Max Haig edged around the corner, eyeing carefully the entrance to the Funjin Corporation headquarters, the secret command center of Sisterhood of Evil operations. Behind him were Power Princess, Agent Miki and a 24 woman strike force comprised of Justice Force agents.
"It's clear," he whispered.
The group darted down an alley 30 minutes before midnight and converged in the entrance. Max and Power Princess quickly knocked out the two sentries before they could hit the alarm. Max removed one of the guard's electronic security passes and swiped it through the glass door lock. The doors swung open and the Justice Force operatives darted into the building.
Agent Miki instantly raised her sonic disruptor and fired a charge, shorting all the security cameras in the lobby.
"Who are..." asked one of the four approaching sentries, who recognized Power Princess and Agent Miki. In a flash, the guards drew their automatic pistols.
In unison, twelve members of the strike force back flipped over their comrades and landed in front of the sentries, wrists raised. Bullets bounced off the women's femminium bracelets as the other members of the strike group subdued the female guards with neck chops.
"Let's move, we have less than 30 minutes!" said Max after the unconscious women were tied up. The group entered the elevators according to plans and headed for the tenth floor, where Lady Raquel was putting her plans for the Mabuse Computer Virus into action.
"Okay, start explaining, Max!" Power Princess demanded.
"Yeah, let's hear it, Max! Agent Miki added.
"It's pretty simple. I was hired by the Sisterhood of Evil to seduce you two so that you'd stay too occupied to investigate the disappearance of Dr. Rabour." Max started.
"Do you think we're the kind of women who would let dick run their lives?" Miki sounded very angry.
"Well, the both of you are pretty horny...which is not a bad thi..."
Agent Miki slugged Max, pitching him toward the elevator doors, which opened just on time for Max to land on the 10th, marble floor. The rest of the strike force emptied from the other elevators.
"Get him on his feet!" Power Princess barked and a Justice Force agent pulled Max from the ground.
"You need to relax, Miki!" Max scolded Power Princess' crime fighting partner, who had already deployed the sonic disruptor to shut off the security apparatus. The strike force then moved quietly down the hall.
Twenty feet ahead of them were two security personal, plus a woman Max immediately recognized by the her bleach-blond hair as Gwen, his former partner in crime and sex. Seated with intimate closeness to Gwen was Ethan, the man Power Princess and Agent Miki had questioned about Dr. Rabour.
"Dart the guards!" Power Princess ordered. Drawing their tranq guns, Max and Agent Miki aimed around the corner, firing in unison, hitting the two female Sisterhood of Evil guards. The sentries suddenly felt very high. The pair hit the floor, asleep and smiling.
Before Gwen and Ethan could escape, the strike force captured them.
"Look who it is! Mister Traitor for Pussy!" Gwen sneered at Max.
"This is no time for argument, Gwen, where is Lady Raquel hiding?"
"Tell you!? We're over, Max! I've got Ethan now!" Ethan smiled at his new lover. "We're sworn to silence about Lady Raquel's hideout.....on this floor! Damn!" Ethan added.
"Ethan! You big dummy!" squealed Gwen.
Power Princess raised a small aerosol can to the blonde's face and fired a short jet of gas.
Max's old girlfriend sighed, grinned faintly and sagged to the floor, only to be scooped into Max's arms.
"Hey...Max...I....mm...drun....k..." Gwen chirped. "We going....t...o...bury the ...sau...sage?"
"Not just yet, where is Lady Raquel hiding?"
Gwen's eyes brightened. "Down the hall...there's...a ...force...fiellld..glassss....walls...shoots....and ladders!"
Gwen's eyes started to close.
"No, Gwen, not till you..."
Gwen was fast asleep, so Max turned to Ethan. "Has the Mabuse Virus been activated?"
"I'm not talking! Did you hurt Gwen?"
"Hey Ethan, remember me?" Agent Miki raised the signet ring on her index finger to the captive's face.
"Oh God, yeah! You were a powerful fu..."
Ethan inhaled the pink gas emitted by Agent Miki's ring and fell in love with her.
"Has implementation of the Mabuse Virus been completed?"
"Real...li...soooon..." Ethan replied dreamily. "Then Lady Raquel...will..empty alll...the...banks in the world!"
"Anything else!?" Miki asked.
"I nailed Lady Raquel a bunch of times...don't tell Gwen..."
"We won't!" Miki hit Ethan with the gas a second time, putting him completely under.
Power Princess ordered the sleeping lovers carried down to Justice Force transports for transporting to jail.
Again, Strike Force moved ahead cautiously.
"When both of you left messages on my cell phone that you had business at Funjin Corporation, I knew what was happening," Max whispered to Power Princess and Agent Miki. "I rushed there knowing Lady Raquel's policy regarding Justice Force spies!"
"And now you're in love with me?" Power Princess demanded.
"And me?!" Agent Miki broke in.
"I feel for Power Princess first..." Max considered the romantic arrangements for a moment. "Then I thought you were very attractive, also, Miki."
