Monday, September 9, 2019

Who is Stronger?

Atomic Girl has the moves, Simon Copperfield admitted to himself. In the two, pay-per-view charity benefit fights, Atomic Girl, senior agent with Justice Force, worked over and knocked out Copperfield's two henchgirls, Ling Tanchun and Ursula Martinson.
Just before the first fight, Atomic Girl declared publicly, "These two women might be desirable to men, but they'll be useless against a real woman!" The accuracy of that judgment hurt Copperfield in retrospect, both women were his romantic partners.

Ling accepted Atomic Girl's challenge confidently. The technology and combat expert assured Copperfield that she would be the winner.
"Miss Big Boobs will be asleep  by round three," Ling forecast moments before strutting past the cameras and the cheering crowds to the main ring of the Amazonia Boxing Club, which hosted the bouts.
Copperfield and Ursula watched, helpless and entranced, Atomic Girl clobber Ling over the course of four rounds. A heartless "WHACK!!" silenced everyone in the gym. Ling shot into the air over the ring, eyes shut, mouth agape, limbs dangling.
When she regained consciousness in a Justice Force infirmary bed, Ling couldn't remember hitting the canvas. She slumbered peacefully through Emma the Ref's ten count and was removed on a gurney by two Justice Force agents.
Atomic Girl swaggered to Copperfield and Ursula.
"One in custody and one to go!" she purred, staring at Ursula. "You're next, sweetheart."

Copperfield pleaded with Ursula not to fight Atomic Girl.
The Nordic blonde was busty and wore a pair of boxer's braids, didn't have the same skill set as Ling. Immensely attractive and a pretty good actress, Ursula could keep security guards occupied for the time required to apply a blackjack to their skulls. She was the girl in a brawl that the crime fighters always ignored. Once it looked like Lady Puma and Atomic Girl were about to subdue Copperfield and Ling, but Ursula appeared from nowhere and smashed a vase over each of the do-gooder's heads. The criminals were long gone when Good Girls came around.
Copperfield would dearly miss Ursula's considerable "assets" if she lost the fight.

Atomic Girl had seen molls like Ursula before and felt sorry for them. It was clear that Ursula had mistaken Copperfield's sexual ardor, henchgirl paycheck, and super villain accommodations as signals of Copperfield's genuine love. So she ended the fight quickly.
A hard gut shot winded the blonde. A well-executed upper cut whipped out Ursula for the count.
Angry, Copperfield could only watch Ursula being counted and carried out. With sexy arrogance, Atomic Girl challenged Copperfield to a KOs only match.
"Any time!" he agreed. "But if I put you out, you have to release Ling and Ursula!"
"Fine by me!"  Atomic Girl banged her gloves together. "Oh, yeah!"

The sports bra Atomic Girl wore for the fight against Copperfield was slightly tighter than the one she usually wore. The Justice Force file on her opponent revealed he was a breast man. He needs to see the nips, she decided.
"You know when I first got interested in you, Simon?" asked Atomic Girl amid a flurry of exchanged punches.
First name basis now? Copperfield wondered. "When?"
"The Catan Heist in New York. You were in an epic fight with Lady Puma."
Months earlier, Copperfield and his hench-girls attempted to steal the ancient Catan Tapestries at the Metropolitan Museum and were foiled by Justice Force operatives, lead by Lady Puma and Atomic Girl. Lady Puma managed to take out Ling, after she demolished a number of Justice Force agents. She then turned on Copperfield. He and the others would have been apprehended if not for Ursula.
"You in love with me now, Atomic Girl?"
"More than that!" countered the crime fighter. "I have plans for you."
Typical female, out to reform every man!, thought Copperfield, slugging Atomic Girl hard on the jaw.
"Good shot, hammer dick!" she exclaimed. "Welcome to phase one!"
Copperfield was wondering what Atomic Girl was laughing so joyously at, but gave up when he fell past her. Copperfield flopped into warm blackness.

"Where...?" asked Copperfield when he came awake. Feeling around, he learned he was on a large, comfortable bed. At least I'm not in jail, he thought.
"You're right where you belong."
Atomic Girl, now in a white negligee, sat on the bed beside her captive. "My bedroom."
"What about the match?"
"I knocked you into Dreamland in front of all those women. It was great!"
"And Ling and Ursula?"
"Them?" Copperfield took a kiss from Atomic Girl as her hand slipped beneath the blanket. "We'll tale about that later."

Somewhere between the sixth and seventh monster orgasm, Copperfield fell stupid in love with the woman who beat him up. Every red flag and warning bell triggered, warning him that this was a serious error. Every time the buxom good girl smiled, the bells were drowned out.
At 8 a.m. the next morning, Atomic Girl let Copperfield have a rest.
"We need to talk, Simon."
"About what?"
"Our future."
"Future" detonated in Copperfield's brain. "How do you mean?"
"If I release Ling and Ursula, this becomes permanent."
"But I have responsibilities to those two!"
"Got a service contract with Ling and Blondie?" Atomic Girl sneered. "Well, the contract is terminated. Or the three of you end up in the federal pen."
Copperfield looked over the naked woman facing him and sighed in contented resignation.
"Okay, I don't want them in jail..."
Atomic Girl giggled like a school girl as she grabbed her cell phone.
"This is Atomic Girl. Yes. Immediately release Ling Tanchun and Ursula Martinson. We have no further grounds for holding them. Yes. Right away. Good."
Atomic Girl rolled over to her new true love and kissed him. Copperfield had to admit Atomic Girl had the moves.