ll get a rush trouncing you, so you have to be careful. She’ll tire you out and then go for the chin; I’ve seen her do it a million times.”
I glanced at Julia again, as she now impatiently shadow boxed. When Julia saw me looking at her, her eyes shone even brighter. “Okay, they’re all tied. You ready Max?”
Giving Britt’s chest one more loving glance, I said I was. Britt brought me and her step mom to the center of their backyard boxing ring. It was a pleasant Friday after noon, a cool breeze fitfully lifting Julia’s hair off her bare shoulders. My opponent fought topless, dressed only in tight trunks and black boxing gloves. Julia’s creamy white tits and erect pink-red nipples were a major distraction, so I had to keep concentrating. “Okay Mom, Max, you guys know the rules? Nothing below the belt and you fight to a knockout.”
“Sure, Britt, I wouldn’t want to damage Max’s family jewels,” Julia teased.
“Thanks, Julia, I appreciate your concern,” I answered. We touched gloves.
“I wouldn’t want to hurt what I’m going to own when the fight is over!”
“Jeez, Mom!....now back to your corners…” Both Julia and I turned to our corners. “One thing, Julia….” I said.
Julia stopped and turned to me. “What’s up, sexy?”
My right hook connected with Julia’s chin. Her whole body jerked backward and then she stumbled, a dreamy, confused expression on her pretty face. Then Julia simply dropped backward to the canvas, arms and legs shot in different directions and her tits flopping back and forth on her chest. Julia was out cold.
Britt stood aghast, looking down at her step mom horizontal and lifeless on the canvas.
“Oh my God, you knocked mom out!” Britt knelt down and checked Julia’s eyes. They were both white. “This hasn’t happened in years! Hey Mom, a guy knocked you fucking out!”
“Britt?” I said calmly.
Britt stood up and looked at me, still excited and flustered by what she just witnessed.
I put one directly on Britt’s chin, a sudden, from the floor upper cut. A pained “uuuuuffff” escaped her lips as she fell back against the ropes. Britt staggered forward, glassy eyes staring directionlessly as her arms fell to her sides. I was prepared to finish her with a follow up left hook to the jaw, but Britt’s eyes closed gently and she took one step before collapsing toward my bare chest. I caught Britt and flipped the twenty-year old beauty over my shoulder. Before I carried her out of the ring, I checked Julia one more time. The big-chested lovely was napping peacefully, a tranquil smile beaming from her face.
Britt’s bedroom was at the far end of the neat, split-level house she and Julia lived in. I sat the unconscious girl on the edge of her bed and righted her chin. “Hey, Earth to Brit, come in, Brit,” I said, planting little slaps on each side of her face. Slowly, Britt emerged from sleep, her eyes fluttering open, followed by a trail of moans that ended with: “What happened?”
“I cold cocked you, Britt,” I replied. “You left yourself wide open, so I put you in dreamland for awhile.”
Britt took a few minutes to recover. Between her head still spinning from my punch and the pain in her chin and jaw, she had trouble standing up. But when she did, Britt told me she was impressed with any guy who managed to KO her step mom. “Any man like that deserves some lip service,” Britt suggested.
I liked her suggestion.
When Britt and I came out to the kitchen, Julia was waiting for us.
“That was sneaky as hell, Max, I wasn’t expecting that. Most guys just get wrapped up in my tits and I flatten them.” Julia got right in my face. “Why don’t we try again?”
I looked at Julia. She had a bruise where I had hit her. “You up for a rematch, already?”
“Hell yeah,” declared Julia. “You look pretty relaxed. Doesn’t he, Britt?”
Britt looked away, somewhat embarrassed.
This time the fight went a little longer. Julia kept up a strong defense for most of the first round; protecting what I saw was a weak jaw. When we got into clinches, Julia would give me plenty of contact with her body. The distraction worked. I ended the first round without scoring the KO and admiring her breasts and thighs.
Second and last round was the real thing. Julia let lose on me, firing pounding blows all over my body, while deftly blocking anything I threw at her. I felt myself slacking behind, having trouble keeping up. Each head shot I took rattled my vision just a little more each time, until it felt like miniature earthquakes were erupting in my skull every other moment. When Julia let up on punishing my head, it was only work my torso and mockingly reminding me of how the front of my shorts showed how excited I was.
