Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Donna, Will and Karen

Donna knew what Will was about from the way he looked at her tits. "Submissive worship" was the phrase for what she saw and went after him.
After they worked out at the Amazonia Boxing Club, she invited to her house for a beer. As they sat in her back yard talking, Donna's initial suspicions were confirmed. Will's eyes focused alternately on her chest and her expertly developed biceps, leaving Will response to anything she said a few seconds behind.
"Hey, let's fight, Will!" suggested Donna, putting up her fists. "Wanna fight me?!"
Will couldn't agree fast enough and helped Donna spread the thick, blue wrestling mats on the lawn.
"Think you can beat me, Will?" she asked, coyly flicking a few punches at his head. As they circled closer to each other, Donna could see Will's attention was directed on her chest and biceps...and not her fists.
"I'll fucking knock you out!" Will answered.
"Not in the ring, sweetie!" said Donna. "Maybe in the sack, but not in a boxing match! You like fighting slutty women with big tits!?"
"I'll tell you when you wake up, Donna!"
"Oh, yeah?"
He hasn't thrown a punch yet, observed Donna to herself. Trying to provoke me! Well, here it comes!
Usually, Donna was careful at this stage of any match with a man she didn't know, even after she decided he was looking to get beat up by a woman. Some guys were sadists in disguise. But not this one, she thought as she stepped in and slugged Will in the midsection.
"Night-night!" she told the doubled over male and landed a right hook . Will dropped immediately to the mats.
"Come on, get up!!" Donna ordered her unmoving victim. After a few seconds, she rolled Will over on his back and unzipped his jeans. Reaching down the front of his briefs, Donna felt the particular personal satisfaction she derived from clasping an erection. She rubbed it vigorously until Will came and then looked at Will's face, to confirm the smile she already knew would be there.

They had sex all night.
 When she asked him if he remembered being masturbated while out cold, Will detailed an erotic dream of fucking Wonder Woman against the turnbuckle of a boxing ring.
"Did you service her or her you?" Donna asked, during a break in the love making.
"I pleasured the warrior princess."
It disappointed Donna the next morning when she realized Will wasn't the one. He was close, very close, in fact, to the submissive lover or "Gentle" she was after. Will expressed his desire to be knocked out a little too clearly, leaving Donna little to stalk for in a potential mate. But the sex had been fantastic and she liked Will for that. So much, that she knew she should introduce him to Karen.

The next day, Donna showed Will to her friend, who was in the middle of working a speed bag at the Amazonia. For a moment, Will could say nothing.

Clad in red boxing gloves, dark black shorts and a sleeveless athletic top that enhanced her cantaloupe breasts and contrasted with her smooth skin. Her dirty blond hair was pulled back in a "I mean business" pony tail, that rested at the base of her neck. A slim strand of hair fell between the hazel eyes that drilled into Will. Her expression made him wonder if she was about to punch him out.
"Hey, handsome!" said Karen, steading the speed bag. She swaggered to Will, her gloves at chest level. Karen's pink lips curled into a smile.
"Know what you are?" she asked Will, poking her right glove in his chest, nudging him back slightly. "You are a Gentle, a guy who wants women to beat him up. I knock out a Gentle every day, because I'm a Rough and Roughs knock out Gentles, rule of nature. Am I right?"
Good old Karen, Donna thought, never one for preliminaries.
"Yeah..." Will muttered, his eyes wide as saucers.
"Of course I am." Karen clasped Will's hand in her two gloves and lead him to an empty dressing room a few feet away. Shutting the door, she quickly embraced Will in a long kiss. "I usually go with women, but I need a guy, too. One guy is all. Are you it?"
Before Will could blurt "Yes!", Karen pressed her lips to his. In one quick motion, Karen shed her right boxing glove and deftly removed both of her breasts. Will kissed them immediately, reveling in the white smoothness of her skin and the feel of the pink nipples on his tongue. Karen pressed his face into her cleavage.
"Will?" she asked him.
"Yeah?" He looked up expecting to have the rest of her clothes off in seconds.
Waiting outside, Donna heard the sharp "WHAP!" of  leather hitting skin, followed by "OHHHHFFF!" Inside, she found Karen tucking her breasts back into her top and Will sprawled on the floor, out cold and smiling.
"Tell lover boy, when he comes around, that I'm going to publically beat his ass next Friday night!"
"It's true love, then, Karen?"
The blond ignored Donna's sarcasm and knelt down by Will. Clasping his chin with her free hand, she titled his face up right and kissed him.
"He'll probably love every minute of it," Karen remarked as she left the dressing room.

Donna was in Will's corner as she promised she would be when he came out of Karen's knockout. The pair had spent that night together, even though Will was over his head in love with Karen. He had been powerfully aroused by being laid out by the big blond and Donna was equally stoked by seeing Will prone.
Dressed exactly as he had for the first encounter with Will, Karen sat against the turnbuckle, banging her gloves together, as her lover, Desiree, rubbed her shoulders. Looking at Karen from across the ring, Donna and Will knew how the match would end and they both anticipated it.
The start of round one was cheered by the entire female membership of the Amazonia, who were ringside. Will probed Karen with a few punches to see what she would do. After giving Will a half a minute to put on a show for the spectators, Karen slammed her right fist directly in his face.
When Will's eyes opened, he was on his back at the edge of the ring, Donna imploring him to wake up. He began to stand when Emma the Ref called out "Six!"
"Didn't cum yet?" Karen taunted.
"Bitch!" Will answered, his voice and legs unsteady. "Bitch!"
Karen knew the trick: Gentles try to instigate their Rough into giving them the beating they crave before she's ready to give it.
"That's so cute, sweetheart!"
Karen walked into Will, unleashing punches all over his body. Will's arms instinctively closed around his torso, but Karen could see his eyes rolling with pleasure. Will was sunk against the ropes when the bell rang, ending the round.
Donna knew Will was too dazed from the beating and too high from arousal to hear her. "It's over this round, Will," she said in his ear. "Karen's going to knock you out, take the pain away for awhile."
The bell for round two clanged.
Donna kissed Will's cheek. "Good night, Will!"
Will grunted and pushed off the stool to met Karen, who seemed to move toward him like a bride walking down a church aisle. A few inches from her new lover, Karen uncorked a right to Will's chin, that almost knocked him out cold. But he stayed standing.
"It's time, Will, it's time!!" Karen whispered.
The follow up blow hammered its target hard on the jaw. There was a wave of pain and then a fade to numbness. Will's vision began to retract into darkness.
"I own you now, hear me Gentle! You're gonna wake up as my personal possession!"
Will thrilled at Karen's words, shouted through the distortion of the KO daze he was sinking into rapidly. The ring began to spin.
Karen's right upper cut lifted Will a few inches from the canvas. One long scream of pleasure came from the spectators.
"Yes!" Donna shouted, strangling the ropes.
"Fuck you!" Karen began screaming at Will, who was unconscious at her feet. "Fuck you, you are my bitch!"
Emma the Ref inserted herself between victor and victim, pushing Karen back and waving Donna into the ring. Karen shoved back, screaming, "Count his ass out! Do it, Emma!"
Emma the Ref ignored her and pressed the blond back, this time into the restraining arms of Desiree.
Donna and Emma sat Will up, but he was lifeless. Donna waved smelling salts under his nostrils and he jerked awake. The two women carefully walked him back to his corner.
"He's mine!" Karen yelled across the ring, half breaking from Desiree's arms. "He's mine!"


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