Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Beaten Edge of Senselessness

The match between Gail and Kaylee was ending in a clinch. Gail, older and slightly taller, was mostly supporting the twenty-five year old blond. Kaylee sagged against the short haired brunette, her face nearly buried in Gail's cleavage, The only proof that Kaylee was still awake were the "oooommmfffs!" and "uuuuhhhsss!" the beaten fighter emitted when Gail sporadically beat her mid section.
Both women were topless. That was how Gail wanted it.
"You in sleepy land?" asked Gail, after slugging Kaylee in the belly. She felt Kaylee's lips press against her left tit and, in turn, Gail kissed the scalp beneath the pile of chemical yellow hair resting under her chin.
Slowly, Kaylee raised her face to Gail's, the older woman she started dating three weeks ago. Gail wanted sex with Kaylee the moment they met in the women's locker room of the Amazonia Boxing Club. When Gail spotted the black roots of the blonde's hair, she knew Kaylee had to be her punching bag before she became anything else.

"I own you, sweetie, you understand?" Gail asked. Kaylee couldn't answer through the waves of haze sloshing in her skull. Knifing pain rattled Kaylee when Gail drove a fist into the younger girl's belly button. "You understand?"
Kaylee's head rolled from side to side. She was on the beaten edge of senselessness.
Balancing the blonde's swaying head on the edge of her left glove, Gail pitched her right behind her back and let it fly forward.
Kaylee let out a sharp "oooohhhfff!" after the impact lifted her into outer space. Stars glowed everywhere as Kaylee floated contentedly and she was out cold.

Sitting beside her prone lover, Gail began the ten count, slow and soft, whispering each number to Kaylee, as she removed her own gloves.
"Ten!...You're out!..." Gail murmured in Kaylee's ear and kissed the sleeping beauty. Gently, Gail caressed Kaylee's breasts, reveling in their smooth fullness.
Gail carried the completely limp Kaylee to her dressing room, where they made love when Kaylee came around five minutes later.