Fighting Arianna would be an uphill battle, Will decided. The African-American amazon possessed a pretty face and an inviting smile, but she had a completely accurate reputation for being an expert fighter, who enjoyed beating a male senseless in the ring as she did bedding him down.
The white girl standing next to Arianna, blond Nikki, had minimal ring experience. Will had watched her fight at the club and saw her do well against a female in her weight class, but witnessed her being trounced by the three men she took on. Like her partner in this match against Will, Nikki was enthusiastic about mixed ring combat.
As Emma introduced the fighters to the largely female spectators, Will calculated who he stood a better chance of fucking. He speculated on a possible three way and then dismissed it. Unless they were a little crazy, two straight girls would not want to be naked with each other, even if the guy participating was going to leave them purring like kittens when it was over. Will would concentrate on Nikki. Along with elegant brutality, Arianna practiced monogamy with boyfriends. Arianna had recently moved in with Will's friend Marc, and Will didn't want to upset his buddy's domestic happiness.
I'll punch out Nikki, he concluded, stepping forward from his corner, amid a shower of "BOOS!" And work on Arianna. Who knows what could happen?
"Nikki and I flipped a coin," Arianna said proudly to Will as three fighters stood facing each other. "And I won...I'm going to be the one to knock your ass out!"
"Promises, promises...." Will replied, looking over both girls. Nikki, the more scantily dressed of the pair, seemed to be the one with the least confidence.
"I should just knock you out right now!" Arianna continued. "But I want Nikki to see what you have to do to humiliate a true jerk."
At Emma's orders, all three touched gloves.
Will bolted from his corner, ducking out of Arianna's path and extending his left foot in front of hers.
As the amazon sailed to the canvas, Will swung to his right and punched Nikki in the stomach. "OOOFFFF!!" shot from the newbie's mouth. Will stepped back one pace and fired a right upper cut at Nikki's chin.
Fireworks exploded vividly for Nikki as her head shot back as far as her neck allowed. The girl boxer's body, bent in an arch, followed her head to the canvas.
Nikki lay prone, eyes going in and out of focus, until she was asleep.
Will spun around and saw Arianna on her feet, gloves raised.
"Nikki's taking a nap, your turn, Arianna!"
"My ass!" shouted Arianna.
Arianna's fists hit their target before Will's did. The punches stung, reminding Will how strong his opponent was and, more importantly, how much stamina she possessed.
Will threw a left-right combination at Arianna's midsection. Arianna flinched vaguely and slugged Will on the jaw.
Instantly, Will was laying on the canvas. Emma the Ref, who had rested the unconscious Nikki upright in a neutral corner, was now counting Will out.
The inside of his head were rolling directionless as Will repeated to himself each number Emma called out.
Until "SIX!", Will stared admiringly at Nikki, whose gloves lay suggestively over crotch, her legs spread out in wide "V."
Then Will dropped back into reality and, grabbing one rope at a time, beat the count by one digit.
Okay, he told himself, time to act like an asshole!
Will approached Arianna rapidly, shifting side to side. Bending beneath her right hook, Will stomped his foot down on Arianna's extended left boot and slammed her exposed belly. The amazon doubled over, squinting from the pain. Arianna never saw Will's right upper cut, just heard the "THWAP!!" of the leather of his glove pasting her on the chin.
The ring froze for Arianna, rigidity clutching her entire body. Will looked into her wide, liquid brown eyes that stared back in blank glassiness. The lids began to droop downward as Arianna formed soft syllables with her motionless lips.
Will hammered Arianna on the button of her chin. Arianna instantly went to sleep. She was on the canvas, eyes closed, head turned to the side, gloved hands with her fists turned up. All this told Emma the Ref Ariiana was deeply knocked out and confirmed by the solid whites she saw when Emma thumbed the defeated warrioress' eyes.
"Congratulations Will, you knocked Arianna out," Emma stated. "I'm not bothering with a count. Get her feet."
Emma the Ref and Will propped Arianna next to Nikki and Will took digital pictures of the pair of unconscious fighters.
As they carried the slumbering Arianna, who sighed for Marc, to the recovery room, Will mourned again that the amazon wasn't the cheating type. Then he went back outside to check on Nikki. She had regained consciousness, but wobbled as she walked toward him in the ring.
"You knocked me out...." she murmured slowly.
"You still want to fight me? You better not, Nikki. I'd say you're spent."
Nikki lifted her hands to chest level, extending them at Will. "Let's go, Will!"
Will's left hook caught Nikki flush on the jaw. The girl smiled and sagged downward. Will caught the koed lovely over his shoulder and brought her to the recovery room.
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