"WHY HELLO MAX AND JUSTICE FORCE DOGOODERS! WELCOME TO THE SISTERHOOD OF EVIL COMMAND CENTER!" boomed through the hallway. Max knew the silky voice anywhere: Lady Raquel!
"Raquel!" Max yelled down the apparently empty hall of illuminated walls.
"Mr. Haig?" one of the strike force agents asked.
"Yes, Scarlet Vixen?"
"My energy sensor indicates the wall five feet to our right is the hologram we heard about earlier. Behind it is Lady Raquel's operations room."
"Good job, Scarlet!"
Agent Miki raised her sonic disruptor, pointing it at the wall. A loud screech and buzz erupted, followed instantly by a large explosion. The smoke cleared quickly, revealing the glass wall behind which was operations room for the Mabuse Virus.
Four Justice Force Agents, lead by Power Princess, placed plastic explosives at the base of the glass wall and retreated for cover. Power Princess detonated the explosives, shattering the glass. Immediately, the strike force assaulted the operations room, silver braceleted Amazons going first, deflecting the machine gun fire from the Sisterhood of Evil agents.
Max, Agent Miki and the other Justice Force operatives inserted breathing filters in their nose and mouths as they pitched knock out gas bombs at the armed guards, instantly knocking them out.
"All right Lady Raquel, your plot is foiled!" Power Princess declared.
"Oh is it!?" she replied, leveling a pistol at the head of a middle aged man seated at the master computer control. "Is it Dr. Rabour?"
The man looked up with disdain at Lady Raquel. "All bank and treasury accounts world wide have been emptied into your computer network."
Lady Raquel smiled at her attackers with intense self satisfaction. "See what a good job a man can do with a gun to his head and his families'! Now I will make my ransom demands to the world governments!"
"What are you going to demand?" Power Princess asked.
"One billion dollars from each nation state and financial entity!" answered Lady Raquel, with an unearthly, sinister cackle.
"Ah...Lady Raquel...?" Dr. Rabour said.
"What is it you pointed headed tech nerd?!"
"You already have all the money in the world...they can't pay ransom if you possess all the currency on the planet."
For a moment, Lady Raquel stared in befuddlement.
"Raquel...he's right..." Max put in. Suddenly, Lady Raquel's right eye began to twitch violently. Dread swept threw Max as he watched Raquel pivot on her heels, aiming the gun at Power Princess and Agent Miki. "I think I'll off girly girl number two first!"
As Lady Raquel clicked back the hammer on her automatic, Max leaped forward, pushing the gun from her grasp. Dr. Rabour hefted a small fire extinguisher from beside his desk and crowned Lady Raquel on the back of her head. The villianess moaned painfully and muttered "Night...Daddy..." before hitting the floor, unconscious.
Dr. Rabour rapidly began typing a reversal of the Mabuse code.
"Dr. Mabuse's family was safely rescued from the Sisterhood of evil agents that were holding them captive," Power Princess told Max and Agent Miki. "But Gwen and her boy Ethan escaped."
Max nodded his head with regret. "It's okay, Gwen was a nice girl basically and I'm glad she's finally found someone who really cares about her!"
"Her partner Cathy seems to have escaped after we captured Lady Raquel in the raid," Power Princess reported.
"She may be trouble in the future," Max remarked. "But what about our future, ladies?"
The trio was walking toward Max's 1935 Dusenberg Phaeton after finishing mop up work at Sisterhood of Evil's headquarters. Lady Raquel had already been transported to jail.
"You can't have it both ways, Max!" Agent Miki announced. "It has to be one of us!"
"Why break up such a great crime fighting duo over me," Max argued. "I'm man enough for both of you!"
"I for one am not sharing your manhood with anyone!" said Power Princess.
"He's my man!" Agent Miki countered.
"No, he's mine!"
Max knew this conflict was going to happen at some point and had prepared for it. When Power Princess and Agent Miki climbed into the back seat, still bickering, Max leaned in from the front and sprayed gas in both their faces. The girls felt like they were drifting on clouds.
"I think both you ladies are going to fall in love with me and be very happy with a three way arrangement," Max said seductively. "Don't you ladies think so?"
"Yeeesss..." slipped from both crime fighter's lips. "We love you Max!"
Max sprayed another dose of gas in their faces and they settled into relaxed sleep, Miki's head resting on Power Princess' shoulder.
Max, smiling broadly, drove home.
Cool conclusion, my friend. Lady Raquel snapping at both Max ("YOU BACKSLIDING SNAKE!") and Justice Force ("THAT SPANDEX-CLAD ARMY OF LESBIANS!) was a highlight for me... Ditto the sleeping superheroine finale. Congrats on a fun tale, well told! TZ
ReplyDeleteNeat story. I'm actually a fan of the "silenced sentry" story. Any thought to doing another story where a bunch of female guards need to be dealt with?
ReplyDeleteYes I am contemplating another. Thanks for the suggestion!