"Are you going to wear that?"
Jasmine glanced down at the half inch gold anhk resting on the flesh above her breasts.
"Of course I am."
"What if I punch you there? I could hurt you!'
"No, you won't." Jasmine gave Sam an appreciative smile.
"I might." Sam insisted.
"You won't punch my breasts."
Jasmine's voice sounded like she had faith in her male opponent. She had been sure of Sam since she met him a month ago.
"I will!"
"You won't."
Jasmine was right. Sam had boxed a number of women since joining the Amazonia Boxing Club. In all those fights, he never intentionally hit an opponent's tits. Standing in the ring with Jasmine, he was ready to fight but Sam was distracted by the anhk that hung from a black string against Jasmine's chocolate-brown skin.
"I know you better, Sam. You wouldn't." Sam stepped closer to Jasmine, looking at her pretty face and neck. "Sure i would, I fight that way!"
"No, you don't sweetheart, " Jasmine purred deeply. "But I do!"
Jasmine's right hooked Sam on the jaw. he didn't see the punch coming or feel its impact. One instant he was kissing Jasmine's breasts with his eyes and then he was flat on the canvas, unconscious.
"Should I even bother counting him out?" Emma the Ref asked, surveying the knocked out male slumped against the ropes between Jasmine and herself.
"No..I wouldn't..." Jasmine was pleased that yet another knock out punch had exactly the effect she calculated. "They're so cute after you punch them out!"
Jasmine was on both knees beside Sam, adoring the defeated fighter.
"What should I tell him when he wakes up?" Emma asked.
"Did you see it? The yearning in Sam's eyes, he would have fucked me right here in front of you...and I knocked him cold! Sam must be so happy right now!"
Emma rolled her eyes at Jasmine's protruding nipples.
Along with Jasmine, Emma knew a few girls from the small clique at the Amazonia known as The Roughs. The group baffled Emma. They sought out men who wanted to be beaten senseless by women in combat. What astounded Emma even more was how many solid relationships, even a few marriages, grew from this violent courtship. Emma decided that some alchemy happened when a Rough found her perfect "Gentle," as they called their male victims.
"Jasmine, are you in love?" Emma vainly tried to communicate sarcasm.
"What?" Jasmine snapped. "Tell Sam I expect a better performance at our next meeting." She handed Emma the anhk from around her neck. "Make sure he gets this."
"Okay. Should I tell Sam you two are married now?"
"No, I'll handle that."
While the women carried Sam to the recovery room, the boxer dreamed Jasmine was laying on his bed naked, her arms extended in invitation to him. Sam embraced and kissed Jasmine with gentle intent.
A few days later Jasmine checked on Sam as if it was another woman and not her who had laid him out. She'd encountered a number of Gentles and knew Sam wouldn't be angry. Jasmine figured, correctly, that Sam was in the early stages of intense erotic attachment to her. She invited Sam to her house for dinner and another try in the ring.
"I have a ring in my basement," Jasmine said. "We'll be completely alone."
Sam saw himself fucking Jasmine passionately against the ropes, Jasmine gasping "Come to mama!" in his ear.
A note for Sam was taped to the front door of Jasmine's house.
"Go in. I went to the supermarket, I'll be right back."
Pocketing the note, Sam walked into small, neat house, surrounded by freshly cut lawn. The hallway lead to a sparsely decorated living room and a smaller, efficient looking kitchen. Sam drifted to Jasmine's bedroom, the only room with the door closed. Clicking on the flash light he retrieved from the kitchen table, Sam pushed open the door and explored Jasmine's sleeping quarters.
The second bureau drawer he pulled open revealed two neat piles of Jasmine's underwear. They were a mix of silk and cotton panties that reflected yellow, pink, black and red in the narrow beam of light. when Sam lifted a pair of black silk panties, he saw a slip of paper that had the message "Look to the left, honey stick!" in female script.
Sam looked over his shoulder as a fist flashed from the darkness, pounding his face. He spun into darkness.
Sam could see the blurred outline of Jasmine dressed in black boxing trunks and matching sports bra. She was lacing a boxing glove to his left hand.
"Hey sweetie," the smiling blur said. "How is my dirty boy feeling?"
In spite of the swirling in his head, Sam enjoyed hearing Jasmine talk that way. Focusing on the woman before him,Sam got to his feet. "You want to fight, Jasmine?"
As Sam banged both of his gloves together, Jasmine smirked and strutted with feline grace to her corner. Sam was enthralled with her ass and legs.
They battered each other for the first round. Josephine wondered if she shouldn't have knocked Sam out so quickly. And, as she pinned him on one of the turnbuckles, Jasmine felt the sweet rush that came from punching a male she found attractive. The feelings controlled her.
In the second round, Sam ducked a right hook from Jasmine and launched a left to her belly. Sam looked into Jasmine's eyes as she clinched her arms to her mid section in anger and pain.
His fist sliced into a space between the girl's parted gloves, detonating on her lower jaw, flipping her back. Jasmine watched the world swirl into blackness. Her eyes fluttered desperately when she hit the canvas and then closed softly.
Sam counted Jasmine out. Pulling off his gloves, Sam reached down, his hand grazing Jasmine's thighs, and scooped up the girl in his arms, carrying her back to the bedroom.
Jasmine lay still on the bed. Removing the anhk from his pocket, Sam placed the pendant between Jasmine's breasts. When she awoke a minute later, Jasmine felt the cool metal shape on chest and clasped in her hand, grinning dreamily at Sam.
"You're my good, dirty boy," she purred at him. Jasmine felt a shiver when they embraced and kissed.