Power Princess slowly came around after she was seated on the chair in her corner. Her eyes fluttering open, she took in the concerned looks on the faces of the people surrounding her.
“Try and speak!” Jade Dragon said, gently slapping Power Princess, aka Jackie Ellison‘s, face. Still semi conscious from Dave’s sleeper hold, her eyes searched everywhere with anticipation and then finally came to rest on Atomic Girl. “It’s the Easter Bunny at last!” Power Princess exclaimed in dreamy contentment.
“Damn, Dave, you really fucked her up!” commented Atomic Girl. “When Donna gets back she’ll be shocked a man finally knocked out Jackie! Dave, get the smelling salts.”
“A man knocked me out?” Power Princess asked with hazy pleasure. “Who was it? Was he big and strong?”
“Well, I’d say so, Power Princess,” Dave answered the dazed girl’s question as he returned with the smelling salts.
“No, he wasn’t! Give me that!” Atomic Girl blurted. Breaking the small phial by Power Girl’s nose, Atomic Girl gently waved the salts under her partner’s nostrils.
“Ohhhh!” Power Princes head cleared instantly and she glared with anger at Dave. “You!”
“Yeah, I knocked you out cold,” Dave stated the obvious as if Power Princess wasn‘t in the gym when their fight occurred.
“Get back in your corner, Dave!” Power Princess ordered. “This match is not over!”
“Sure its over, I sent you to dreamland in under a minute…”
Power Princess’ fist sailed close to Dave’s face as Atomic Girl yanked him backward. “She’s ticked!” Atomic Girl turned her sometime lover around and shoved him back to his corner of the mat. “You’re dead!”
“I am not! I koed her once, I’ll do it again!”
“Dave, you’re the first male ever to knock Power Princess out. Guys twice your size have ended up in the hospital after tangling with Jackie and you put her out with a sleeper!”
The automatic buzzer screeched. Atomic Girl shoved the befuddled Dave forward. “I’ll see you in the infirmary!”
Dave barely went four steps when Power princess slammed directly into him. The impact flipped Dave completely over backwards and he landed loudly and painfully on his back. The gym ceiling blurred soothingly for the few moments it took for Power Princess to smile gleefully, raise her knee to her chin and drive it directly into Dave’s belly. Cursing between gasps, Dave rolled into a ball. Power Princess quickly knelt and pinned Dave’s wrists to the mat with her knees. She raised her right fist to her shoulder. Dave winced, knowing he was about to be clobbered.
When no explosion of pain wracked his skull, Dave unsquinted his eyes. Power Princess was slipping the shoulder of her white tank down her arm. “Jackie? What are you gonna do?” Dave asked, consumed with equal amounts of unease and lust. Even more unsettling; Power Princess was smiling the way she had when they first met, like Dave met with her approval.
“Sweet dreams!” Atomic Girl called out, but Dave didn’t hear her or notice the small digital camera Jade Dragon was pointing at him and Jackie.
“I…don’t…ah…know about…right here…Jackie….” Dave stammered as he watched Jackie’s tank top fall to her waist. Power Princess’ smooth, round breasts hung like graceful teardrops, curving into a near perfect spheres. Her nipples were hard and purple.
Power Princess leaned down to Dave right ear, allowing her tits to coyly brush on his face.
“Don’t worry Dave,” she whispered. “You’ll wake up in my bed!”
She kissed Dave affectionately and in one deft move, submerged Dave’s face in her boobs. Dave barely struggled as Power Princess’ skin first caressed his face and then began to close off his mouth and nose to oxygen.
Then he felt his air go short and a fire start in his lungs. Dave gasped and tried to push or pull Power Princess off of him.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard!” was the last thing Dave heard as his eyes began to close. Power Princess’ grin of triumph widened when she felt Dave’s massive erection in his shorts.
“I own you!” Power Princess murmured. Dave felt his eyelids shut and he couldn’t open them. His lips pressed against Jackie’s cleavage, taking in the feel. And Dave was out cold!
When he emerged from Power Princess’ sleeping quarters the next morning, Jackie Ellison was sleeping deeply, the erotic dreams playing in her head reflected on the delighted smile on her face.
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