Thursday, July 9, 2009

How I Met Tammy

A few days later Tammy showed up at the gym. Along with her were two female friends from the nearby college, where Tammy was a P.E. and women's studies major. She was looking for me.

"Are you Will the asshole who beat up our sister, Paolina?" I heard behind me. I turned from the speed bag I was working out on and saw Tammy, a cute bespectacled Asian girl with an athletic build, big tits and a cute as hell pony tail. Her serious intent was amplified by her shimmering blue eyes.

"Yes I am," I answered.

"I'm here to avenge Paolina and put you in your place!" Anger really became Tammy, so I egged her on. "Avenge? Paolina seemed pretty happy with me the next morning."

"You exploited her low self-esteem to bed her down," Tammy correctly asserted. "You should pay!"

"How?" I asked, as if I didn't know.

"In the ring in ten minutes?"

"Whenever you're ready, honey!"

Tammy turned abruptly on her heels and made for the women's lockers, followed by her two friends.

Five minutes later, Tammy strode into the ring and my jaw dropped. She might have been an annoying feminist, but her body was astounding. Her nice round breasts like perfect orbs of flesh and well-developed legs held my gaze until Tammy was directly in my face.

"You ready to get what you deserve, Will?"

"When you want to start...wait a minute, your glasses Tammy! Take off or you'll get hurt bad!"

"Oh yeah," I helped Tammy remove her glasses and she handed them carefully to one of her seconds.

"Okay Will, ready?" Tammy asked turning back to me ready to battle.

POW!!! The impact of my right cross smacking Tammy's jaw reverberated around the gym. For a glorious moment, Tammy's lovely eyes went rapidly out of focus and then she gave me a grin that beamed pleasure.

Her tumbling drop to the cavass was poetry. Tammy landed flat on her back, arms out, tits up and lights out. I gave her a ten count, but Tammy didn't even twitch.

Her two seconds, looking exasperated, lifted Tammy under her arms and knees.

"Knocked out again, look at that!" the taller of the two seconds declared. "Tammy has to learn she can't fight every guy she imagines she's mad at. We'll take care of her." They carried Tammy to the women's locker. She recovered five minutes later.

Later that evening, Tammy called me. We met for a few drinks and went back to my place. Tammy was as a screamer.

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