Concern was the word Will would have used to describe his feelings about the skinny girl. "Worry" and "anxious" were too strong. The match would end with Nadia out cold on the canvas. But past experience had taught Will not to be careless in the ring with skinny girls, who were faster and stronger than their bodies showed. Will could also not stop looking at Nadia's piercing eyes that seemed to shift between light blue and gray.
They had agreed to fight to a knockout at Nadia's request. That worked for Will, he had four inches on the girl.
Will watched Nadia's thin but well developed body as she probed , waiting for Will's reaction to her verbal taunting and an offer of a hand job.
There was little. Will blocked a few punches, absorbed a few others, but did not hit her back. Instead he looked over her body, studying how she held her arms in defense. A hand job would be nice, he considered, watching Nadia's dove-like breasts sway beneath her top. Will liked women to have a fuller chest, but Nadia's were cute and feminine.
Will faked a left to Nadia's head. Her fist jumped higher instantly. Will's fist hit her stomach with lighting and for a moment he regretted the pain that strained Nadia's face.
The left upper cut finished Nadia, staggering the girl as the lights in her brain rattled and flickered.
"Uhhhh....ohhhhh..." Nadia warbled, starting to stumble. An ecstatic lassitude drank Nadia and the canvas raced up to catch her plummeting body.
Will started the count, but quickly stopped. Admiring Nadia's compact ass, Will gave it a loving slap and rolled the girl on her back.
"Just a little rag doll, sweetie?" Will asked, taking off his gloves. He checked her pulse and gently caressed Nadia's cheeks. "You sleeping, aren't you?"
Will gave her a few slaps on the face. Nadia's eyes slowly fluttered open.
"There you go..." Will stood and collected his gear. With aching lethargy, Nadia's head cleared and she sat up.
"Asshole!" she shouted at Will like a snake spewing venom. "I'll get you!"
"Whenever you are ready, honey!"
Before she was completely on her feet, Will was gone from the ring.
Two afternoons later, Will was stowing his gear in the trunk of his car in the gym parking lot. As he brought down the lid, a small hand firmly clutched his shoulder and spun him ninety degrees.
He saw Nadia and was transfixed by her luminous blue eyes and then her fist.
Will slumped loudly against the trunk. As he blacked out, he slipped sideways, landing on the pavement.
"Jerk!" declared Nadia.
A week later concern was replaced by determination in Will's mind. When he woke on the black top where Nadia had left him, he was sorry he took the crazy female's challenge in the first place.
As days went by, he became set on flattening Nadia again, because the girl was not rational. A koed opponent should know she's been knocked out.
"Face still throbbing?" Nadia asked when they were facing each other. "I wouldn't miss seeing your face!"
There was a red bruise where Nadia's punch had impacted. Will knew she'd strike there again, to inflict a painful reminder of their last encounter.
When the bell rang, Will delivered an upper cut to Nadia's chin.
Nadia halted in her tracks, eyes crossed. Will was about to follow up with a right hook, but Nadia's knees buckled one at a time. The skinny girl spun as she hurtled to the canvas, eyes closing, thinking of a playground from her childhood.
Will counted out the unconscious girl boxer and gathered her in his arms. Gently he placed her in the stool that sat in her corner and eased her against the turnbuckle.
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