By that point, I could only groggily watch her chest as my thoughts slowed down and scattered with each punch. Then I was on my back. When the darkness cleared, Britt, with visible pleasure, was calling out “Four!” Through the fog, I told myself that I was not going to be counted out and I hauled myself to my feet at “Nine!”
Vaguely, I knew I was back on my feet and I raised my fists as high as I could when I saw Julia walk toward me unhurriedly. A warm, happy sensation filled me as I looked at Julia, her gloves held at the side of her breasts. “Wow Max, you’re back on your feet!” I got aroused seeing Julia’s right cock back. “We’ll wake you in time for dinner!’
Instant darkness. I was entirely out cold!
I came out of it ten minutes later. With a lot help from Britt and Julia, I recovered my bearings and rested before we ate.
After the really fantastic meal Julia prepared for the three of us, we watched some TV until seven o’clock.
“Are you ready to take me on?” Britt asked me.
“Whenever you’re ready, Britt,” I answered, getting to my feet.
“Mom, could Max and I fight in my room…by ourselves?” Britt asked, as pleadingly as she could. Julia looked warily at me. “I’d rather I supervised, Britt?”
“Please, it would be more fun just Max and me…”
“Don’t worry, Julia, I’ll be a gentleman,” I added.
“I know, the man part has me worried!” Julia wrinkled her brow. “All right, but I’ll be right outside the door.”
Britt joyfully thanked her step mom and we set about clearing a fight space in her bedroom. After we spread thick blankets and pillows all over the room, Britt ducked into her bathroom and emerged in a skimpy red bikini. We fitted on our gloves and touched fists.
Julia had taught Britt well. The young boxerette landed stinging jabs and power punches every time I turned. But she wasn’t strong enough to put me flat out like her mom did. I also noticed she consistently guarded her chin and I decided to conduct an experiment.
I faked a right to her stomach and Britt’s defenses quickly responded. “Britt, I really enjoyed the bj!”
“You did?!” Britt exclaimed with a surprised grin.
“Yep!” I slugged Britt directly in the gut. Britt’s eyes bulged open, all the air escaping painfully from her body. The power right shot to the jaw sent Britt off to slumberville. “Gina…” Britt mumbled. She landed on her back on her bed, fists by her ears, her body completely passive in defeat. I admired Britt’s nicely curved body, her ample chest rising and falling with soft regularity. Britt was totaled.
I pulled off my gloves and opened the door to let Julia in. She hurriedly ran over and examined her step-daughter. “Well, she’s okay; she’ll come around in a few minutes.” Julia looked at me. “You tagged her glass jaw pretty good! I wonder who she’s dreaming about?”
“Probably me,” I answered, kind of smugly.
Julia looked at me in surprise. “You like my Britt?”
“Sure, she’s a sweet girl.”
“And pretty?”
“Hell yeah! A face like hers would make any man fall in love!”
“Nice to hear you say that Max. Sweet dreams.”
Julia’s from nowhere upper cut lifted me off my feet. I plunged into a warm pool of sleep before I landed on the bed next to the snoozing Britt.
I was out for awhile. Julia told me she was very protective of Britt when she was around men. But Julia said she had acted rashly in my case and apologized.
“You know Max, you don’t have to go back to your hotel tonight, right?” Julia asked.
“Sometimes, Max, me and Mom need a man,” added Britt.
“My plane doesn’t leave until late afternoon…” I kissed Julia and then Britt. “I’ve got plenty of time.”
I woke late the next morning and I was exhausted. Britt and Julia lay on either side of me, sleeping off a night of complete sexual gratification. I kissed them both on their full red lips and climbed carefully out of bed. I collected my clothes and went out to the living room where I had left my overnight bag. I had everything packed and was tying my shoes when Britt and Julia appeared.
“Max, are you trying to sneak out?” Britt asked me, heavy on the sarcasm. “Mom, I think our all night wonder is trying to sneak out!”
Seeing the unhappy look in both their eyes, I grabbed my bag and bolted for the door. Julia grabbed my shirt collar and yanked me back. “Just like a man, Britt. Let’s sing him a lullaby!”
The girls worked me over. My vision dimmed quickly. I heard Britt giggle and I felt relaxed. There was a hot rush through my body. I thought happily of Keisha back home and slept.
I came around in a lot of pain and saw the ceiling of my hotel room. The digital clock on the stand showed I’d been out cold for three hours. Standing on the clock was a Valentine’s Day Card. Writen inside was “Hugs and kisses, Max! Cum again!”
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