Wednesday, September 10, 2014

La Ninata

Britney Perez punched above her weight, so occasionally she got decked. Her nickname at the Amazonia Boxing Club was "La Ninata," because she was short and despite being 26, had retained her girlish appearance, but mostly because she was so antagonistic in the ring. Her best fights were against women her own height, Like Desiree and Desiree's girlfriend, May.
"I knocked both of those concha's out cold!" Britney told a then boyfriend and the statement was accurate. Both challengers ended their match asleep on the canvas.
Against male opponents, Britney usually held her own. She punched out a few guys who could not look away from her dusky beauty and ample tits. Most of the other mixed matches were won on points, but Will knocked Britney out cold in round five. The loss did not discourage Britney, who seduced Will a week after the fight.
The sensation of being taken by a man never happened to "La Ninata" until she encountered Marcus Apted.
Unti recently, Apted had slept with any woman he could charm the pants off of. Now he was joined romantically and professionally to Paula, his assistant in high end burglary. Paula had thrived under Apted's mentoring and was a skilled scout for wealthy targets. She was also very committed to their personal relationship. Apted would fuck another woman when Paula was out of town scouting, but these were flings. He knew he had a lucrative partnership and wasn't going to damage it.

The fight between Britney and Apted was brief, but stimulating for both participants. Britney delivered her challenge to Apted when Paula was not around, which peaked Apted's interest.
Britney hit hard and moved fast, as previous male opponents informed Apted. But he was taller ans stronger and eventually began to dominate.
At the bell for round four, they came out quickly. Britney's eyes, alive with aggression and arousal, walked into Apted's right as it arched out in a looping round house.
La Ninata only heard the explosion of leather smacking her jaw. Flashing lights obliterated everything and Britney dropped into a dreamy slumber.
Apted knew the exhilaration of watching a female boxer, limp and unconscious, loaded onto a stretcher and carried from the ring. Britney was out for an hour.

For a month after the bout, Britney felt weak in the knees when she thought of Apted. He hadn't simply put her lights out, Apted had demolished Britney. Britney remembered going out from the right not as losing consciousness, but as ecstatic surrender to Apted's masculine power. At the end of the month, Britney found herself naked and supine in Apted's bed.
The feeling Britney was consumed by could be described as "love," but that was too vague. She needed Apted all the time. This was fine for the week Paula was gone, but Paula was possessive of her mentor-lover and Apted ended things with La Ninata.
"For your own safety," he explained.
Britney was very unhappy and she told everyone in the womens locker room that she was still banging Marcus Apted every night. The gossip moved fast, reaching Paula in two days.

Paula confronted Apted, who admitted to the infidelity. Paula raged for the entire morning and then banished Apted to the couch for a month. Then she dealt with the problem.
Paula slugged Britney in the gut when La Ninata answered the doorbell. Stepping passed the girl boxer, Paula yanked her rival inside and slammed the door shut. A second punch, to the face, put Britney on the floor.
"Know who I am, Little Brat!?" demanded Paula and slugged Britney again. "Bet you can guess, Miss Cum Dump!"
Britney was clearly dazed, so Paula landed two punches to her mid section.
"Marcus Apted's penis is my personal possession! Am I clear?!"
Britney started to form a response, but Paula hammered her chin. Paula hauled her back to her feet. "Look at Marcus again and you are dead! Understood?"
Britney nodded weakly.
"Good! Say good night!"
Paula worked Britney over for a full minute. La Ninata faded quickly, her body going numb from the beating. Suddenly the room was dark and the sound was off. Amid the barrage of fists, Paula hit the sweet spot on Britney's jaw and the girl boxer went down for the count.
Hours later, sleep drained from Britney's skull. The bathroom mirror reflected Britney bruised black and blue, eyes circled with dark purple. She wasn't obsessed with Apted anymore.

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