Tom knew Sonia was a member of the Amazon Sisterhood. The Sisterhood's rules were clear: an Amazon could only be mated to a man who defeated her in battle. Tom wasn't thinking that long term, but he was sure of what he wanted from Sonia in the short term: the female fighter on her back.
Tom was a pretty good boxer who fought only mixed fights. Most of his opponents finished the fight asleep. But Sonia was a different matter. She was bigger and certainly stronger than all the guys at the club, the results of her people's centuries long effort to build a race of powerful female warriors. To go against Sonia without concealed advantages would surely land Tom in a hospital bed.
It occured to Tom that he could cheat with loaded gloves. He owned a pair; some of the horse hair padding had been removedfrom the right glove and replaced with sand. The gloves were rarely used since Tom was strong enough to floor most of his challengers.
The bout was private at Tom's request, which was fine with the gold haired Sonia who told the other women in the club she'd personally carry the unconscious Tom out of the ring to the recovery room.
Sonia had left Amazon Island for the Cities of Men with the intention of finding a mate. Tom reminded her of why her ancestors killed their male lovers after they got pregnant. He was tall, handsomely built and Sonia recognized how much he enjoyed defeating women in the ring. The Amazons had long ago stopped killing mates and the their population had grown. But that would not restrain Sonia from beating Tom senseless.
They spoke to each other very little. Sonia read lust in Tom's eyes and mouth, but his desire held nothing erotic. Sonia kept mobile, forcing Tom to pursue her. Often she'd double back, slamming Tom's head and body with hits. He'd grunt louder with every punch and kept after the Amazon.
Tom insulted Sonia with every name he could conjure. From the age of 11, when her boxing training began, Sonia was taught to treat male taunting as unworthy of response. But she despised the word "slut" to the core of her soul and when Tom spat it at Sonia, coupled with the word "blond," she swung fiercely at his head.
Tom slipped down and then pounded his right, the loaded glove, flush on Sonia's jaw.
The explosion inside her skull seemed to take hours. Sonia went backward, her body going stiff against the ropes. Her dreamy eyes were as wide as saucers. Sonia ordered her body to move, but it collapsed inward, buckling at the knees and hips. Sonia flung her arms out into the liquid darkness that consumed her, hoping to grab the ropes, but she instantly fell asleep.
"Sweet dreams, Amazon!" Tom growled, pulling off his gloves and giving the unconscious girl an wolf-like smile. "Never saw it coming your way!"
The next night Sonia and Tom spent in her bedroom. The Amazon gave herself to her conqueror by the rules of the Amazons. Tom was more of a gentleman than Sonia expected, but she watched him constantly for unexpected aggression.
"You liked it, some of it anyway. Right?" Tom announced in his relaxed tone, pulling on his cloths.
"I had a few orgasms."
Sonia glanced at Tom from where she lay on her bed. Tom let out a short, guttural laugh. "That's good!" he added and vanished from the apartment.
In a small notebook on her bedstead, Sonia had written the names of four men she'd met in the last year. Resting her head on the pillow, Sonia recalled why she moved to the Cities of Men. Those men had proven themselves worthy in both the boxing ring and the bed, but something held Sonia from choosing one and returning to Amazon Island to start the family she more and more desired. Getting knocked out by a male and then laying with him enraged and depressed Sonia and she looked those names over again.
A week later Sonia challenged Tom to a KO wrestling match.
"The bout's not over till one of us is out cold?" Tom asked, remembering how turned on he got by the unconscious and vulnerable Sonia. "Sounds great!"
Sonia shook her head in agreement and they both climbed in the ring.
Sonia wasted little time with Tom. Grabbing his arm, she spun him into the ropes and clotheslining him as he fumbled forward. Dazed, Tom land flat on his back on the canvas.
"Get up!!" Sonia shouted and hauled the befuddled Tom to his feet and slugged him in the stomach. Doubled over in pain, Tom didn't recognize Sonia's arms locking around his neck. Not until the solid biceps clinched his throat, did Tom yell in surprise.
"Hey bitch what is this!" Tom sputtered.
"Me knocking you out, Tom." Sonia replied calmly.
Tom pulled at Sonia's arms with effect at all. Sleepiness moved over him rapidly, making his arms heavy and legs loose and limp. He snarled a few insults at Sonia and she pulled her arms closer together.
One of Tom's arms fell on Sonia's thigh. His face was blank, eyes expressionless and glassy. A fleck of drool seeps over his drooping lips.
"Time for sleep Tom," Sonia whispered in his ear. Horiness flickered in Tom's brain and he was able to give passing thought to the lovely softness of Sonia's bare breasts before his eyes began to close.
She's...winning...big tited....bitch, floated in Tom's draining consciousness. A brief visual of Sonia's bare thighs and pussy flashed in Tom's head. He smiled and blacked out.
Sonia dropped him on the floor and didn't bother with a pin or a count. She wanted to sock Tom while he was down and leave a bruise he'd remember for the rest of his life. But she thought of the names in her notebook and exited the ring for home.
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